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Sex, Women and the Devil -- A Devout Woman's POV

January 18, 2020

We get a secret agent [woman] who works for Satan and doesn't even know it. Hollywood facilitates. It is the ultimate illusion manufacturer, the greatest of all time.  Hollywood molds your mind with "story."

Jack Hamilton - Sex, Women & the Devil

Kazz reply below- "Eve was blamed for Adam eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, so nothing has changed since Genesis, because men are still blaming women for their inability to control their desires, as if God has no expectation of them to raise themselves up from the gutter." 

Makow - We need to stop blaming "men" or "women" and recognize were are under occult attack. Blame the Satanist bankers who program our minds,

"When my husband broke my nose in three places I felt it was the last straw and tried to get away, but as I had nowhere to go with my 5 children I contacted a woman's refuge, and they told me that 'I wasn't badly injured enough to warrant help'". 

by "Kazz"

I am a middle aged woman who has been a stay at home mother of 5 for the last 30 years. I house the Holy Spirit so I am devoted to God, my husband and my family. I actually underwent an esoteric ascension after many years of Bible study, as well as other extensive research, which was all done from home once my family got older.

I am not what you would call a goddess, but my looks provide me with enough attention for me to know that the opposite sex finds me quite attractive. This has never phased me because, as a child of God I know this sojourn is one of self-mastery, therefore, irrespective of what others do, I try to retain God's standard.

My husband however is not a Child of God and as a result I have suffered much at his hands, even though he is what I would consider a 'good man' in today's world. I won't go into the things he has done, but there were many times when he crossed the line, in regard to what was in mine and the children's best interest, in pursuit of his own selfishness. 

If I had left my husband i would still be walking in the ways of God because God thinks poorly of men who do some of the things my husband has done,  but this would have been to the detriment of my children so I have persevered. My journey has been very, very hard, but through that journey I actually did find God, who was hiding within all along.

The way I see it the problem today is that people look towards their partner to find their stability, but only God can provide that. This world is a very difficult plane to navigate for men and women, but especially so for women because we are the weaker sex, physically. I believe many women are stronger than men emotionally, because most men hide from their emotions. I believe the sexes are on par when it comes to mental stability.

Only in the last century did women get the right to vote, and during WWII women had to come out of the home to serve in the factories while our men were at war. 

Who would have known then that all of this is orchestrated by those who serve satan so they could gain access to these same women. 

What good men fail to acknowledge is that prior to this many women were beaten and raped by their husbands mercilessly and still are. When my husband broke my nose in three places I felt it was the last straw and tried to get away, but as I had nowhere to go with my 5 children I contacted a woman's refuge, and they told me that "I wasn't badly injured enough to warrant help". 

The woman then went on to explain that they only took those women who were bashed to within an inch of their life, because they are the only women they have enough room for, and this is in Australia.

Men were given the task of looking after the women and children in this world. The Bible provides the patriarchal system which governs the Western world, and today the rest of the world as well, since the West has willingly served the darker energies on this plane to take the world by force. 

This takeover has been occurring for thousands of years, 6,000 to be exact, and men have been in charge the entire time. [Makow- you mean money men.]

Now let us look at what Man/Lucifer has created, we have a world where poverty is rife, where women have been reduced to sperm depositories, even when they don't want to be, and the children are up for grabs too. This is how Man's patriarchal system works. This world has been brought to its knees by egotistical men who strut this planet in the belief that they are Gods, and there lay the problem.

Yours faithfully from one who houses the Holy Spirit who sees with enough clarity to know that a good woman raises a man, but a bad man drags the woman down, and this world has fallen to rock bottom because men can't get over their infatuation with their penis!  

Eve was blamed for Adam eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, so nothing has changed since Genesis, because men are still blaming women for their inability to control their desires, as if God has no expectation of them to raise themselves up from the gutter. 

Maybe when men start looking at women as human beings we might get somewhere, but until then the majority of humanity are going to remain locked in the darkness of the tomb awaiting resurrection, which is just the way Man likes it because there are plenty of whores for them to cheat on behind their wife's back there! 

These men have a vested interest in keeping humanity in a sinful state because it empowers them, and it seems the rest of the males on this planet, even if it is to their own detriment and the women and  children in their charge.

PS-  I hope it isn't coming across that I think 'men' in general are the problem, because truth be told I generally prefer the company of men over women. The conversations are usually way more stimulating. 
First Comment from Jack Hamilton

Kazz, truly sorry for the suffering inflicted on you, cringed reading your words. Still you press on, led by the Spirit, alongside believers everywhere because God is going to make everything more than right in due time, and that knowledge keeps faith paramount.  Your words affect many, women and men.  Keep sharing your experience.  Keep writing.   Don't stop.  Yours, Jack Hamilton

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Sex, Women and the Devil -- A Devout Woman's POV"

Tony B said (January 18, 2020):

"When my husband broke my nose in three places I felt it was the last straw and tried to get away, but as I had nowhere to go with my 5 children I contacted a woman's refuge, and they told me that 'I wasn't badly injured enough to warrant help'".

So what? When my wife left me with three babies in diapers (twins and a new born) I contacted welfare about taking a woman off welfare as I needed a housekeeper so I could work my job. I was told all those women were "entitled" and need not leave welfare. So, being in the same situation, I then said I would go on welfare also but was bluntly told I could not do so because I was a man.

Don't wonder why I don't feel sorry for you. Besides, I have yet to know of a woman who could not get her man to hit her if she really wanted to irritate him. Usually with some of the dirtiest tactics imaginable. You all know how.

JG said (January 18, 2020):

We don't realize it but we're becoming a corrupted people, both man and woman.

The world we live in today has become so deceiving that we wind up doing things at times that are contrary to our beliefs in the heat of the battle when we are overwhelmed by the stress of a fast paced high tech world that is slowly turning us into monsters.

We have been brainwashed into believing that in order to have a good relationship with a women it must involve constant sex. Can you even imagine that there was once a time in America when Premarital Sex was a recognized as a legitimate issue of concern? Today it's sex first and then we get to know each other afterwards. Crazy when you think about it.

As a nation we are reaping what we have sown and it's made us very unhappy.

R said (January 18, 2020):

hear that women's desire to have children is as strong as man's desire for women. Yet that is considered holy while man's desire is considered perverted and sick. Both are just dying animals trying to recreate more of the same.

Women raised children while men were working. So how did their children become so corrupted if women are so good?

European/white men are the least abusive and mostly kind to women. Is that why they are going extinct? One would think women like "Kazz" prefer abusers since she has 5 offspring with him.
If women were virtuous, men would be also and vice versa. We bring-out the whore and you bring-out the abusive whore-monger. We blame each-other when we are equally responsible for dragging each-other to hell.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at