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Mike Stone - Mass Media Will Never Stop Lying

April 20, 2020

(left, Lying is in the Cabalist DNA)

The only difference between the
US mass media and Pravda (Truth) in the old USSR,  is that the Russians weren't so naive as to believe it.  

by Mike Stone

"They told us that JFK, RFK and MLK were all assassinated by lone gunmen, and that anyone who disputes that is a conspiracy theorist."

"Yeah, but this time they're telling us the truth."

"They told us that the North Vietnamese navy attacked our ship in the Gulf of Tonkin, that the Iraqi soldiers were bayoneting babies and pulling them out of incubators, that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, and that Syria's Bashar al-Assad gassed his own people."

"Yeah, but this time they're telling us the truth."

"They told us in 1977 that a coming ice age would destroy all life on the planet. They told us in 2008 that global warming would destroy all life on the planet. They're telling us now that climate change will destroy all life on the planet."

"Yeah, but this time they're telling us the truth."

"They told us there's no cure for cancer or arthritis, but cures for cancer have existed in the alternative health field for decades, and arthritis is the easiest disease in the world to cure."

"Yeah, but this time they're telling us the truth."

"They told us, 'You can keep your doctor,' 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman,' and 'Read my lips: no new taxes,' and they all lied."

"Yeah, but this time they're telling us the truth."

("Believe what we tell you, not what you see.")

"They told us 9/11 was the work of Osama Bin Laden; that it was pulled off by 19 guys with box cutters, that a hijacked plane hit the Pentagon, and that Flight 93 crashed in a field in Pennsylvania."

"Yeah, but this time they're telling us the truth."

"They told us that vaccines are safe and effective, that there is no correlation between vaccines and autism, and that fluoride is good for your teeth and prevents cavities."

"Yeah, but this time they're telling us the truth."

"They told us two weeks before the election that Hillary Clinton had a 92% chance to win. After the election they told us that Trump won because of Russian collusion."

"Yeah, but this time they're telling us the truth."

"They told us that HIV causes AIDS, that AIDS would devastate the heterosexual population, and that AZT is a safe and proven cure for AIDS."

"Yeah, but this time they're telling us the truth."

"They told us that West Nile Virus will kill us all, that SARS will kill us all, and that Ebola will kill us all."

"Yeah, but this time they're telling us the truth."

"They're telling us now that the Coronavirus is a once in a lifetime pandemic, that it will kill millions of people around the world, and that the only way to save humanity is to take away our rights, imprison us in our homes and destroy the economy until we all take the vaccine and get microchipped."

"Yeah, but this time they're really, really, REALLY telling us the truth!!! What are you, one of those conspiracy nuts? Can't you see what's happening? Why aren't you wearing a mask? Don't come near me, stay away! I'm calling the police to report you! AAAIIEEEE!!"

Mike Stone is the author of A New America, the first novel of the Alt-Right, a dark comedy set on Election Day 2016 in Los Angeles - - Available on Amazon.

also by Mike Stone:

Burn Hollywood Burn!

Took a virus hoax to finally shut you down,
But you're all complicit so there's no frown
When your whole crappy business burns to the ground.
Burn Hollywood burn

You sold us all filth, ran to the bank.
Now the joke's on you, 'cause your box office just sank,
Here's hoping your "career" goes right in the tank.
Burn Hollywood burn

Ain't no going back, your theaters are through,
Don't count on no comeback, don't count on Round Two,
Truth of the matter is we hate all of you.
Burn Hollywood burn

Your poisoned our kids, put their minds in a spell,
You didn't care at all, anything that'll sell,
Damn Pizzagate pedos, you can all rot in hell.
Burn Hollywood burn

Take your damn awards, shove 'em you know where,
Not another peep from you, that we cannot bear,
Where you go from here, we no longer care.
Burn Hollywood burn

How you like it freaks, now that you're shut down?
Thought you were kings and queens, thought you owned the town,
Screaming from your mansions, now that's a lovely sound.
Burn Hollywood burn

Took a crazy hoax to cut you down to size,
You laughed at all of us, but now it's your demise,
Watching all of you suffer will be the best prize.
Burn Hollywood burn

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Mike Stone - Mass Media Will Never Stop Lying"

AC said (April 21, 2020):

Great to see Mike back. Kicking ass and taking names with satire is what I like to see.

It's funny on how much B.S we all take daily. Yes , to defeat this disease we have to submit to the vaccine and RFID chip. There is no talk of that here yet. But what they do want is everybody to download onto their mobile phone, a tracking and tracing app!

Tony B said (April 20, 2020):

Nice poem but not related to truth.

The truth is that these movie media satanists are one of the groups of over privileged people who have stolen the working people blind for at least a century. They can sit on their asses as long as it takes to completely break the average citizen, starve him and his family into whatever submission their backers demand. Then they will still have the cash (or whatever medium will be used) to start over with everything brand new and streamlined, more directly satanic than before, and better accepted by the masses of the willful ignorant.

It is us who will suffer, many to our deaths, us working stiffs who create all the new wealth they steal, just as it has been ever since mankind's enemies have been criminally allowed to make the medium of exchange their private upside down monopoly, using debt at usury in exchanges instead of true credit representing the wealth of the nation.

This is the whole reason for this phony pandemic but hardly a peep by anyone in the media, fake or otherwise, and the people in general just as un-blissfully ignorant of their criminally backward exchange medium enslavement of themselves as always.

Right reason seems to no longer exist in the minds of even the most capable opposition to the enslavement being installed. And apparently it won't return unless enough people come to God instead of catering to the devil at every turn. No one can serve both God and mammon. No one.

Tim N said (April 20, 2020):

Mike...Great list of "this time they're telling us the truth!

You forgot the last stanza to Burn Hollywood Burn! :

But safe at home with nothing to do,
We have our Netflix, Disney and Hulu too,
Where we go from here, we no longer care.
Burn Hollywood burn

Tim N said (April 20, 2020):

Mike...Great list of "this time they're telling us the truth!

You forgot the last stanza to Burn Hollywood Burn! :

But safe at home with nothing to do,
We have our Netflix, Disney and Hulu too,
Where we go from here, we no longer care.
Burn Hollywood burn

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at