Everyone Dances to the Covidhoax Tune - Why?
August 29, 2020

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August 29, 2020
M said (August 30, 2020):
Because the AmeriKan sheeple..have been conditioned by the lib press AND the pathetic churches FOR generations to be a 'good' American and trust & obey ( sounds like a Jesus song)...WHATEVER the elected Con...gressional idiots spew. The fall will be devastating ...Collap$E--Civil War.martial law AND INVASION ARE APPROACHING...they HAVE NO F CLUE what is about to gobsmack them ALL.....M in Communist occupied Pa..Ret US Army/Militia---We are trying to get the UNITS READY..
I am just sickened at the direction our Republic is taking. Yes, i think Trump although flawed.."is" just what we need to steer us through this Socialist nightmare. When Trump is re-elected,( i am predicting an almost 50 state sweep)..there will be a massive uprising ( the riots in all of the cities..were just dry runs..to get the kinks out) NOT counting all of the legal (?) 'challenges' in EVERY STATE...You watch...PS: Other sites RMN included are on the hopium and ascension bandwagons...sorry but there is NO savior or alien federation coming to the rescue...WE ARE ON OUR OWN...to right this floundering ship of state...ala Titanic (AmeriKa)..
Tony B said (August 29, 2020):
Peter S. uses a totally off the wall mis-translation of scripture.
The original bible from which all others are based, the Latin Vulgate, in its literal English translation (Douay-Rhiems) of St. Luke XVI 9-11 includes both a side margin insert and a paragraph of annotation following the chapter, as the fathers considered it a hard area to properly understand. One can see that the quote is not at all about money, it is about the merits of alms giving. Thus:
"And I say to you, Make unto you friends of the (side margin note here: mammon (says St. Jerome q.6. ad Algas.) in the Syriake tongue signifies riches. Mammon of iniquity, because they are often ill gotten, or ill bestowed, or occasion of evil, or at the least worldly and false and not the true heavenly riches.) mammon of iniquity, that when you fail they may receive you into the eternal tabernacles. He that is faithful in the left is faithful in the greater also, and he that is unjust in little is unjust in the greater also. If then you have not been faithful in the unjust mammon, with that which is the true, who may credit you?"
To put these words into proper context it seems necessary to quote the next two verses, 12 and 13, also:
"And if you have not been faithful to other men's that which is yours, who will give you? No servant can serve two masters, for either he shall hate the one and love the other, or cleave to one and contemn the other. You can not serve God and mammon."
Annotation of the learned priests beginning at verse 9:
"9. 'They may receive' A great comfort to all great alms-men and a wonderful force and virtue in alms, which beside the merit of the works of mercy, which (as in other places of Scripture is said) purges sin and gains heaven, procure also not only the praises of their beadimen(?) in earth, but their patronage in heaven also. Whereby also the prayers of Saints for the living, and namely for them to whom they were beholding in their life, are proved. Yes, and that they be in prayer for us, such favor with God, that they may and do receive their friends, which were once their benefactors, into their mansions in heaven, no less than the farmers whom the ill steward pleasured, might receive their friend into their earthly houses. Which also insinuates to us, that alms bestowed specially on holy men, who by their merits and prayers are great in God's grace, may much more help us than our charitable deeds done upon vulgar men in necessity, though that be of exceeding great merit also. See all this in these Doctors following: (a list of obscure writings of eight men from the early days of the Church)."
Anonymous said (August 29, 2020):
Henry, you are course correct in your assessment for why. However it is usually not one thing.
If the MSM CNN, BBC, CBC etc. really did their job, Ie. Tell The Truth, and or really ask the obvious questions, this hoax would collapse almost overnight.
I find it absolutely amazing, that there is not one MSM station, willing to ask the right questions or tell the truth.
I am absolutely amazed, that there is not one editor/manager compelled by conscience to tell the truth. After this exercise is over win or lose, YOU BECOME A LIABILITY. Do you know what happens to liabilities and potential sources of the truth? I will let you ponder that for a moment.
