Italy- Vaccinated Area is Hit Worst
March 20, 2020

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March 20, 2020
Marcos said (March 20, 2020):
Actually, the influenza vaccine increases risk for other respiratory infections, as seen in the clinical study linked below.
A meningitis shot probably has the same effect.
Here in Brazil they will start a heavy flu vaccination campaign next week, in the middle of a pandemic of a respiratory virus, just to make sure people get corona disease.
Paul S said (March 20, 2020):
'd like to corroborate what Paolo is saying about the situation in Italy and psy-ops -- as I've mentioned before, my wife works as a nurse at a prominent hospital in the San Francisco area. There's been a steady trickle of C-19 patients over the past few weeks, and yes the disease is real -- these patients are intubated, on ventilators, are experiencing SARS-like extreme respiratory distress -- but there's no sense of hysteria or panic. Some of the tweets I've seem from "doctors" in NYC and Seattle claiming they've been triaging for three days straight, it's war, etc seem dubious -- I doubt my wife's hospital would permit her to work three days straight under any circumstances given all the OHSA regulations, etc.
As Paolo mentions, there does seem to be a co-factor involved in setting off the severe variant of the disease. I mentioned Advil in my last message but there's actually an entire class of prescription NSAIDs and corticosteroids that are traditionally used in a hospital setting to treat flus and pneumonias, and which seem to make a Covid-19 infection much more life-threatening -- is it possible that the hospitals in Lombardy are still administering these medicines to patients?
The other thought that crossed my mind was that it almost seems as if like China, Iran and Italy were all bio-bombed in rapidly succession (Wuhan looks like it may have been bio-bombed multiple times) -- but it also seems as if the strength of the virus attenuates rapidly w/ each person-to-person transmission as you move away from the bio-bomb epicenter. This could explain the lower disease/death rates outside the major epicenters.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Chris G said (March 21, 2020):
Immunization and Vaccination are not the same. Immunization uses proteins to enhance the immune system whereas vaccines are poisons
with mercury, aborted babies, anti-freeze, live cancer viruses (SV40),
Vaccines kill (PERIOD) !!!
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