Masks Signal Start of Civil War
August 1, 2020

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August 1, 2020
Doug P said (August 3, 2020):
We know that professionals are well-trained people and can work on our teeth competently. I think, and most of us do think, that we can basically trust almost any dentist that we may need. We transfer this trust over to matters of morality. Many do not know that professionals are also trained nihilists, this essentially means that they operate at stage one of Kohlberg's stages of moral development. They have the moral compass of a ten-year-old boy. They go along to get along. This is the essential problem we face with the NWO, professionals who are basically moral retards. This is the argument of my book "Assholes and Bullshit".
In Belleville Ontario, I am the only one without a mask. I hear the whispers, get fingers pointed at me. I will be the one the city blames for the next pandemic. I want to be a man and stand against evil anyways. I have too many breathing problems to wear one anyway.
YP said (August 3, 2020):
I am sorry for the experience you had at the dentist this week, but you are not alone as I had a similar experience at my hair salon. I too am healthy and passed their "health check". I agreed to mask as it is mandatory in my city, Calgary. It was not enough I had the mask on but I had to keep it over my nose. I had 4 people in the space of 15 minutes insist on it even though I cannot breathe with the mask like that. I work part-time at an organic grocery store and even my work does not insist on the mask over the nose. Finally, I took the mask off, stuffed it in my purse and asked them to take the hairdressing paraphernalia off so I could leave.
They all gasped, and all eyes in the salon turned and stared at me as I quietly explained that I cannot breathe with the mask over the nose, got out of my chair, high heels clicking on the tile floor as I walked out. I have been a client there for years. Like you, as I walked out into the sunshine and fresh air, I realized I was viewed as a threat and biohazard, and I felt sorry for those folks in the salon who are obviously drinking the kool-aid and are so frightened and have no respect for me, their client.
Masking is now mandatory in Calgary with some caveats, but this is a sign of more things to come.
I think you're right about the civil war...
Once again, thank you for your website. It means a lot to me as it's been instrumental in my own waking up to reality, which started about 6 years ago. I have read and learned a great deal from you and others. It is very important work...God bless you.
And may God have mercy on us all...
Dr. Jim said (August 2, 2020):
Once again you expose the absurdity of those who think they are smart and "correct."
Almost all dentists will follow the "leader." They're programmed in dental school
to do what they are taught to do, follow the leader. Believe what they are taught,
much if it is just theories, don't question them, and by all means never think, just
do what you were told. They are just a bunch lemmings. So, you
experienced the result. Sorry.
I hope you find a new dentist somewhere in Manitoba that hasn't "drank
the Kool-Aid."
Be safe. Never quit exposing the lies.
Dr. Jim (A maverick dentist/University of Minnesota Dental School 1964)
Susan said (August 2, 2020):
This past week myself and two friends stood in central Cambridge and asked passers-by
to answer a few questions.
Very few people indeed believed the government's official line on the Covid story
possibly 7% did believe.
Most people did not want to wear masks, this was almost unanimous.
But surprisingly the majority did think the government would spread disease if it served their purposes.
All 3 of us who asks the questions were treated with politeness and courtesy, a similar study done in east London 2 weeks ago got abuse from several black people who said it was a †white man's diseaseâ€
Moshe S said (August 2, 2020):
Even if the Globalists control the mass media, government, banks, and military, yet they'll fall before the power of the enraged collectivity seeking justice and revenge. The elites thrive on ignorance, cruelty, and fear-mongering. These days many if not most people know that the MSM peddles fake news. People, in very large numbers, are switching to alt media to get the facts. Of course, many alt-media sources are disinfo fronts of the Globalists. So, be alert. But, in general, the word is getting out about the scamdemic.
The Globalists have introduced atheism to the masses in a big way for decades while ignoring the fact that science knows nothing about consciousness and life and the origins of the universe. Shallow thinkers, including most scientists, have fallen for the atheist word salad by the billions.
Secretly, these very Globalists are deeply involved in sorcery calling on the adverse powers of disembodied consciousnesses (evil spirits) to possess and guide them. And yes consciousness is stuff and not merely an epiphenomenon or an emergence of neuronal activity. There's ample medical evidence on the subject from unbiased studies of OBEs, NDEs etc. What the elites fail to realize is that from a spiritual point of view, the divine is the creator and controller of everything good, evil, and transcendent and that while the divine is immanent in the universe yet the true nature of the divine is ineffable. It's a known fact that the Globalists and their shills worship Baal, Baphomet, and Moloch and are imbued with the adverse powers of these negative spirit entities who they invoke in blood-chilling occult ceremonies.