When I think about all the people involved, in keeping this secret hoax alive, MSM, Politicians, and the Medical community, I think of that one person, of great fortitude, who eventually manages to get through with the truth that will blow the top off. Think Trump.
I know what some will say, well there have been many good people who have tried but were silenced one way or another. How is it possible, that many really good people are speaking out but nothing catches fire ? In one word MSM. The MSM represents the so called civilized world’s voice and conscience. All the rest is Conspiracy Theory. Due to mental dissonance and fear, most people do not even want to hear the truth. I regularly get that look, even from my family members.
The MSM is enabling bad behavior from all our leaders. The attack should be here. The focus should be on them the editors/managers.
We must make them understand, that we are all indeed, in this together. They may suffer directly as a result of this hoax. If they will not do this, then they must be identified station by station. They must be made aware of their liability to the power behind this so-called reset.
I use to be afraid to tell the truth. Now I am too afraid to not tell the truth.
It used to be a Conspiracy Theory. Now it is a Conspiracy Of Truth (COT)
Kristine said (June 25, 2020):
Money is alchemical. It changes. Soon, it will vanish into thin air, to be replaced by the mark of the beast, which is also alchemical and will change beings that were once human into demons conformed to the image of their god, satan.
Tim N said (May 31, 2020):
With a digital banking system, the "Chosen" can take huge losses. Just takes a few seconds for the banksters to add a bunch of zeros right back into their accounts. They can then afford to acquire other businesses and real estate for pennies on the dollar
Robert K said (May 31, 2020):
The defect in your analogy of money being like blood in a body is that in the latter case the same blood is constantly being recirculated. However, when money goes back to its source in the repayment of a loan to the bank, it is cancelled out of existence. This is a crucial difference: the only way an equivalent amount of money will enter the economy is if a fresh loan is issued. The problem is that, except in special circumstances such as wartime or inordinate periods of capital expansion, the loans return to the banks before the costs generated by their issuance are fully liquidated. This is called "premature cancellation of credit" and results in the community being placed on an ever-accelerating treadmill trying to get the financial means, through future effort, to purchase goods already on the market but without adequate means of payment to do so. It is a mathematical trap that elevates the Money Power, controlling as it does a commodity that is constantly in short supply relative to total prices, to a position of perpetual dominance over society.
Peter S said (September 12, 2019):
Henry, you said, “ "Money" ………..truly is a spiritâ€
Let me stop there because we do not want to lose the gist of the argument. Your insight is quite profound and true. Money indeed is Spirit. Conjured out of nothingness, and disappears into nothingness. It’s a Spellcasting spirit. And if it is a Spirit, the only way to know how to respond to its power to “cast a spell over our minds†must be by the power of the Spirit. So, how do we do this?
For Christians, we can go back to the gospels and find out what God said of Money. Jesus said; “And so, I tell you, this; use money, tainted as it is to win you friends, and thus make sure that when it fails you, they will welcome you into eternal dwellings. Anyone who is trustworthy in little things is trustworthy in great; anyone who is dishonest in little things is dishonest in great . if then you are not trustworthy with money, that is tainted thing, who will trust you with genuine riches? Luke 16: 9-11
Jesus word, is that “Money is a tainted thing†So, if God said that money is tainted, how can we ever hope to have “Clean Money� The money will always be tainted because in itself, it is evidence against our own weakness as human beings. It represents greed, selfishness, hatred, individualism, discrimination, pride, envy, etc. Our money system indicts our claim to "Human dignity" "Human progress" and "Spiritual maturity" If we were truly "Enlightened Human Beings" we would not need the money system! We would do what is "Right" "Good" and "True" without need for supervision, reward, or threats" So, our Money system, is like a diaper or a nappy, that we wear, because we cannot take care of ourselves any other way! When we grow up Spiritually, we will laugh at ourselves and our primitive "money system"
What Jesus is telling us, is that we, who are the users of the tainted money, should hijack the power of money, and make it ourselves! In other words, “Be the moneyâ€! Act like money! Be what people value. And you do this, by the reverse response. It’s not about changing the money system. It’s about changing ourselves!
