COVID Vaccine is The Mark of the Beast
October 18, 2020

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October 18, 2020
Kevin Boyle said (October 19, 2020):
Your Quote: " ...They plan to pit us against each other in a civil war. We will be shooting each other instead of the people who intend to enslave or exterminate us."
The last video (for what it's worth) that I Made was about this, Henry:
A book that focuses on this issue is "I saw Lucifer Fall From Heaven Like Lightening" by Rene Girard.
JJ said (October 18, 2020):
All of these articles and warnings are great and should better help all of us prepare for the future but they are missing something.
Right now we have a group of people ruling over us that are scoundrels. They want a reset. They want to round us up and discipline us and put us in camps etc.
Can I just say something?
From their standpoint, since we have allowed them over many, many years to gain this power, they see under their authority a bunch of people who are not honorable and who will cheat the government at the drop of a hair from their head. Psalm 76:10 says, "Surely the wrath of man shall praise you (God)." (NKJV)
So when they want to bring AI to police say, our transit systems, because no one wants to pay their proper fare and just want to scam the system, can we blame them? When those in authority know that welfare scamming is unprecedented with many people having false names and getting rich off of taxpayers' money, what else are they supposed to do? Sooner or later they will react.
I'm not saying that those in authority are good people but even the wicked ruler will sooner or later react to wickedness. Part of the problem is us as people. We don't want to obey rules.
I have a bunch of friends and acquaintances who totally agree that the Covid pandemic is a scam. But in my opinion, they, themselves, are a scam. Too many of them are on welfare and shouldn't be! A government that at least is trying to do something about discipline is better than nothing.
I would encourage you, Henry, to produce an article that reproves the general public for once. Not just the rulers. We have way too much self-indulgence going on in our societies.
Roger G said (October 18, 2020):
I can only agree with Christine (below) in one respect, it is unlikely the covid vaccine itself will be the mark of the beast as it is to be in the right hand or forehead however ongoing vaccines will indoctrinate the masses to accept mandatory invasive injections and at some point, they will have a fantastic idea as to how to include the medical record with a VeriChip implant:
"It's just another injection like those you have needed to protect you from the disease (that never was)," they will claim.
Christine said (October 18, 2020):
No, the COVID vaccine is not the mark of the beast.
The beast system of Revelation is Judaism (seventh head - slain in 70AD but revived via the Papacy, which is actually the Jewish High Priesthood) + European globalism (10 horns). These are the two evil kings of Daniel 11:27. They are two mafia, who have conspired to create the UN (Spiritual Babylon) but who are now at war for dominance.
The mark of the beast is acceptance in belief or deed of any aspect of the blasphemous Talmud or Zohar.
The second beast of Revelation is Islam: It is in every key respect the mirror image of Talmudic Judaism, and it was invented by the rebellious Jews. 666 is Kabbalistic (e.g.
Just like the Roman Catholics, all Muslims in world history have been tricked by the rebellious Jews into worshipping them. When they recite the Shahada, the Muslims are really saying "Moschiach".
There is no coming physical "mark of the beast". That is a Talmudic deception.
The concepts of the Zohar now permeate EVERYTHING, from religion to the entertainment industry to commerce. Through Kabbalah, the devil has deceived the entire global population.
But the Sanhedrin (the head of the Zionist snake) is wasting its time.
Jesus Christ is coming.
Just said (October 18, 2020):
Bill Gates gleefully promises a second wave that will get the attention of the doubters.
That would undermine the growing resistance, just as 9-11 turned G7 protesters suddenly into potential terrorists.
As to internment facilities, they have shown their hand, there is no turning back.
They must use them on us or find themselves there instead.
JG said (October 18, 2020):
The end game to this whole COVID fiasco is "herd innoculation" for the masses.
To create an urgency for the public to cooperate with this plan the COVID numbers will continue to inflate until the time their lab produced vaccine is ready to be released.
Isn't it odd that the COVID positive numbers are going up with all the mask dawning and anti social distancing going on. Were all these COVID restrictions designed to interfere with our body's ability to fight off colds and the flu? The CDC fears "heard immunity" because it would ruin their whole plan by making a vaccine unnecessary. A cure would also take the need for a vaccine out of play also.
Expect the COVID numbers to keep exploding around the world along with the MSM fear-mongering for some time to come. They have a lot of time and money invested in this operation and they're not gonna let it go anytime soon.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
YI said (October 20, 2020):
The Great Reset is fast turning into the Great Retreat. None of their evil plans will work. Those days of the elites dominating people and imposing their will on the world are gone forever.
If you observe carefully, the elites and their lackeys are in a state of torpor, disillusionment and disarray. What is preventing their speedy and complete climbdown is shame due to failure of all their sinister plans. Rockefeller puppet WHO recently announced that lockdowns are irrational, serve to impoverish poor people, should not be reimposed and no second wave of the (so-called) disease is on its way. In the September 19, 2019, WHO news bulletin, a second covid19 wave was planned for September 2020. September 2020 has passed. The vaccine was to be rolled out in September 2020. Now the date is getting pushed further behind without any definitive stand on the issue. Major shills including Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci are saying the vax won't be mandatory.
So, while plans could be made, the fact is none will be implemented because hundreds of millions of people have awoken to the hoax and most importantly the divine has withdrawn permission to punish humanity - the limited time given to the powers of evil to act with impunity has expired and no wonder the Globalists are faltering and backtracking.
Kabbalists with highly awakened advanced 6th sense say the days of tyranny are ending and a new era based on spirituality is arising in the world.
Moreover, neither Moses nor David nor Daniel nor Elijah or Isaiah had forseen in future times a borderless one world order based on Baal, Baphomet and Moloch worship after mass murdering 90% people in the world but on the contrary the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible proclaims a golden age or a world based on harmony in the future.
As none of these great biblical prophets/seers has prophesied the NWO and genocide thus the Globalists won't succeed.