"Taking a Knee" is a Masonic Gesture of Deference
June 7, 2020

Are cops and soldiers, like football players, under some sort of Masonic control??

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June 7, 2020
MH said (June 7, 2020):
The incident is a mirror, black men do it for dignity, white to kill. Mirroring is from the occult.
And it's twisting Philippians 2:10 !
Just now they screwed a cross on the rebuilt castle in Berlin, with the Bible verse about bending the knee at it’s base:
Philippians 2:10 (KJV) That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;
Al Thompson said (October 3, 2017):
Now I know the purpose of the "genuflection" in the Catholic Church. All of these rotten organizations have one common denominator: Satan. Once you know that anything is Satanic, it is always best to separate from it and try not to look at it.
The author asks:" Is the opposition to Trump organized by Freemasonry." I think this whole issue with the NFL is a way to keep the public's attention away from the pedophile problem. They need a diversion to kick the can down the road so the people might forget about their evil deeds.
Trump is a master of the dog and pony show. The public is being played like a banjo at the Grand Ole Opry. Anything that comes from the government is pure bullshit and if there's anyone who is the grand poobah of bullshit; it is the Donald.
Garry U said (October 1, 2017):
The article illustrates the schism between National versus Global Masonic belief systems.
So much could be illustrated however the reader should do this for himself based upon which kingdom one truly serves.
RL said (October 1, 2017):
Standing during the anthem is conforming to one group, kneeling is rebelling against one group and submitting to another. That's dialectical. A free country wouldn't have an anthem or make you stand. Cultural Marxism is all about group dynamics and pressure. Patriotism doesn't come from a flag or song. It comes from loving your nation because similar people with similar values to your own. Why do they play the anthem during sports? They exploit patriotic feelings and equate it to being loyal to your team and get you more excited for a nothing. Creates meaning out of meaninglessness.
I don't believe in anything that tries to make you feel a certain way, including the anthem. But playing it during a sporting event disrespects the nation.
America doesn't stand for football. America stood for freedom in righteousness. Greeks started all these sporting competitions. Maybe that's why they became pederasts. Or vice versa.
Also, any man who wants to see another man throw a ball over and over again has a psychological disorder or is too invested in his upbringing.
Tony B said (September 30, 2017):
It is true that genuflection is a sign of respect but it is foolhardy to assume that it is always a misguided respect. Christians, from the beginning of their religion, often genuflect to their God, knowing He is their creator with all power to do what He wishes, as do most other religions I assume. It would be a sign of supreme ignorance or brainless rebellion against a power that can turn you into nothing instantly not to, Darwin and his masonic lies about "origins" notwithstanding.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
James C said (June 8, 2020):
Hiram Abiff, Nimrod, and Negrolatry
“If history be not fable, Freemasonry sprang from the Tower of Babel.†And according to the biblical record (Gen. 10:10), the founder of Babel, or Babylon, was Nimrod. “Now Nimrod, as the son of Cush, was black, in other words, was a negro†(Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons [Neptune, NJ: Loizeaux Brothers, 1916], p. 34). Nimrod was also “the first potentate on earth†(Gen. 10:8, New American Bible).
There is even some evidence that Nimrod may have been one of the earliest Pharaoh's of Egypt. For example, the constellation of Orion depicts a legendary hunter of antiquity (Nimrod?); and there is speculation that the builders of the Giza Pyramids deliberately arranged them to represent Orion's belt. Likewise, because of the prognathous jaw and fleshly lips of the Sphinx some have referred to it as " the Black African Sphinx." Thus the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx may have been built to commemorate Nimrod's reign. Thus Nimrod may have been Egypt’s greatest Pharaoh.
“Other authorities not only connect the Masonic founder Hiram Abiff with Osiris and Nimrod, but explain that Nimrod plus the building of the Tower of Babel—not the temple of Solomon—was the true origin of Masonic cosmology†(https://newswithviews.com/Horn/thomas126.htm Accessed 8 June 2020).
IMO, this is the ultimate source of what one writer has described as “Negrolatry,†or “the West’s New Religion,†or “the Cult of the Magical Negro†(https://www.unz.com/akarlin/negrolatry/ Accessed 8 June 2020). Others describe it simply as “black worship.â€
It wouldn’t surprised me, therefore, if the coming Antichrist turns out to be a black man. If the founder of this world’s civilization was a black man, so might be the one heralding its end. Maybe the powers that be are getting us all ready for his appearance by the ongoing Negrolatry.