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Bill Gates Was a Sex Addict

August 25, 2020

when-bill-met-jeffrey.jpg(left, When Bill Met Jeffrey)

Bill Gates ticks all the boxes for a key Illuminati "Change Agent":
- Pervert 
- Crypto-Jew
- Thief
- Genocidal maniac  

This prescient article from 2013 also traces the sinister agenda unfolding today. Makes sense that a pervert would be at the forefront.

Latest-  Bill Gates' Ties to Jeffrey Epstein (Did someone say, sex addict?)

from July 7, 2013
by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Recently I was contacted by someone who knew an intimate of Bill Gates from the early 1990s, when Gates was in his late 30's. I was given the name of this intimate, and he checked out.   

Gates-Foundation-620x320.jpg(Is Melinda Gates a tranny?)

This intimate  "was scary, like the kind of scary you talk about. He was very secretive. He was an originator at many tech companies. But basically he told me Gates did nothing but watch porn all day--and have relations with very deviant women. They found Melinda for him as a cover. [The marriage took place in 1994]

The source continued:

"Basically [the intimate] told me Bill was a heavy porn addict. They used a lot of recreational drugs together.  BG also had several deviant sex partners --  a sex addiction-- and finally the sex with one became such an addiction that it was interfering with his job. A group of friends found a way to get him away from the girl---I guess people were finding out. Between porn and the girlfriends, his family had to find him an upstanding wife--so they arranged for him to meet  Melinda at a picnic.

"I am sure you know this, but the BG foundation vaccines have killed tens of thousands of kids in India. [
In 2011 alone, the Bill and Melinda Gates' polio vaccine campaign in India caused 47,500 cases of paralysis and death.]The western media does not cover it, but it is out there. The foundation worked to develop some "evidence-based tools" that help persuade reluctant American parents to vaccinate."

"We can add this all up. He is developing technology to change the weather--you can find his lectures on youtube. He practically owns Monsanto now, so is developing crop technology (some of these crops harm fertility), and now world vaccine and population reduction programs. BG's family is steeped in the eugenics movement. [His father was President of Planned Parenthood.] Add it up and tell me how that is a good thing. I am no brain surgeon but it does not take much to see what is happening. BG and his wife regularly make an appearance at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Bellevue. Now, that's a laugh."

gatesj2.jpg(Young Bill Gates channels Woody Allen. Gates is a Jew.)


As my readers know, the world is controlled by a Satanic cult, the Illuminati, which consists of Cabalist Jews who have interbred with other generational Satanists. Their goal is to own and control everything including your mind and soul. (Our political and cultural leaders are their errand boys.) 

Bill Gates is a prime example of how they execute this agenda using tax-exempt "charitable" foundations. Likely, these people are allowed to attain their wealth on the condition that they will use it for the cause of Satan. (See "Billionaires Pledge Half their Fortunes to Charity" ) 

Here are a few examples of the monolithic control the Illuminati is imposing on society:


Curriculum: The Gates Foundation financed the "Common Core" curriculum which replaces the great works of Western Civilization with books written by Illuminati hacks. Thus, Shakespeare is being replaced by Malcolm Gladwell's Tipping Point and other books that support drugs, homosexuality, miscegenation, and global warming. Because the Obama administration has made federal funding contingent on adopting this curriculum, 46 states have already signed on.

Population Control: 
"Plans are already in place to track births and vaccinations through cell phone technology to register every birth on the planet.  Gates claims that GPS technology would enable officials to track and "remind" parents who do not bring their children in for vaccines.   Maintaining that vaccination is key to reducing population growth, Gates disingenuously predicts that "if child mortality can be reduced, parents will have fewer children..."  

bgsr.jpg(BG Sr.)
Control over Food Production: "After the
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation purchased 500,000 shares in Monsanto back in 2010, valued at more than $23 million, it became abundantly clear that this so-called benevolent charity is up to something other than eradicating disease and feeding the world's poor. It turns out that the Gates family legacy has long been one of trying to dominate and control the world's systems, including in the areas of technology, medicine, and now agriculture.

The Gates Foundation is currently spending billions of dollars in the name of humanitarianism to establish a global food monopoly dominated by genetically-modified (GM) crops and seeds. And based on the Gates family's history, it appears that one of its main goals besides simply establishing corporate control of the world's food supply is to reduce the world's population by a significant amount." Source


The Gates Foundation "is making great strides to control the world by pretending to help improve and save it."

This is the Illuminati Jewish modus operandi. "Heal the world."  When James Wolfensohn was the Head of the World Bank, he had a sign on his desk, "Plutocrat for the Poor." Meanwhile, he was robbing them blind. Obviously, these tax-exempt "charitable" foundations are enslaving us, at our expense, and should be abolished.

