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Is Mike Stone Going Over to the Dark Side?

October 6, 2020


Sometimes I wish I had no morals. I could make a fortune working for the enemy. Wealth, power, women ... I could have it all, as long as I didn't object to swindling the American people. As long as I had no remorse for lying, cheating, and stealing, the world would be my oyster.

Do you watch the talking heads on television? All of them lying with a straight face? I could do that. 

by Mike Stone

Six months into the biggest and most ridiculous hoax ever perpetrated on the American people (and the entire world), the sheep in my neighborhood continue to wear their masks and march like obedient little slaves. 

I'm not talking about wearing a mask in a store, which is mandatory where I live (LA) or they won't let you in, but walking down the sidewalk alone on a bright and sunny day with no one else around. 

Or, even worse, driving in a car with the windows rolled up. I can't tell you how many times I've observed that. I want to tell these people, "Don't you realize it's all fake?", but my previous attempts to do so have met with hostility. 

Mark Twain was certainly right when he said it's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.

Now it's one thing to have been fooled when this hoax first broke. 

Unless you are a frequent reader of this and other similar websites, I can see how a certain segment of the population was taken in. But now? Six months later with virtually no one dying from the alleged virus, and practically no one knowing anyone that has allegedly died of the virus? 

Well, if you've ever studied history and marveled at the delusion of the masses at times of world events, now you understand how they were swayed. Human beings do not think rationally. Never have and never will.

At this point, I wonder if it's less about a fear of the alleged virus than fear of differing from the herd. To not go along with this madness, or even to question it, sets one apart from the mob and people don't like that. They want to fit in, even if fitting in leads to their own imprisonment or even their own death. Better to fit in and die than to stand apart, a rebel, and live.

All of which becomes even more perplexing when you consider the popularity of the rebel in popular culture. James Dean, Marlon Brando, Jack Nicholson ... all immensely popular because they dared to buck the system. Americans idolize them for it. Yet in their own lives, these same Americans prefer to live like sheep.

Sometimes I wish I had no morals. I could make a fortune working for the enemy. Wealth, power, women ... I could have it all, as long as I didn't object to swindling the American people. As long as I had no remorse for lying, cheating, and stealing, the world would be my oyster.

Do you watch the talking heads on television? All of them lying with a straight face? I could do that. 

You could probably do it too. Only there's that darn morality creeping in. That conscience telling me it's not right. Which leads me to another theory why so many people are so willing to accept such a lie as the scamdemic: People accept the lie because their own life is one big lie. 

They're married to someone they don't love. They're embezzling money from their employer. They're committing sins of lust, sins of pride and selfishness, sins of abortion, you name it. 

To question the lie that their own government is shoving in their face would require them to confront the lies they themselves are living. And that's the scariest thing of all.

Mike Stone is the author of A New America, the first novel of the Alt-Right, a dark comedy set on Election Day 2016 in Los Angeles - - Available on Amazon.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Is Mike Stone Going Over to the Dark Side?"

Tony B said (October 6, 2020):

Brings me back to when I began reading pre-V2 Catholic writings. Was such a deep breath of fresh air to at last read straight truths with Catholic writers frankly admitting the Church's mistakes down the centuries (a necessity to correcting them), as well as giving credit to adversaries where due, two things that can't exist in protestantism because that religion is BASED ON LIES, making it hard for protestants to ever see the real picture, the real motivation and by whom, of events. Protestantism has no choice but to lie or self-destruct as it is a protest against the one religion created and set up by God Himself (after He had fulfilled His Israelite shadow of the new law of love for one another to follow. Unfortunately, the whole English speaking world is overwhelmingly protestant.

Pieter (Netherlands) said (October 6, 2020):

Love Mike Stones' contributions, but I think he's mistaken when he writes:

"People accept the lie because their own life is one big lie. (...)
To question the lie that their own government is shoving in their face would require them to confront the lies they themselves are living. And that's the scariest thing of all."

To me, it seems more that most people cannot understand the size and the pervasiveness of the web of lies they are told by 'people of importance' since childhood.

This means that the average person is in fact too innocent, through his honesty. (And besides that, too lazy for actual rational thinking.)

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your much-needed work!

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at