The Cabalist Plot to Destroy Civilization ( Pandemic in Context)
May 13, 2020

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May 13, 2020
Thomas said (November 4, 2019):
You write, “The fifth plank of the Communist Manifesto calls for a private (i.e. Rothschild) central bank.†In the reference that you give, the fifth plank reads, "Centralization of credit in the hands of the state,†which is what is also in my copy of the Communist Manifesto. A state (government) central bank is not a private central bank. A nationalized central bank places the control of credit in the hands of the state (government), which fulfills the fifth plank. The solution is not nationalization but abolition of centralized banking whether it is in the hands the state (government) or private owners. It should be replaced with decentralized bank and concomitant decentralized credit.
Do you think the Rothschilds would own the Fed and the Bank of England etc. but not the banks of outright Communist countries?
JG said (November 3, 2019):
We can't stop what has been written. We are entering the final days of civilized humanity for many.
The sufferings in the third world nations is a direct result of Communism which draws the blood of the masses as it extracts the wealth through corruption and militarized force.
America and Russia today are Nation-State Democracies that have yet to totally fall to the NWO Globalists and this is why President Trump and Vladimir Putin are constantly being attacked by the Globalist Democrats and MSM. They are dubbed as "white nationalists" which they consider a symbol of fascism and racism. They don't believe that white citizens have the right to independent sovereignty in their own nations.
It's really sad what has happened in Europe today with the once White European Nations like England, Germany, France, and Sweden. They have been successfully dismantled by the IMF bankers who control their banks and finance the campaigns of their legislators. They are on a fast train to destruction.
The fall of the Royal Family of England was a big one. It sent the message to the world that no elite white institutions regardless of their history or national identity are exempt from multiculturalism.
Al Thompson said (November 3, 2019):
Everything a communist, liberal, progressive, socialist, or fascist person turns into shit. The key points to watch out for are listed in the Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto; another nice gift from the Jews. People should memorize them so they understand the evil that is present in all governments.
Pedro said (April 17, 2019):
The commies also change cultural icons at the drop of a hat, or wig.
Female impersonator banned for knocking "transgender rights"
From the original Spectator interview "He calls transgenderism ‘a fashion — how many different kinds of lavatory can you have? And it’s pretty evil when it’s preached to children by crazy teachers’
" There was no evidence of any link between the two fires."
And no Dancing Israelis were seen at either event chanting "God is not
so great but we are".
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Marc said (November 4, 2019):
Henry - excellent recap even though scary. Earth will never ever be heaven until the Lord God remakes it after the Great Tribulation. If you quote Jesus Christ on occasion as you do, then you’re under obligation to quote ALL of Him to not mislead your audience, causing them to stumble. True followers will always experience persecution and yearn for their real Home where the Father and Christ dwell. One cannot have it both ways on this present earth.