Mike Stone -- Instead of Mask, Wear a Dunce's Cap
May 19, 2020
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May 19, 2020
Ray Songtree said (May 20, 2020):
The writer makes a blanket generalization that all levels of the plandemic were
guilty of lying, however, isn't most of society composed of repeaters? They cannot be prosecuted,
they are just obedient robots who should be shamed. Everyone, including ourselves, are mixed good and evil. In terms of all the other species on Earth, industrial humans are evil. We often speak of crimes against humanity, but with 5G, there is a crime against biological life itself, and as I have written, this entire virus drama which is temporal, was a cover for the deployment of 5G which is permanent. And the symptoms created by 5G will make the plandemic interminable. Therefore, to save life and correct our civilization, we need to shame those who love their fast downloads, and definitely jail those who hid the dangers, in my opinion. This article could be re-written to outline levels of guilt and then it would be useful. As long as we blame others, we might feel like self righteous victims, but the plandemic of abuse includes everyone who wore a mask and didn't question authority, does it not?
Ray Songtree www.KauaiTruth.com
Robert P said (May 20, 2020):
Mike is being very unfair on these people, they are accepting what the (so called) experts are telling them.
The BBC (here in the UK) and the rest of the MSM are constantly feeding people the same lies.
They send us to school so that we get used to being told what to believe.
I am very sorry for these people.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
AC (Australia) said (May 21, 2020):
Dunce seems to be a great word for these people. In Australia, our Premiers are all bitching because they don't want to succumb to pressure and reopen our internal state borders.
I'm sure that most people are enjoying their lock down. I call it prison.