Nazis Rescued Chabad Rabbi from Warsaw
August 20, 2020

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August 20, 2020
Tony B said (August 20, 2020):
The real top boss of today's evil is not a part of the material world but it's long time owner, best known as Satan by Christians, as Lucifer by the rest. Some of these others take their orders directly from him, some don't realize that this is the warfare described by St. Paul, the ex-Pharisee who knew the true score.
Sane thinking people need to get their spiritual warfare weaponry in place quickly or all are doomed, including you and me.
M Berg (ex-Chabad) said (March 29, 2018):
Is Chabad the "head of Illuminati snake"?
- In my opinion No. There's someone above them. Just like communists, capitalist. Soviets and Americans. They are working for the same team. Chabad is just another instrument used by International Zionism and the illuminati NWO to advance the NWO agenda. They serve as a bridge between Jews and their non-Jewish allies worldwide to advance the NWO agenda. They work for the Rotschilds and the International Bankers. Chabad is used as instrument by the NWO. An instrument much like Freemasonry is. They all answer to the Rotschilds and the Globalist illuminati Mafia.
Lynda said (January 25, 2018):
Is Chabad the head of the snake?
I would still say no. Say rather that Chabad is the head of the snake that interfaces with Judaic masonry. Chabad handles the assets of The Crown financial cartel/money trust. All national governments (which were formerly sovereignties) are now assets of that cartel. Chabad handles the handlers. We see all national governments which are assets of their cartel with their Chabad handlers. The inner dynastic core – the Messianic dynastic families who own the money trusts are yet to be revealed.
“The supreme lord (that will be the king of the Jews they reveal to the nations as messiah) will replace all existing rulers, dragging in their existence demoralised by us, societies that have denied the authority even of God, from whose midst breaks out on all sides the fires of anarchy, must, first of all, proceed to quench this all-devouring flame. Therefore he will be obliged to kill off those existing societies though he drenches them in his own blood, that he may resurrect them again in the form of regularly organized troops fighting consciously with every kind of infection that may cover the body of the State (their world state) with sores.†23.3 Protocols of the Elders of Sion. Protocol 24 deals exclusively with the King of the Jews as a dynastic heir of King David.
We are now seeing the end game. The symbol of Islam – the crescent and the star – I think stands for the caliphate that is to encircle the star of their empire state: Israel. Islam was created by Babylonian Jewry to be a Noahide religion for the goyim and its army against the Christendom. It failed, but not for want of trying. Now that Europe and the nations of its inheritance are post-Christian – Islam can succeed in the final takedown. They will have to get rid of the Shiites who naturally want the more pacific type of religion of the earlier Quran – the Quran written in Medina. But the rabbis at the top have worked out the principle of Quranic abrogation which means that the Quaran written in Mecca – which is, of course, the Quran of jihad against all nations that do not submit to Allah. And providentially Islam has the much-needed anti-semitism which is the great Zionist enabler. Right now they are clearing the ground of Greater Israel – weeding out the Shiites and the Christians. The Owners may even field a figure recognized by Islam as their ‘Mahdi’ to this task.
There probably are many Davidic descendants among the inner messianic core of the Judaic supremacy. One of them will be the family of the King of the Jews – whose identity at this time very few would know. For my money, the Montefiore family is the family of the King of the Jews. Note their crest. The lion is the full sun face. They have taken down the real crest which I saw in the early years of the new century – this was two lions displaying the full sun face. Note the knight does not display plumes but a crown.
Thank you for all the work you are doing on these questions and issues. True facts of matter in history are in this age of deception desperately important. For we are now moving through the time of “societies demoralized by usâ€.
RL said (January 24, 2018):
mind warping. this cult has access to high places everywhere; east/west
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
James C said (August 21, 2020):
Were you aware that Texe Marrs wrote the introduction to Daniel Patrick's book The Matrix of Gog? Patrick equated the Khazars with the biblical Magog. George M. Lamsa equated the biblical Gog with China (Ezekiel 38:2, Lamsa translation). This identification certainly sheds light on the incredible ongoing relationship between Israel and China. But as far as I can tell, no one has the courage to broach the subject. This may seem unrelated to your topic, but in reality it has everything to do with it. The Khazars are the so-called money power; they are also Magog. They are behind everything that goes on in this world.