(Hidden in plain sight, Illuminati logo on the US one-dollar bill)
Five years ago I wrote, "The Illuminati controls us by making us sick, physically and/or psychologically. The cult sickens its members then sells them a "cure." Healthcare is a $1.7 trillion industry in the US, surpassing even "Defence." One in 10 Americans now takes an antidepressant medication; among women in their 40s and 50s, the figure is one in four.
Many Jews, Freemasons, liberals, socialists, and feminists have unwittingly been inducted into a satanic cult based on the Jewish Cabala, and Communism. The goal is to induct all of society.
As I explained, Satanism hates God and humanity, his finest creation. It is dedicated to deprogramming the natural order and shredding the social fabric. We see this in the attack on gender and the promotion of everything sick and unnatural. If you take your cues from the government, schools and MSM, you will become sick and dysfunctional.
A satanic cult inverts healthy and unhealthy, natural, and unnatural so, for example, heterosexuality is treated as a pathology while homosexuality is natural. Similarly, it inverts beauty and ugliness, truth and lies, justice and injustice, making evil seem good. Its members are dysfunctional and identify with their condition. The real occult meaning of "revolution," is supplanting God with Lucifer, turning reality upside down.

The point of this virus is to degrade and impoverish us. (Degrade - i.e. hoarding toilet paper.) We resist by refusing to be degraded, by reaffirming our belief in God.
Ten Signs Western Society is a Satanic Cult
(updated from Jan 16, 2015)
1. There is a distinction between the "initiated" and the general population which is kept in the dark. They are not told the cult's true objectives (to exploit and enslave them) but are deceived instead with noble sounding platitudes. Leaders (part of the "initiated") routinely lie to the people as in the case of false flags, assassinations and wars.
2. The symbols of the cult are everywhere and its monuments (obelisks) dot our cities. Illuminati motifs are also prominent in corporate logos. Illuminati bankers control most corporations.
(Left, Christ depicted screwing God. Note the Illuminati pyramid and eye in Christ's ass. Blasphemy permitted when Christians are the target. )
3. They deny that humans have a divine soul that is connected with a spiritual and moral order. Mention of "God" and a universal design and intelligence are suppressed. "God" is a dirty word. Instead of God, (conscience) we are required to obey the cult leaders and their factotums. Believers in God (or Christ) are persecuted. By denying our Divine soul, they define us as simply animals who can be domesticated or culled. They encourage us to degrade ourselves by indulging our animal nature.

4. They attempt to overrule nature and encourage unnatural and perverse behavior. A prime example is the bizarre occult hatred of gender (masculine and feminine), and their encouragement of gender confusion, homosexuality, transgenderism and androgyny. This is a disingenuous attack on the gender identity of 97% of the population. They teach school children to experiment with sex toys and homosexuality. This is state-sanctioned child sex abuse. Homosexuality is a developmental disorder. Its official promotion is proof society has gone over to the dark side.
(In your face. In front of Toronto police HQ on College St, there is a statue of a policewoman working on an unfinished pyramid like the one on the $US)
5. Western society is a sex cult i.e. it is besotted with sex and "hot" women. The Illuminati promote promiscuous and anonymous sex in order to degrade people to animals. They normalize sexual deviance to defy God and serve their god Lucifer. The sex cult's sex obsession is surpassed only by its love of money. Millions are engaged in stock market gambling. The cult (society) encourages both addictions and addictive behavior in general.
6. They engineer migration and miscegenation to undermine racial homogeneity. People of European descent are their primary target because they carry the remnant of democratic and Christian values.
7. They use the threat of terror and war as an excuse to remove civil rights and create a police state capable of ensuring cult control.
("Tongue Tied" video. Myley Cyrus' cry for help?)
9. They suppress the truth. True history, art, music and literature are suppressed. They even deny that objective truth exists and is knowable.They use entertainment as occult ritual. They degrade and distract us from reality by creating an alternate fantasy world. Art, literature and films must be "politically correct" (a Communist term) or it is buried.
10. There's also a relentless focus on normalizing dysfunctional people, minorities and "underdogs" rather than the strong, effective, happy and truly healthy. Deprived of family supports, more people can't cope and resemble zombies, disheveled, eyes focused on smart phones, head phones in ears, nose rings and tattoos.
Finally, a cult usually has a charismatic God-like leader whose judgment is never questioned. Think Hitler or Stalin.
In the West, we are still waiting for this figure to emerge. When he (or she) does emerge, the cult will be complete.
First Comment from FF: I thought your list on the proof of the pervasive satanic cult was actually unpersuasive.
Love your stuff as outlandish as it seems sometimes.
1. I think one hurdle people have with this stuff is denial of the murdering ethic. I do not believe there is one single solitary man who does not understand fully that an impregnated woman has a baby inside her, yet thousands of these men procure abortions for women. Once you grasp that some men will kill their own son or daughter in order to dodge responsibility the idea of Mossad secretly orchestrating 911 in order to further their interests seems quite reasonable - and 2700 dead a minor secondary detail.
2. Usury- People accept obvious extortion in the banking system as the only way to survive. As if under a spell.
3. Taxes- People do not even loosely believe that gov't has their interest in mind, yet they continue to pay out of irrational fear.
4. The military in the US has become de facto a French Foreign Legion in service to the military industrial complex.
5. "False flag" is more rightly should be called corporate flag. Basic to any crime in motive. 'Hate' gives people indigestion, money gets people out of bed to do complicated stuff.
6. The Holocaust. = It is the corporate boogyman. There are millions of American children who have men in their family tree who died in battle fields of Europe and they know nothing about it. Yet they can name 2 or three concentration camps.
7. Somebody must be in charge of the carefully orchestrated campaign to drive the culture to dependance. The forces must be covert because they are hidden.
got to go...
Christine said (March 24, 2020):
I don't think the virus is a hoax: I know from medical colleagues that it is very real, and that the problem is the lack of intensive care facilities. Unlike flu, this virus causes a severe pneumonia that requires ICU care. Specialists & equipment in that field are very, very limited indeed.
However, it is fascinating to watch the dynamics of this, and to read what the Rabbis are saying about this virus. They see it as a plague sent by God on their enemies, which is a necessary prelude to their (non existent) Moschiach. If something is "prophesised" in their satanic Talmud, they will make certain that it "comes to pass".
What we are watching now is the final battle between Gog (City of Sodom & Egypt = the whore of Revelation 17 = Daniel's King of the South) & Magog (Euoprean globalists; 10 kings; Daniel's King of the North).
Brexit; the catastophic consequences of the coronavirus outbreak; the illogical machinations of Mesech & Tubal (Russia & Turkey, i.e. the puppets of Gog) in Syria, which threaten to lure NATO into a clash with Russia......This is a concerted war on the European globalists. they must eb toppled before the 70 Nations project can be realised.
Over the course of this final generation, these two mafia - Gog and Magog - have colluded to build Spiritual Babylon, whose centre is the beast from the bottomless pit (United Nations). But Gog has double-crossed Magog, and Magog knows it. Magog must now be very, very angry indeed.
The arch-enenies of Jesus Christ are going down.