Skynet - The Illuminati's Secret Worldwide Surveillance System
May 24, 2020

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May 24, 2020
Tony B said (May 24, 2020):
The controllers proved this is at least partly true by suddenly cutting off from me the first video with a comment to the effect that there was a problem with my connection to the Internet. The problem is that the service I use does not reveal my address. This is verboten to these satanists who want every name, every time, someone watches something as revealing as this.
Besides, you have posted articles by a lady, whose name I don't remember, who, after growing up a child sex slave, spent years working underground at Area 51 side by side with demons who were intermixing with humans, I think with the insinuation that they were sexually mixing also and might have offspring. She even mentioned that she was introduced to the devil himself down there (and thankfully was not impressed).
What people have been taught, parrot-wise, to classify as otherworldly "aliens" needs to be understood as demons, nothing else.
As I've lately been writing, and as this technology and that controlled by Bill Gates (who now thinks he runs the world) obviously dove-tail, more and more it makes Gates appear to be a very prime candidate for the title "the" antichrist. Or at least high on the order of their myrmidons.
JG said (May 24, 2020):
I followed the UFO phenomenon years ago and read many a responsible account from legitimate military personnel and eye witness accounts from first responders at Roswell, New Mexico, just to name a few.
This is where a large amount of technology from the crashed disc sites were discovered such as the integrated circuit (nanotechnology), fiber optics, and laser technology just to name a few.
Unfortunately all these technological advances are not compatible with the human race itself. It puts technology ahead of all and makes the human factor null and void, such as the industrial use of robotics.
Technology has already had a huge dehumanizing effect on human behavoir not to mention the effects it has had on the spiritual makeup of man.
All this draconian technology was not meant for the human race and will have a bad ending.
Robert P said (May 24, 2020):
I am very interested in the issue of “Anti gravity†partly because the great pyramid Cheops (Which is about 400 feet high) was built from start to finish in only two years.
It is estimated that some of the stone blocks weigh one ton and others are as heavy as ten tons each.
There was no mortar used between the stone blocks, in my humble opinion the pyramid was built using “Anti gravity†the pyramid was built in the days of Noah just before the Great Flood.
Noah lived in a scientific age, just as we do today.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Bill T said (May 24, 2020):
Eric Rainbolt's article would have more utility/credibility if he bothered to edit his writing properly.
No background on "Michael Weiss", either to establish Weiss's credentials or his "disappearance".
I briefly viewed the video...shaky handheld stuff, but so was the "Blair Witch Project" horror movie.
I respect your skepticism, Henry, ( i.e. "for discussion"), but the original presenter strikes me as having not done his homework.
"Michael Weiss" is the key to the claimants presentation, imo, and lacks backup.
- Bill