War, Terror & Assassination -- Freemasons Leave Numerical Calling Card
February 23, 2020

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February 23, 2020
HRM said (February 23, 2020):
The Oslo attack was at 7/22
MB said (February 23, 2020):
A good article by Eric Rainbolt, thanks for sharing, Henry.
I've long believed Freemasonry, and more generally speaking, the occult, are the head of the snake of Satan's minions.
The mass promotion of Sodom is a fruit of the occult:
The degrees of the Hermit Triad are of a sexual nature. In the VIII° degree, the initiate is taught masturbation magical practices, in the IX° degree magical techniques related to vaginal intercourse, and in the XI° a form of sex magick involving anal intercourse.[25]
The basis of OTO's sex magic is Crowley's theory of mixing of semen and female ejaculate released during the sex magic operation to produce an "elixir", which is then ingested or smeared on an object for magical purposes.[1]
As is counterfeiting Catholic sacraments given Satan can't create, he can only pervert/counterfeit:
The Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica, or Gnostic Catholic Church, is the ecclesiastical arm of O.T.O. Its central activity is the celebration of Liber XV, The Gnostic Mass. In recent years, other rites have been written and approved for use within the church. These include Baptism, Confirmation (into the Laity), and Ordination (for Deacons, Priests & Priestesses, and Bishops), and Last Rites. There are also several "unofficial" rituals that are celebrated within the context of E.G.C., including Weddings, Visitation and Administration of the Virtues to the Sick, Exorcism, and Rites for Life and Greater Feasts.
Source for both quotes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordo_Templi_Orientis
The Bible says "Those who say they are Jews and are not are of the synagogue of Satan."
This isn't a Jewish conspiracy. Yes, Jews have been weaponized like other minority groups are deliberately weaponized through social engineering. But they are not the tip of the spear: Occultists are, which includes Jews of course, but most Freemasons or even Rosicrucians aren't Jews, and Freemasons actively recruit persons from all ethnic and religious backgrounds, as do their affiliated sister branches.
America was largely founded by Freemasons, which is why America was the first majority Christian population that makes no reference to Christ in its constitution or bill of rights. Secular Liberalism was served as a Trojan Horse for the occult, dismantling our every Christian law and tradition incrementally step by step.
Constance Cumbey all the way back in the early 1980's, long before 'the rainbow flag' was universally recognized as an LGBTQP symbol, documented how the rainbow has been hijacked by occultists (given God made the rainbow a symbol of His covenant to Noah and mankind that He will never flood the whole earth again). It's no coincidences these occultists attached this symbol to the LGBTQP agenda after first attaching it to the modern day New Age Movement. It's all part of this unfolding satanic (occult) conspiracy against Christians and mankind as a whole.
Signs of the occult are everywhere to those paying attention, as are their lodges. They are continuing to get more brazen too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8IlG9sIZ5s
MH said (February 23, 2020):
Note there are 911 days between 911and the Madrid train blasts.
The Covid scare is a big numbers party. So many counts have to be reported.
Covid, the word itself:
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Harold said (February 24, 2020):
To see how the WTC was destroyed go to this site drjudywood.com, and no planes were used, there were holograms of planes