Hiroshima aftermath- Disclaimer: I reserve judgment
"Ten countries in total have claimed to have nuclear weapons,
and this is actually the scary part of the hoax,
showing how major world governments collude."
by Brabantian
Quite seriously, nuclear weapons have never existed. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were only two more horrible urban napalm fire-bombings, less devastating in fact than the one that hit Tokyo five months earlier - but re-packaged with a fake story of a 'new awesome weapon'.
August 6 & 9, 1945 began the biggest hoax in history, helping oligarchs steal trillions from hapless taxpayers.
Before detailing how Hiroshima was a fraud, consider that the mushroom cloud we associate with 'nuclear blasts', is an ordinary result of chemical explosions, as you see in the above photos of when factories explode.
The old 'nuclear explosion' photos and films are often obviously fake when examined now with modern tools, mixing a chemical explosion image with a background.
The devastation you see in Hiroshima and Nagasaki - where indeed tens and hundreds of thousands died or were horrifically maimed - is exactly like in Tokyo or other Japanese firebombed cities, because houses were mostly wood.
Swedish engineer Anders Björkman, born 1946, has worked to expose the nuclear weapons hoax for years, arguing they are technically impossible. Björkman's website.
US & WW2 allies began chemical napalm attacks in July 1944 on Tinian Island but soon escalated to destroying entire cities, with the biggest killing over 100,000 and destroying 41 square kilometers of Tokyo on the night of 9-10 March 1945.

The horror of that Tokyo night, which seemed to make a great city just evaporate, emboldened the USA to pull off the nuclear weapons hoax, first with the 16 July 1945 'Trinity nuclear test explosion' and then the August 6 and 9 respective firebombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Alexander de Seversky (1894-1974), in youth an ace pilot for Russia's Tsarist Navy, emigrated to the US and became involved in military aviation there. He visited Hiroshima and Nagasaki shortly after the 'nuke blasts', talking to witnesses, and in a Reader's Digest article in February 1946 - let on between the lines that the 'nuclear weapons' were fake. He avoided saying so directly, but pointed out that, "To my surprise, Hiroshima looked exactly like all the other burned-out cities in Japan." Directly under ground zero, Seversky saw "buildings structurally intact, topped by undamaged flag poles, lightning rods, railings, signs, and other comparatively fragile objects ... I could find no traces of unusual phenomena ... It simply is not true that matter was vapourised ... tree trunks and walls with growing vines disprove the claims of superheat ... it was fire, just fire, that took such high toll of life." http://www.heiwaco.com/bomb1.htm
German Jesuit Rev. John Siemens, an eye-witness in Hiroshima, documented local witnesses reporting multiple planes spreading incendiary material, the classical firebombing. Japanese survivor stories confirm as well that it was firebombing horror. However officially, Japan goes along with the nuke bomb hoax, as they must.
The smoking gun came a few years ago, when WW2 air combat logs were exposed, showing that on Hiroshima bombing day, a USA 66-aeroplane fleet - a typical size for urban napalm firebombing - was sent out to 'bomb Imabari Japan' that day. But tiny Imabari no longer existed, wiped out in two previous firebombing raids on 26 April and 8 May. This log entry covered for the bombing fleet hitting Hiroshima about 55km away, a target which was not to be disclosed under penalty of death.
Illustrating how ridiculous 'nuclear weapons' became, here is an early 1960s video, of the US President's brother Robert Kennedy, viewing a 'nuclear weapons' blast whilst sitting a short distance downrange in a folding chair, watching detonation of the small 30kg or so 'nuclear bomb in an artillery shell', the 'Davy Crockett'
Ten countries in total have claimed to have nuclear weapons, and this is actually the scary part of the hoax, showing how major world governments collude. First to join was Stalin's Soviet Union, secretly propped up by the profit-seeking US military machine, which, as Antony Sutton exposed long ago, wished to have 'The Best Enemy Money Can Buy'. Here, briefly, the history of 'nuclear weapons' hoaxes:
1949 - COMMIE RUSSIA HAS THE BOMB, Soviet elites got permanent rewards for playing along
1952 - UK Brits & City of London don't want to be 2nd class - UK HAS THE BOMB
1960 - France chafes not to be 2nd class to Brits - FRANCE & DE GAULLE HAVE THE BOMB
1964 - China upgraded to major league - COMMIE CHINA HAS THE BOMB
1966 - Israel joins the club in time to blackmail Arabs in 1967 & 1973 wars - JEWS HAVE THE BOMB & ARE READY TO SAMSON OPTION EVERYBODY
1974 - India even gives joke name to its bomb program, 'Smiling Buddha' - INDIA HAS THE BOMB
1979 - South Africa's white apartheid gov gets to play - WHITE RACIST SOUTH AFRICA HAS THE BOMB READY TO KILL BLACK PEOPLE ... but 'dismantles bombs' before Mandela & black government can find out the scam
2006 - North Korea, always making deals, gets to upgrade - CRAZY NORTH KOREA HAS THE BOMB
As the New World Order looms, they have begun to wind down the hoax, the UN already working to 'abolish all nuclear weapons' ... The Pope will likely be in Jerusalem, smiling with pride about helping to eliminate, what never existed.
