Coronavirus - MD's Advice to Family Goes Viral
March 4, 2020

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March 4, 2020
Eric B said (March 6, 2020):
Have been reading some interesting intel on the relationship between this virus and 5G., Dr. Makow. Apparently the world's largest 5G+ array was outside Wuhan. And the Princess Cruise lines also apparently has a %G+ array system. It can be weaponized and there are reports that this virus was made worse because of it. Will be doing more research on this angle.
James C said (March 5, 2020):
I found Dr. Robb's comment concerning COVID-19 to be very interesting: "Since then [the 1970s], I have kept up with the coronavirus field and its multiple clinical transfers into the human population (e.g., SARS, MERS), from different animal sources."
Dr. Robb is saying that COVID-19 is zoonotic; it's a disease of animals communicable to humans.
Dr. Robb's statement made me think of the pale horse of Revelation 6:8 and its riders, Thanatos (death) and Hades (grave). In this symbolic prophecy, Thanatos and Hades are given power to kill a fourth part of the earth "with sword (war), and with hunger (famine) ... and with the beasts of the earth." IMO, this last reference to the "beasts of the earth" is a reference to deaths caused by zoonotic diseases. Most likely resulting from recombinant DNA coming from a government or military lab.
Andrew said (March 5, 2020):
What virologist James Robb MD says about practices to counter a contagious virus like The Spanish Flu makes good sense. And we’ve heard it all before. But he’s taking about stopping the spread of a common cold virus which is virtually impossible unless you don’t go out in public. Everyone would need to stay home.
I don’t believe that this coronavirus (Covid-19) is any more dangerous than any other common cold. Supposedly less than 3000 people have died globally and most of that is in China where they don’t have access to good medical care.
I think the Covid-19 scare is a psychological operation. It is bullshit, because it’s preposterous to worry about a cold virus. I wanted to go back to Rome, Italy this spring, but everything I want to see isn’t open, so I’m particularly unhappy about this Psyop….
JG said (March 5, 2020):
It's kind of trivial that when the AIDS epidemic broke out they're was no mandatory testing and quarantining the people with the disease. It was not allowed in America. Not only that lawsuits were filed against employers who discharged employees with the disease.
Something just doesn't add up here.
Al Thompson said (March 4, 2020):
The MD's advice is wanting. This is typical of the medical people who hide any cures or something that works better than their medicine. Look at the updated link and we'll see that the Shanghi government is officially recommending using Vitamin C for the COVID19 virus. Then, on the second update, I have on my site shows how a man defeated the swine flu using megadoses of Vitamin C. This was a 60 Minutes episode from Australia.
Andrew said (March 4, 2020):
James Robb's advice is medical; while mine here is legal. Listen to this Fox News interview with Mark Jorgensen who's civil liberties have been compromised for almost a month.
He was separated from his wife who at the time of interview was still in Japanese quarantine while he's in America where he supposedly tested positive. From my legal point of view, Covid-19 is a Constitutional Civil Rights NIGHTMARE.
The quarantine authorities can arrest and lock you up, because they say YOU TEST POSITIVE. This is just a clever way to panic people into surrendering their Constitutional Civil Rights.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Z said (March 6, 2020):
Pathogenic' viruses do not exist. No scientist has ever purified or isolated these alleged pathogenic viruses from the host cells. I can submit an article explaining it. It's a fear mongering and the end goal is to make vaccination compulsory, starting with the right to travel.
You are doing a disservice to your readers by helping to spread the fear.
For a start, you should be reading Jon's blog -
I post both sides, including Rappoport.