Mike Stone- Are You a Useful Idiot?
August 18, 2020

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August 18, 2020
WE said (August 19, 2020):
I'm not as hopeful, Mr Stone.
Should I start brushing up on my Roberts Rules of Order? People can't or don't want to organize a picnic. They would rather Zoom with floating digital heads. They don't want to organize anything, just look at the state of organize labor. Does it still exist?
People want to be entertained in the privacy of their home. They are loving this.
Stand your ground. I'm with you.
JJ said (August 18, 2020):
One of the definitions of integrity emphasizes wholeness, being whole, of one mind, undivided. We all need integrity.
Everyone needs to examine their beliefs and statements and take them to their logical conclusions. Here are some examples:
1. If you say that everyone should be paid equally then when you do half the work of the next person, do you go to the boss and demand half the pay?
2. If you say that Black lives matter, then are you concerned about black-on-black violence?
3. If you complain of racism in the west, then why don't you move back to the country of your roots that you fled because of corruption?
4. If you say that whites have privilege but it's whites who have the fewest rights and you can get them fired for anything they say, then is that white privilege?
5. If you feel you have a right to welfare, then if everyone goes on welfare, who's going to pay for it?
6. If you feel that American institutions don't pay enough for your talent, then how much does the country of your roots pay for their talent?
7. If you feel that there are not enough people of your race represented in the institutions of the country you are in, are there representatives of that country in your own institutions back home?
8. If you use communism as a tool of protest, then why are Communist leaders living in laps of luxury without any protestation from you?
This article focuses on educational institutions that are supposed to be teaching students how to think but do the opposite and, yes, everything starts in the mind. Educational institutions should be teaching the truth, the truth about life and love, and hatred. These institutions should be teaching that a justice system that supposedly allows whites to get away with murder is not doing any favors to whites. That is not loving but hatred. I could go on and on but Mike Stone is correct - the ones we think love us actually hate us. We are useful idiots who really and truly believe the lies that are all around us on billboards and in adverts.
Tony B said (August 18, 2020):
Mike is right as rain in the schools. This is why I homeschooled my kids back in the 1960s when the government threw you in prison and stole your kids if you got caught. (Don't be surprised when that returns.) This is why all my grandkids are homeschooled and all my great-grandkids are either being homeschooled or slated to be homeschooled when they reach the age of reason. Today this alone makes you an enemy of the state as homeschooled kids learn how to THINK ON THEIR OWN instead of simply making induced trained-seal responses to buzz words and phrases which further satanic/Talmudic/masonic/criminal government agendas.
My last job was in a public school system. Government schools were bad enough in the 1960s but today they are a thousand times worse and worsening even more by the day. Teachers who want to teach are an extinct species as they all quit their jobs in total disgust of "the system" long ago.
What goes by the title "teacher" today is the lowest mental rank of college fodder, interested in union forced advances in pay, selling bric a brac to each other in the teachers' lounges and getting the hell out of there as soon as the bell rings at the end of the day. The majority of them openly hate the kids they are responsible to "teach." All of them are clueless as to the destruction of human mental abilities, such as Skinnerism, of which they are indoctrinated in "teachers college" as the necessary way to "teach. "
Chris G said (August 18, 2020):
The only difference is that Conservatives are useful idiots in denial.
[..it's vitally important for you to realize that you are being used as shock troops - cannon fodder, if you will - by the very people whose policies do you the most harm (Democrats and teachers' unions) against the very people whose policies do you the most good - conservatives and Trump supporters..]
Trump is a brilliant actor playing the republican as he's ready to deploy the commie/fascist military to poison and kill us, for our own good of course. What are you bozos wearing your "Make America Great Again" hats going to say when people start dropping like flies after they're forced by military or stupid enough to take the Covid vaccine? What will it take you Democrat and Republican clowns to stop putting your trust in charlatan politicians and put your trust in your Maker instead?
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Doug P said (August 19, 2020):
This must be due to mass hypnosis in one form or another. If anyone has a better explanation, I'd love to hear it. Actually I need to hear it. I should say that by hypnosis I also mean propaganda - I bet that they can plan out TV shows years in advance and program people in bits each year until at the end of ten ...or fifty years... you can program people to love bullshit and actually hate everything that is good. They can be made to believe that questioning an official narrative is a morally offensive thing to do. "We are all in the together". Little phrases have incredible power and maybe incredible power in ways we do not know.