Pedro said (September 11, 2019):
Perhaps the problem is more magic than mere money magic. Best viewed at the satirical (shit-stirring the Rothschilds Satanists) level, Tim Rifat below reckons he has turned the tables on their Cabalistic (and
Enochian) magic rituals. Money can be seen then as just another trick.
He also reckons that the masons et al have been given a backwards formula, and that all the lightworkers are food for parasites, feeding the Beast despite their good intentions. That would perhaps explain, in
their cruel cruel world, the rulers of Planet Mammon have no time for love.
(for the record, I still think that God 'rules' everything, at whatever level, and, as it is all above me, it would be Faustian unwise for me to actually dabble in any of it, tempting though it is to turn those tables).
Riad said (September 11, 2019):
What you have explained is what is termed as ´Riba’ in the Quran. It is prohibited and it is ranked as the 4th worst sin - the 1st one being to associate any with God, the Almighty.
I believe that God, the Almighty is the only one who provides for any and is the only Authority to create wealth and if we do so, we will likely associate with God, the Almighty and fall in committing the greatest sin.
Imran Hosein has gone deep into the spiritual aspect of Riba. Here are some of his links:
To the Rothchilds and all those who control the money supply or log digits on the financial systems I say:
The poorest person in Paradise will have 10 times this Earth and what it contains. Your life compares to your afterlife is nothing. Look for and do what you will bring with you in your afterlife for death is a certainty but your soul will never die and will live eternally in hell or paradise.
God, the Almighty gives us the free will to choose and will not be unjust towards any.
Mike B said (September 11, 2019):
I haven't written to this site in years but still see it as the best. The post from Tony B seems spot on. Your site was among the first to explain the central banking scam. However, i think a common error is to put all the blame on the bad guys, such as the Rothschilds. Very little attention is paid anywhere to the peculiar mindset of the collective public, without which i believe the corruption couldn't function. Near the beginning of the Protocols the 'superficiality' of the public is mentioned, and it seems to be a key concept in all of this.
The Diversity article; Again, obvious superficiality among the people, to accept idealistic nonsense and hold on to it despite any presentation of logic. I've mentioned on InternationalClearinghouse that the administrator controls the narrative and slants it to Liberal Left. That was enough to get me bumped off, rather like Assange saying things that made the government uncomfortable.
So much for bastions of free speech. - Many women voted for Clinton because 'I feel that it's about time that we had a woman in the White House.' Any woman, i guess. Now with the rise of so-called Socialism, which bears little resemblance to the original quest for defending workers from exploitation, your observations are proving true. But the key word in all this is 'superficiality'. It needs to be studied.
George said (September 11, 2019):
Henry, the history of paper money is very long. It was reportedly introduced in Sung China and vigorously expanded under the invading Mongol Yuan dynasty. In theory, there is nothing wrong with paper money by itself.
But it should be issued debt-free, and should not exceed the real GDP that it is supposed to represent. Naturally, all governments are inclined to debase the currency, whether it be adulterating silver with copper, or expanding the paper money supply indefinitely. There can actually be a disadvantage to demanding that all currency be gold or silver. One theory for the collapse of the Ming Dynasty that followed the expulsion of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty is that they went overboard on demanding that all taxes be paid in silver.
According to this theory, too many peasants and farmers had problems coming up with actual silver, though they could have paid in produce to be acknowledged with paper certificates of payment. There was apparently no problem with the colonial paper scrip money in some cases (though naturally any system can be abused). It is, of course much easier to debase paper currency than it is to do that with gold or silver, so that must be fully acknowledged. You don't have to have forced acceptance of currency if people want to accept it in the first place. That is why honest silver or gold currency spread worldwide, as eager hands reach out for it in exchange for honest products or services.
