All social institutions in the West have been subverted by Cabalist Jews, Freemasons and their dupes.
We see this with the collaboration of organized medicine in the COVID hoax. We see it
in the media, business, education, church and government. The West has folded like a cheap tent.
Here, Brabantian looks at how with the fading sense of a "higher law," the corrupt justice system has
been corrupted.
by Brabantian
Mediaeval London Chamberlain Andrew Horne (c.1270-1328) wrote a legal guidebook, the 'Mirror of Justices', saying that late 800s Anglo-Saxon King Alfred the Great truly deserved his title, because he reviewed the conduct of judges, and hanged dozens of those judges who had betrayed the people.
Yet today, people think of judges as 'the last word', almost beyond review or question, despite also feeling that justice is not being done.
People see courts who are destroying families, going easy on some groups or on 'connected' major criminals, whilst coming down unfairly hard on certain classes of victims, and denying basic human rights.
What went wrong?
Corruption of courts and judges happens in three ways:
(1) Bent rulings favouring a rich or connected party, as when the judge is bribed or threatened or pleasing his friends
(2) The judge deviously twisting and extending existing law, 'interpreting' to fabricate and invent via court order, 'legislating from the bench' to advance an agenda
(3) The judge biased to favour a particular group over other groups, for example, women over men, one ethnicity over another, one tribe or clan over another.
Unfortunately, we now see all of the above. As the sense of a 'higher law' from heaven has faded from society, black-robed 'priests' of the judiciary have grabbed more power.
The temptation of Marxists and others, to use 'revolutionary tribunals' to bend law and change society, has proved irresistible to judges across the Western world, and to the oligarchy of Satanists behind the scenes. Twisting the law, mauling victims via the courts, can give psychopathic, satanic pleasure. It doubles the wrong, as there is the crime itself, and the second abuse of claiming it is all 'legal'.
But it wasn't always this way. Ancient India, Persia and Greece all saw a higher divine law, a 'natural law' known in people's hearts, which human laws should emulate. Circa 100 CE ancient Roman poet Juvenal asked, 'Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?' - 'Who guards the guardians themselves? Who will judge the judges?'
Biblical prophets railed against injustice. Christian sages Augustine and Aquinas boldly declared that, 'Lex injusta non est lex' - 'An unjust law is no law at all'.
After the early 1300s book on hanging dishonest judges, in 1346 King Edward III ordered judges to provide "equal law and right to all our subjects, rich and poor, without regard to any person". This became the basis of the judge's oath in Britain and other nations, the judge swearing to "do right to all manner of people ... without fear or favour, affection or ill will". In the USA, to: "administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich". Alas, these seem mere words now.
It fascinates Marxists and Satanists, because it was more than reforms or regime change. It proved that literally everything in society can be overthrown, and quite quickly too. Politics, government, economics, religion, marriage, family, even ways of measuring and the calendar - nothing and no one was exempt.
Good things were also done in 1790s France - outlawing of slavery, more voting rights, the banning of torture and of slow methods of execution. But it was not long before things degenerated into satanic hysteria, with the 1793 introduction of 'revolutionary tribunals', where judges soon meted out death essentially at whim. The Reign of Terror ended the next year but remains a source of Marxist dreams until our own day.
As religion separated from intellectual life, the sense of 'the law' became downgraded.
Utilitarian John Austin (1790-1859) promoted 'legal positivism', law being merely 'command backed by sanction'. Frédéric Bastiat (1801-1850) wrote of 'the complete perversion of the law ... force at the disposal of the unscrupulous".
In Russia's 1917 revolution, Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, and Joseph Stalin, although disagreeing on many things, shared the same Marxist philosophy of twisting everything to serve end goals. In a famous phrase of October 1921, Lenin said everything was a question of, 'Who will win over Whom?' shortened to 'Who? Whom?' Trotsky repeated this in a 1925 essay, and Stalin also in a speech in 1929.
Kristine said (July 25, 2020):
The US-“Supreme Court†is a coven of witches.