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Humanity RIP

October 14, 2020

(left, Evelyn de Rothschild and Moose) 

We said that mankind has been hijacked by a satanic cult.

We didn't expect the Illuminati to make it so obvious, so soon. 

"Trailing clouds of glory do we come, from God
who is our home."  - William Wordsworth

by Henry Makow PhD

Visiting New York City as a young man, I found a wallet on the street. There was money and identification in it. 

I took it back to the hotel where I was staying and gave it to the people at the front desk, to turn over to the police. 

They looked at me as if I were an alien. 

I suffered from congenital idealism for most of my life.  I was "innocent" which I regard as arrested development.
I held my elders in high esteem. I bought most of the bullshit peddled by education, government, movies, and the mass media. 

I thought humanity was engaged in a valiant effort to raise itself up both economically and spiritually, and I was eager to play a small part in this glorious endeavor. 


I always had an intuition that the world was governed by a Moral Order, a moral ladder that we climb or descend.

"You can't feel good unless you are good."  (This thinking was behind my game Scruples.)

Plato taught that before birth, our souls bathe in the presence of God. 

Truth, Beauty, Justice, and Love, like light and warmth, are self-evident.  

I couldn't understand why I intuited innate Order and Purpose (God) when there was so much injustice and suffering in the world. 

Society taught that God doesn't exist and we live in an amoral mechanistic universe. This was avante guard thinking!

My soul did not get the memo. I was no longer in heaven. 

It took me more than 50 years to figure out that humanity has been subverted by a satanic cult that wishes to enslave and destroy it. 

The coronahoax demonstrates that practically every social institution has been subverted and rededicated to Satanism, the religion of Death and Destruction.   Satanism is Communism: the control of literally everything by central bankers who are Satanists. 

We aren't just witnessing the breakdown of law and order, but also  basic decency, reason, and common sense. This is an attack on sanity. This is a war against God.

Most people do not understand the peril we face. The governments of the world all have signed on to UN Agenda 21 (Satanist plan for the 21st century) which, under the guise of environmental protection,  is designed to destroy everything we hold dear.  

The satanist New World Order is built on the rubble of Christian civilization. The Great Reset.


The Satanists have deliberately undermined society for centuries and passed it off as "modernism" and "social progress." 

Orchestrated wars destroyed whole generations. Pornography turned us into sex addicts. Gender confusion undermined marriage and families. Stock market speculation distracted millions.  

Thus we are largely unprepared for the greatest crisis in the history of mankind.

If we can't stop the Satanists, mankind is doomed. 

People still love their children but seem unable to assure their future. 

Never before has the cosmic struggle -- Good Versus Evil -- been so blatantly obvious, yet thanks to the MSM, relatively few can see it. 

We were sent here "trailing clouds of glory" to create Heaven on Earth. This is our Mission. 

But because we have been complacent, venal, innocent, and gullible, we are entering a Dark Age --a Hell on Earth-- that
may last forever.   

Humanity is becoming a failed experiment.  

I will return to Heaven from whence we came. 

And mourn forever the demise of God's Creation. So infinitely ingenious. A Monarch butterfly's eye has 1200 portals. So much beauty. So much to celebrate and feel grateful for. 

Ineffable waste. Unspeakable loss.

Related - My Sojourn on Planet Earth    "Humanity is sinking beath the waves, like an ocean liner with all the lights on. This is truly a shame because it has taken hundreds of thousands of years for humanity to raise itself out of the muck, only to descend back into it."

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Humanity RIP"

WW said (October 14, 2020):

You wrote: "And mourn forever the demise of God's Creation."

Au contraire, mon ami, in the book of Revelation, we are told that God will recreate a New Heaven and a New Earth---and we will be reconstituted with our bodies in a new creation! We will be returned to the Cosmos for eternity. We are immortal! There's hope! That is why I remain a committed traditional Catholic Christian! ... and go to confession regularlYou wrote: "And mourn forever the demise of God's Creation."

Au contraire, mon ami, in the book of Revelation, we are told that God will recreate a New Heaven and a New Earth---and we will be reconstituted with our bodies in a new creation! We will be returned to the Cosmos for eternity. We are immortal! There's hope! That is why I remain a committed traditional Catholic Christian! ... and go to confession regularly.

And I have a saying that encapsulates your post,

"The world is like one large Jim Jones Temple---and everybody has drunk the Kool-Aid"!

God Speed, Henry. Take Care.
And I have a saying that encapsulates your post,

"The world is like one large Jim Jones Temple---and everybody has drunk the Kool-Aid"!

God Speed, Henry. Take Care.

Bob K said (October 14, 2020):

From your article: “Most people do not understand the peril we face.”

I know many people who believe they understand our world. I don’t know any who do understand.

Worse, I know no one motivated, willing and able to learn.

Humanity may have become a failure…an “Ineffable waste”…an “Unspeakable loss”.

I mourn with you.

Nic (Bulgaria) said (October 14, 2020):

You are on the right path, Henry.

If you never lie, always be true to yourself and the people around you and stand for the good and do good, you walk on the path of Jesus.

Satan never will get you.

We all will die.


That we go to heaven, this life is our test.

After we have died, Jesus said one day he will return and free our souls to live with him for 1 000 years here on earth in paradise. (the ones who haven't gone to hell)

If you lie and don't live after the 10 commandements, you will go to hell and burn in the lake of fire/ hell.

It really is simple like that.

And we all know that you are a good human being and we all love you because of that.


Go on like you do.

We, all the awaken, innocent and good people on this planet never will forget you for your daily hard work for us and for the good, God and Jesus.

LF said (October 14, 2020):

Yet, Covid19, which is a proven Giant Lie, remains, to large, continue to force the entire world, including the US, to comply with nonsensical lockdowns, social distancing, mask-wearing, and eventual mandatory deadly vaccines. The people involved, in the above-mentioned Confirmation Hearing, all were wearing masks, as they entered, then removed the masks for the Hearing. This Covid19, the edge of the wedge, pushing, the UN Agenda 21, the NWO, etc., could not be in any greater contrast, to the above-mentioned Hearing.

With all the US’s legal law, and constitutional direction, is there no one to stand up, to this insanity? These are intelligent minds, who understand complexities. However, they are either, ignorant of what is going on all around themselves, which I find incredibly difficult to comprehend, or they are deliberately ignoring the truth. How long, will they allow, this charade, called Covid19, to continue. There will be no more Supreme Court to worry about. Life as they know it, being well paid and feed, may change drastically for the worse. How can it not.

Henry, you are correct, Humanity RIP.

The MSM is sawing the branch upon which it sits. The MSM can and should tell the truth NOW before it is too late.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at