#Scamdemic - Are We Headed for Recovery or Dystopia?
April 23, 2020

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April 23, 2020
Ludwig said (April 24, 2020):
Great article & the explanation is 100 % correct , but as you pointed out ,the populace ( majority ) is like a deer in the Headlights !!The 9-11 was test to see how much the society can take & apply the psychological war fare was intensified – the result we see on hands !!! America is so divided & dumb down so no real turn around is expected sorry to say !!
Thanks for writing this , but may be too late--
JG said (April 23, 2020):
They were real trickey in the way they gradually put the American public under illegal "house confinement".
First they banned live concerts and sporting events. Then they went down to gatherings no larger than 500. Then it went to 50 and then 10 over a period of a couple weeks or so.
After the public went along with all these demands the final one that devastated the US and World Economy was the Anti Social Distancing rule of 6 feet.
That one there was the killer. That rule put more businesses and people out of work in all the history of America. All these people would now be isolated from one another. And, again the public went along with that one too.
The final order was "house confinement" and why not? If the public was gullible to go along with all the other decrees they most certainly wouldn't take a stand against this one either.
We took God out of the equation when we put our trust in our leaders and doctors instead and we're now reaping the whirlwind for doing so.
Tony B said (April 23, 2020):
There are a lot of people partly in the "know" on this thing that find others to blame for the continued captivity of us all. But how many are doing what needs to be done, as I try doing with anyone I meet? That is, telling them that this whole thing is bullshit to enslave them, so throw away the stupid mask, get mad, and refuse this mockery of proper authority.
Believe me, nothing else is going to work. Only enough people mad enough to put their families' lives before the satanic demons who are determined to murder them. But this will not happen with the mass of people doing nothing in their lives as sacrifices for True God. Who is the God who sent His Son here to instruct people on how to use His horrible death as their opportunity to save their souls, ALL OTHERS WORK FOR THE DEVIL, ONE WAY OR ANOTHER.
Robert K said (April 23, 2020):
In China they have moved the payment system to the realm of facial recognition--just show your face and "money" is automatically deducted from your account. Just a few years ago you could see people--often very nondescript people--depositing great wads of bills at the banks. Now everyone, even the impoverished, make and accept payment on cell phones, and cash is hardly recognized. They are miles ahead of us in this area now, but we will soon be following suit. The potential for continuous surveillance of individual actions is approaching perfection.
JJ said (April 23, 2020):
There are many around us in society who fully expect the government to fully take care of every need. These are people who will never start their own business nor will they ever stop regarding those who do as upstarts. They have no understanding of the leadership and maturity needed to start a business or to drive it forward. They want cradle to the grave care and a world that is virus free. They believe everything the government tells them and regard anyone who distrusts as unpatriotic.
Once again feminism has succeeded. The only way to resist all this is to have strong male leadership. Think Hutterite colony where women are not allowed to do men's work. Those colonies will have total security during these times. They will never worry for food or security.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
JW said (April 25, 2020):
You mean that trump and his Chabad buddies wont "save" the world ( after a great and useful culling) from the "Deep state satanists and other undesirables" , institute the noahide laws for a "better" world.which they will run with an iron fist of course?
does not any true victory require sacrifice? What would such a sacrifice look like? the 75/90 formula?