Certainly, nuclear power is real, as well as dangers of radioactive poisoning, etc, from things such as the 'depleted uranium' tank-piercing weapons made with by-products of nuclear fuel production. Nuclear 'testing' can be some combination of conventional explosives, chemicals, and nuclear fuel material, making craters and the boom recorded by seismographs.

It's unclear how much nuclear hardware is real, such as ICBM missiles, or the 'bombs' on carts you see soldiers wheeling around in photos such as this one - are these out-of-shape people really soldiers, or just actors? Tough women handling these heavy bombs! Supposedly the USA has made over 70,000 nuclear weapons, with less than 15% of them still existing - how they were 'dismantled', is another foggy 'secret'.
The terror of nuclear weapons achieved many ends. Trillions of taxpayer funds diverted in 10 'nuclear weapons' nations, straight into pockets of arms profiteers and their political friends. Stoking 'strategy of tension' fright of foreign 'enemies' who can supposedly kill your entire society and the whole world, and this well before 'climate change'.
Nuclear weapons fear was created, just as much of the Western world walked away from Christianity after WW2. With people no longer fearing 'eternal hell', alleged 'science' supplied this new fear of total destruction and horror to serve as a psychological control tool. A perfect oligarch game.
First Comment from Michael
Thanks for publishing the article by Brabantian on the nuclear weapons swindle. It makes many valid points, but it does miss some important parts of the picture.
A key element, which I have researched in some detail over the last 18 months, is the use of not merely napalm (as well as conventional explosives) in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but also of poison gas. There are many direct references to it in eyewitness reports, including by Wilfred Burchett, the first Western journalist to enter Hiroshima:
The book "Children of Hiroshima"
collects the statements of 102 eyewitnesses who experienced the bombing as schoolchildren. Out of this number, 13 contain explicit references to poison gas, several invoking it directly as the cause of death of some relative.
I am an MD by training and have looked into the scientific and medical literature on this question for the last 18 months. I have collected abundant and clear evidence to prove that
1. only small amounts of radioactivity, most likely reactor waste, were released in both cities
2. there are numerous cases of "radiation sickness" as well as long-term effects such as cancer and leukemia among survivors that would be expected of radiation; however, their distribution cannot be reconciled with the story of the bombs, because
a) a number of people exposed to "theoretically lethal radiation" were unharmed. This is acknowledged in a report by Oughterson and Warren, two medical experts from Princeton (Yale?) and Harvard, respectively, who published a lengthy study on the subject. In it, we find this quote:
"It is ... difficult to explain the complete absence of radiation effects in ... people who were theoretically exposed to lethal dosages of radiation.
It isn't just "difficult", it is strictly impossible.
b) lethal radiation was supposed to have been released only during the detonations; nevertheless, a number of people who entered the cities only afterward contracted "radiation sickness", in some cases with fatal outcome.
3. All medical observations, as far as they can be ascertained from the somewhat sparse literature, can be explained with the use of mustard gas (as well as napalm). The US had indeed stockpiles of M47 bombs filled with mustard gas. This also fits with direct observations by Burchett (see above) and others.
Anon wrote-
Govs mix truth and lies. You can't resolve evil in binary. Masons walk on checkerboard floors.
Nukes do exist, if faked initially. The war's beginning was fraud and it ended with another. FDR planned Pearl Harbor with Churchill. America had Japan's war ciphers. The war-ending nuke fraud was Masonic, in that Japan's top Christian cities, not military targets, were snuffed. Americans never wanted WW2 until FDR did his Pearl Harbor trick. At war's end, it was time for Truman's trick.