In the span of my politically conscious life, roughly 50 years from 1963 to the present, I have seen society go from censuring extramarital "illegitimate births" and presenting separate marital beds (on TV) to non-stop sexual filth, occultism, and violence. Society has been inducted into a satanic cult by the Illuminati mass media.

Satanists are able to cloak themselves in "truth and goodness" but occasionally they are revealed for what they are: perverts, psychopaths, and megalomaniacs. We are leaving our children a world governed by these monsters. 

People often demand that we put a face on the Illuminati. One face ticks all the boxes - Bill Gates. 
Latest!!!--David Icke Interview: Bill Gates, Elon Musk & Soros Are Frontmen For The Top of the Pyramid

Bill Gates Foundation is affiliated with the Satanist Lucis Trust 

First Comment from Dan Butler (1955-2018):

Henry,  on the list of Gates' "qualities" you forgot 'intellectual property thief'.   [added now]

Back in 1998 Micro$oft was indicted by the Federal Justice Dept. for violations of the Sherman Antitrust Act 1890.

The judgment in the United States vs M$oft, on November 5, 1999, ruled that Microsoft's dominance of the personal computer operating systems market constituted a monopoly and that Microsoft had a policy of aggressively undermining all competitors.

The court ordered the breakup of Microsoft into two separate units for the operating system, and the other for its software.  The ruling was overturned on appeal in 2001. 

I remember it was fun watching Gates on the hot seat.  Watch him lying his head off in this deposition tape.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Bill Gates Was a Sex Addict "

Tony B said (August 25, 2020):

Have been writing lately on Gates that he is trying very hard to be recognized as the antichrist. If there is something evil going on in the world, something destructive of humanity, it generally turns out that Gates is involved and likely the major financier of it. Would be a surprise indeed if he and his whole family are not satanists.

LF said (August 25, 2020):

To “Mr. B. Gates and Company”, You Have Failed Already, You Just Do Not Know It Yet. The planet called earth Is Just Fine, You Are Not Saving Anything For Anybody. As George Carlin once said, “Only Humans Are arrogant To Think They Can Save The World” the world will go on. We need to learn to love one another, to take care of each other.

To Mr. B. Gates and Company, there are better and more sophisticated ways to fix the world population. What is the RUSH? This Did Not Happen Overnight. IF you want to save the world, then use your great wealth to Educate Us On Having Only 2 Children per couple. Up lift the world’s Standard Of Living. Bingo problem solved through attrition. You will be remembered as the world’s savior. Otherwise you Will Be Remembered as the Greatest Mass Murderer of all TIME. Reverse course. There is still time to save your Soul.

David C said (April 18, 2020):

Even before reading this, I had thought Melinda looked like an MTF tranny. I did a search, and found a video suggesting Bill is a FTM tranny too??

Good job on the article today - intelligently worded and timely. The world needs to know the truth about the Gates Foundation, and its funding of WHO, CDC, etc. The CDC has over 50 vaccine patents, and makes millions of dollars selling vaccines, working closely with WHO and the Gates Foundation (nothing to see here)...

Christine said (April 18, 2020):

"Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision." Psalm 2: 1-4.

Poor Mr Gates: A deceived minion of Satan.

Michael said (August 9, 2013):

Good piece. Please note- BG’s mother is a Whitney…..old-line blueblood establishment family from the East coast. It was no accident MS came from him. IBM had to create a spin-off for PC use and Bill was the perfect person to assume the mantel…keep it in the family is their way of thinking. Illuminati ALWAYS keep it in the family….this is no exception. Intellect is not a key to good fortune in these inbred monster’s minds.

H said (July 10, 2013):

In the movie PIRATES OF SILICON VALLEY, there is a scene of showing Bill Gates' perverted side. Keep in mind this movie was reviewed by Steve Wozniak saying the movie was spot on, meaning it was not a typical Hollywood movie portraying a story. The events, the acting, displaying the real peoples behavior and style was spot on.

Jerry said (July 9, 2013):

Thanks for pulling together all this research on Bill Gates.

I wasn’t previously aware of hardly any of the content you cite, but I had long since made up my mind about him and Microsoft being bad news.

I think of him as a modern version of J.D. Rockefeller:

Both obsessed with acquiring vast personal wealth.
Both dedicated to building personal monopolies – no sympathy for the concept of free enterprise or letting the marketplace decide.

Ruthless elimination of competitors
Both known as philanthropists, yet using that as a screen for Orwellian agendas.

Gates has been praised for being a brilliant entrepreneur. I feel otherwise. A great deal of the credit goes to operating in a country where the government and legal system protected the growth of his monopoly.

D said (July 9, 2013):

Good article on Gates. A further detail came from one of --'s intelligence associates who said that Microsoft was picked to provide the favored PC operating software not for any compelling technical reason. In fact, DOS was one of the more restricting software options available. They were pushed to the front because Gates made a commitment to the intelligence people that he would coordinate with them to always build back doors into the software that could be exploited for surveillance and hacking purposes.

anon said (July 9, 2013):

Mr. Gates of Hell builds Windows into your privacy when not addicting
kids to violent games or injecting mercury and cow puss.