Essel said (September 11, 2019):
This text is a remarkable heuristic account of the situation.
We are subject to intoxication. In the first sense, intoxication consists of freely absorbing by yourself a potentially toxic but tempting food product. The eminent author of spy novels Pierre Nord, pen name of the French military intelligence colonel André Brouillard, defines military (and, by extension, political) intoxication as consisting in having the target himself (here the people) perform freely, which will destroy him.
According to him, the greatest agent in post-biblical history is Hitler, who led Germany to self-destruct (perhaps forever because it continues with his successors in other ways).
According to Pierre Nord, the archetype of the political intoxication operation is found in the Bible, in the Book of Esther, led by Mordecai.
However, this type of destruction only works with the active collaboration of the victim, who, at the time of consent, thinks he or she is taking advantage of it and voluntarily ignores the immorality of the transaction (which may consist of a guilty recklessness).
And that is why popular wisdom speaks of a "pact with the devil".
This was the case with Hitler, as it is par excellence with money, and more especially the infernal tandem of money and politics.
All this to say that we must not forget our own part of the blame when we are permanently scammed. The scammer alone could do nothing. Eve was deceived by the devil, but she participated in the deceit by his agreement! And the whole of humanity following him!
Tony B said (September 11, 2019):
Peter C is somewhat close but no cigar.
1. Money, proper money, is MEANT to be worthless, it's just a coupon to even out exchanges so no one gets cheated in the barter.
2. Taxes are not caused by a necessity to make people accept money, a nation's money has ALWAYS been made acceptable to the people of the nation BECAUSE the government accepts it in payment of taxes, some of which are a necessity for the operation of any government. The opposite of how Peter sees it.
3. Peter doesn't get into real proper money as an exchange medium so:
Only the government has the proper prerogative to create money as the proper owners of money are a nation's people themselves, as controlled by their government, not by private criminals misnamed "bankers."
Furthermore, government as the creator of money, gets the seigniorage or first use of the money when getting it into circulation. What this means is that government, by creating the proper ratio of money to exchanges (around 1: +1) can cover that much of its needs WITHOUT TAXING ITS PEOPLE FOR THAT AMOUNT. Plus, such honest money, once SPENT INTO CIRCULATION stays there forever or until exchanges drop and the proper ratio demands some to be withdrawn by taxes to retain a stable value of the money. This AT NO COST FOR ITS USE BY ANYONE - which the already super rich "investors" never allow because it ends their free ride on the backs of everyone else by their monetary speculation (gambling), as it is today with the Rothschild cabal STEALING not only the seigniorage but creating the medium as debt at usury, by which it STEALS via "interest" from every exchange until the loan is "repaid" and new loans at higher amounts but less value must be made in order for an exchange medium to even exist, the cause of constantly increasing inflation since the "interest" is never created, can't be paid, and is forever "rolled over" reducing the value of the newly loaned medium forcing prices ever higher for the same products.
The most destructive system in the history of the world causing untold misery world wide as the few criminals who own the false debt pretending to be money use it to control everyone and everything in the world.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
John S said (August 31, 2020):
“Everyone Dances to the Covidiothoax Tune - Why? Simple. The Jewish controlled governments of the West use force or the threat of force, fines, and imprisonment for the dumb Goyim. Look no further than Britain where the Jewish government has fined Piers Corbyn £10,000 for organizing an anti-lockdown rally, the fine is designed to instill fear into the dumb Goyim. German Goyim are protesting against wearing the Jew gag face diaper and it will only be a matter of time before the ZOG (Zionist Occupation Government) imposes draconian measures against the German Goyim in accordance with the Satanic Babylonian Jewish Talmud. Don’t forget, Henry, as per the Satanic Babylonian Jewish Talmud, Jews at the top, Goyim at the bottom, just as in the Jew-controlled Bolshevik Soviet Union. “WHITE LIVES MATTER ENORMOUSLY."