The Hiroshima hoax does not mean nukes are fake. Germany and Japan had programs. Secret societies coordinated nations all around. Nazi and Japanese scientists got American citizenship. The real war is them v us. British agents rescued Hitler. Hitler's Argentine postwar escape lodge sat on a lake with a nuclear lab on an island. Some of America's uranium came from a Nazi submarine.
Everything is politics and perception. Suppose the Manhattan Project was behind, low on materials, or uncertain of yield and fallout. Suppose it demurred in defense contractor style: behind and over budget. Japan was pleading surrender. Knowing the bomb would soon exist, terrorcrats launched their next production, the Cold War, by pretending to nuke Hiroshima.
So went the public story. In secret, they gave away the store to fellow travelers. Major Jordan fingered Harry Hopkins for gifting the bomb to the Soviets via lend-lease in Alaska. Russian soldiers instructed Jordan to call the White House and get Hopkins. Hopkins ordered Jordan to allow export of technical plans and uranium. In later times American scientist Leuren Moret worked in a top-secret nuke lab and saw USSR generals getting tours of the place. She wondered what the hell was going on. It was lend-lease all over again.
World War II was never about "winning" over an "enemy," else Patton would have ended bolshevism as he wanted. The "war" was on us, whom elites cannot allow peace. Elites need war to take our rights and create new tech in secret on our nickel. Foundations write plans in public and sneer that Americans don't read. We endure our lives in terror of the best enemies money can buy, as Sutton and Orwell wrote. Orwell the former Fabian socialist insider knew the score. He pictured yesterday's enemy being today's ally; witness Japan. Who remembers America's wartime internment camps? Californian agriculture used to carry a nickname, "Jap Valley."
Today you see the planned outcome of the Cold War hoax. Soviet America has Maoist self-denunciation rituals in the streets and rent-a-riot bolsheviks. Bankers financed Lenin, they finance Antifa complete with hammer-and-sickle flags. Norman Dodd learned the whole idea was to comfortably merge America with the USSR. A movie called "The President's Analyst" predictively programmed the notion in a dialogue. Inter alia, that movie also featured nonconsensual implants which today attack targeted individuals, half a century later. Americans don't read, so they get movies. China is the ideal elite synthesis, you no longer need to imagine it.
Would really recommend the following website ( heiwaco.tripod.com ) . It explains really well the fraud of nuclear weapons and the " human space travel show ", amongst other interesting things. The nuclear weapons fraud had to come into being to create the "cold war" threat /fear, and its main fear was nuclear weapons. Just like the moon landing has two aspects, one the heroic one where, we the human race can go boldly into space, proud and loud. The other, and the main one, is the possibilities this opens the mind to, such aliens and alien invasion, as we have been already programmed by hundreds of such movies. And now the corona threat, which is probably the start of another communist psyops / nwo mark of the beast gameplay.
No doubt they will pull out all their guns for this one, news of a nuclear strike here and there, outbreak of corana/5G vaccine there, sightings of alien saucers here and there and some even hostile interactions, etc. And throw in a good economic crisis into it as well as power disruptions, rationed fuel/food stamps, and of course travel restrictions. The bloody list can go on and on. why cause we believe it all. Just like your recent article states, maybe there'll be no chips in the forehead or forearm, just our own stupid minds believing the devils lies. All we have to fear is fear itself.
James C wrote:
Once again your site tells the Truth of the Matter. I know this article is true. I was in Hiroshima, Japan in August of 1965.
There were no signs of radiation from some fake nuclear bomb. The city had been firebombed and rebuilt by the time I was there.
If there was a nuclear bomb dropped in 1945, 20 years before I was there, the radiation level would have been so high no one would have been on the streets, and the United States military would never have allowed me, a Lieutenant in the US Navy to be there. But I was on the ground. Eye witness. Unfortunately, we live in a world of lies and more lies. Sad.
Tony B said (July 13, 2020):
Something doesn't add up here. If nukes were fake, Talmudists would have been inside, outside, beside, in front, behind, underneath, and on top of the fake. In fact, the whole bomb-making was a nest of them. But Begin had JFK murdered because he would not allow Israel into the U.S. nuke making. So Begin was kept out of the lies? Give me a break!