To Nina: Richard Stallman and Trisqel are noble oddities. Ugly critter
mascots on Unix books were a sales gimmick. There's a whole zoo.

Observe Apple's satanic bitten fruit. Apple's first machine cost $666.
Apple's laogai slaves jump off factory roofs to end the misery. Apple
sleeps with NSA, hence Steve Jobs' boardroom bug sweeps. (He wasn't THAT
paranoid but NSA encouraged the lie to cover its tracks.) And even my
decade-old, 32-bit PCs run faster than brand-new $3000 Macs (I have one)
because they bypass Apple/NSA spyware (Spotlight) and open source yields

You can make partial escapes shy of the operating system. Start with for every OS; it reads and writes all Microsoft Office
formats. Other advice: AMD not Intel; StartPage not Google; Friendica
not Facebook; RetroShare not e-mail; tor browser not
Opera/Chrome/Firefox/Safari/IE. I'll plug too. lists OS choices. Linux Mint Debian meets typical needs.
Mac folks may like Chakra Linux with its app bundles. Puppy Linux makes
ancient hardware sing. It's very popular. Avoid Ubuntu and its derivatives.

Any Linux or BSD can run Windows apps on software - a free,
open, Windows clone. If you imagine that you still need MS Windows, look
again, you probably don't. Any Linux or BSD can also read MS Windows
hard drive data.

And finally, you can find free help online - etc.
There are forums everywhere.

It's up to us to spread the word. Megacorporations won't.

Bert said (July 8, 2013):

Here's a scary motto if ever there was one, quoted from their website: "... the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works to help all people lead healthy, productive lives." On their ads on National Public Radio, the motto goes "The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation believes that everyone has a right to live a healthy and productive life."

hmmm ... everyone has a right to a healthy and productive life?

What this motto really says is that, when the Gates Foundation deems a person to be in noncompliance with public health expectations, or in noncompliance with productivity expectations, then ... that person no longer has a right to ... live. Game over.

In making their assessments of "expectations" as to individual health and productivity (and right to live), the Gates Foundation works in close collaboration with the NSA and the IRS. If you're using Windows, they already have copies of all your personal, health and financial data.

These are the Bolsheviks. Although they are paid billions, they are actually zombies and stooges for the Illuminati. In reality, they genocidal racists, plain and simple.

O said (July 8, 2013):

I recently noticed that Gates sponsors a section in the uk guardian newspaper:
& this page attempts to ease concerns about the collaboration:

"[it is] provide special focus on the Millennium Development Goals — the eight targets set in 2000 by the United Nations Millennium Declaration"

"The only restriction to the Guardian's coverage on this site is where the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is prohibited under US law from directly funding or earmarking funds lobbying or other attempts to influence legislation (local, state, federal, or foreign)."

Surely these UN targets attempt to influence legislation. Wouldn't this make the collaboration illegal?

Nina said (July 7, 2013):

I have a strong sense of wanting to avoid mega corporation controlled operating systems and software that double up as spyware, and especially anything Bill Gates owns. It would be great if others here share the same want and know about this topic in depth that could help out. The big question is whether this free software movement headed by Richard Stallman is the lesser of the evils? ~(Windows, Apple, Linux). When I accessed the GNU website my heart sank the logo is a wildebeest (, reminiscent of a certain goat, so I feel I can’t trust it either. I also found the offspring of GNU and Linux called is Trisquel and the logo isn’t much more reassuring.~ Is the only way out to program your own OS? I do know that the present generations have become too dependent and accepting of all these mega corporation based programs (as the least of our worries compared to our food supply and shelter), and they cannot be totally avoided, however; reducing the exposure and waning off the “need” for them is and should be a tangible possibility. I would be greatly thankful for any words of advice!

Phil said (July 7, 2013):

I have a newspaper cutting from some time ago stuck to my PC explaining that Bill Gates III in ASCII values adds to 666.

Richard said (July 7, 2013):

Good article on Mason$oft. Melinda in her photos looks like a woman of incredible fortitude, to have resolved to humor Gates' psychotic breaks and temper tantrums. I wonder about her Masonic lineage. Eastern Star grooms generational daughters of Masonry to obedient arranged marriages. I knew such married Masonic couples all around me growing up, and the women quietly consumed tranquilizers to keep up appearances.

Gates comes off a emotionally arrested at the 'terrible twos' stage.

Tony B said (July 7, 2013):

I knew this guy was poison but didn't know he was this deadly. It is seldom mentioned anymore but his first creation built and sold was a "black box" used to cheat pay phones. He was a college kid at the time. Also, when he got the first big contract he "forgot" to tell his partner in creation of their operating system and aced him out. Read somewhere that his father was a big time lawyer, I think in financial affairs.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at