Judaism teaches that there's never a battle between HaShem (the divine) and HaSatan (Satan, the hinderer) and that Satan and the adverse spirits under him are actually obedient minions of the divine. These adverse powers act as "hinderers"...preventing people from choosing good over evil according to their innate genetic proclivities... in keeping with an inbuilt causal law in existence. G-d (God) can withdraw permission given to the adverse forces to act against humanity causing them to ebb and withdraw. Once the diktat to stop using evil to judge humanity goes forth, Baal, Baphomet and Moloch automatically fall silent as it is in their nature to unquestioningly obey the divine command. Result: the Globalists who are subservient to the adverse entities lose their power and will to act..they have a change of mind. This is exactly what's happening at present or will soon occur restoring peace and harmony in the world. The trend towards withdrawing extreme evil has begun since a month ago causing the Globalists to retreat. It's very visible to the intuitive mind that the elites are losing power and are panicking. Military conflicts are replaced by Cold War. Things should be fine in months as they gradually lose steam.
Tony E said (August 2, 2020):
Rod Serling's Twilight Zone revealed the satanic nature of masks 50+ years ago. Wearing the mask allows the illuminated ones to transform the God persona in us toward Lucifer's will, thus mocking God.
Cruisin said (August 2, 2020):
Great article! Great points derived from an ordinary dentist visit! Had one recently also and the mask was required. Confronting the clinic workers is futile. Look at them. They are often kids, mainly females working to pay rent. What do they know? What can they understand? They just do as they are told.
The sad truth is that (((they))) won in 1945 and since then people have been systematically dumbed down to the point that today the youth are incapable of comprehension.
Every generation since 1945 is dumber than the previous one, by design. So getting upset at those who cannot understand because the brainpower to comprehend anything has been taken away from them is futile. Smile and tolerate them is all we can do. They are not the enemy. Just hope they do a good job on your teeth!
Al Thompson said (August 2, 2020):
Thanks for sharing your story with the dentist. It is almost like these businesses are asking you to never do business with them in the future. I’ve solved this problem with the doctor’s offices; I just don’t go to the doctor any longer because I think they are flakey and worthless in solving physical problems. I do online research to figure out solutions to my problems.
Mask wearing is a nightmare and it is being done by very, very, stupid people.
There is plenty of “scientific†knowledge that shows that the mask has no medical benefit. Wearing a mask is like a person is lying about their own identity. The observer only sees half of the face. It drives me nuts because I like to be able to read the faces of people. A mask is a tool of Lucifer, Satan,
Moloch, Baal, and it’s also Freemasonic.
Will it start a civil war? I’m not sure, but I get incensed when someone asks me to put on the Devil Face. The people in all governments are Satanic shit-stains and they are good for nothing. It would be nice if people stopped working for these governments and just go back to a peaceful life.
I don’t like to shop at these Big Butt stores any longer after this. They’ve lost my business. They have instituted “curb-side†pickup and “contactless†shopping. The whole plan looks completely insane to me. When I first worked in a store, the first thing I learned is that you can’t sell off of an empty shelf. Now, when I go into these Big Butt stores, I see a horrible amount of empty shelves and racks. I don’t even bother to go anymore because shopping isn’t any fun. I’m starting to realize how much stuff I have I don’t need.
Essel said (August 1, 2020):
This text - quite tragic - has a solemn character. It is a date-taking and a brief description of the forces involved.
It is, in a way, the finishing touch to your past publications.
"Alea iacta est", would have been said in the pagan world preceding the Incarnation, and, on human sight, the matter is clearly lost.
But there is a third personage, God. Now, the freedom He grants satan is always limited. Our only hope, therefore, lies in divine intervention,
which could appear in the form of a grain of sand, lamentably curbing the Illuminati's shenanigans.
God's motivation would then be motivated only by mercy, not by any merit on our part.
Anthony Migchels said (August 1, 2020):
Today's shot was great, I loved it, getting evicted, and vaccines being pest control, that's exactly the way it is, everything else is bullshit.
And I follow your threads religiously, it's all I have to do to keep totally on top of things.
Things are quieting a little bit for the summer now, but six weeks from now.................
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Chris said (August 3, 2020):
I had a similar experience at the dentist last week Tuesday. I asked them how are they going to fix my teeth through a mask? They just laughed but it was a serious question. I said ok and put it on then complained it's hard to breathe through it and the zombies in the office just ignored me so I pulled it down over my mouth exposing my nose then could breathe fine. Plus they pointed that gizmo at my head to take my temperature (a couple of days ago a Polish lady who's grandmother was an underground fighter in WWII, told me it's to train us to take bullets in the head; They can take your temperature perfectly fine with your wrist).
When I walk in a room with a bunch of people being serviced like cars in a shop they tell me to take it off. It's not alright to infect people at the front desk with a fake virus but it's perfectly fine once you walk past the front desk and go further inside.
Today before getting on a hotel elevator, a married couple inside without masks frantically shook their hands out at my wife and I, chanting "DISTANCE, NO!!!" like we were dogs as soon as the door opened. I just walked in and told my wife to come on in. I told the couple they were idiots that watch too much television. The woman inside told me she was a Trump supporter like that was supposed to hurt my feelings. I told her good for you then said "I'm a Yeshua supporter".