BioWeapons Part of Chinese Plan to Conquer US
May 4, 2020

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May 4, 2020
Tony B said (May 4, 2020):
I can't buy this "China war" just like any other nation against nation war in today's world. Actually, long before today.
In agreement with the article writer and "Robert K," of course China is a Rothschild proxy. But so is the U.S. and any other nation still allowed to have force against others. The force is all the same, no matter the national source, it is always talmudic satanism.
The full ending paragraph from Protocol Seven fitting this issue is: "In a word, to sum up our system of keeping the governments of the goyim in Europe in check, we shall show our strength to one of them by terrorist attempts and to all, if we allow the possibility of a general rising against us, we shall respond with the guns of AMERICA or CHINA or JAPAN."
This was written in 1884, Japan now being militarily reduced to wholly-owned American uselessness, yet all remain Rothschild/satanic proxies, not true enemies at all but very usefully pitted against one another by the kept media in their constantly promoted FEAR motivations for the herding of the sheep. Like the never ending Russian "threat" and the current extremely phony flu pandemic.
Anonymous said (May 4, 2020):
In reference to Robert K's comment on China below, I think of the Korean War when China joined the war on the side of Communist North Korea. Back then there really was such a thing as a Communism threat and America was militarily fighting against it.
Next, America went toVietnam to help the South Vietnamese resist a Communist takeover from the North that was real. China was also involved in that war. In 1967 there were 170,000 Chinese soldiers supporting the Communist North Vietnamese. This war was for real with many deaths and injuries on both sides. Like Korea, American soldiers were NOT allowed to win that war. Most Americans don't have a clue about that war nor do they care to know. They still believe that freedom is given and it is nothing you have to fight for.
We can't go to war against Communism anymore because it has been replaced by the NWO universal shadow government. Multiculturalism and the denationalization of the nation states of the world is the agenda.
The world is now getting a little taste of their future by the Corona War which has been waged on the nations and people of the world. And, sadly, freedom is the enemy which few are willing to fight for.
Robert K said (May 4, 2020):
I was pleased to see your comment that "China is a proxy for the Rothschilds." The media convey a false impression of the loci of power by constantly speaking of various nations as if they can formulate policy autonomously, whereas the reality is that all are controlled by an international financial/corporate oligarchy. Remember the statement in the Protocols that any nation trying to resist the hidden world agenda would be brought to heel by means of "the guns of China".
The anti-Chinese line now being promoted persistently in Western media has its counterpart in China, where millions believe COVID is a weapon activated by enemies of their country. COVID is being used to alienate populations internally and externally in extreme ways: alas, the old tactic of "divide and conquer" still works on too many of the sheeple.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Aloysius Fozdyke said (May 4, 2020):
Assuming the material you have published is correct, all of that changed in 2006. China will get Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Why would the Chinese government want America when Australia is the wealthiest or second wealthiest country (after South Africa) in the world?