Trump Starting Albert Pike's WWIII?
January 6, 2020

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January 6, 2020
J said (February 15, 2019):
I suspect Crazy-Horse Cortez and Omar are planted. I was glad to see your Pike article this morning because of the recent Omar flap
brought Pike’s letter to mind again. More division and inflamed passion.
Thanks again, Henry.
Phil H said (February 15, 2019):
Thanks for reiterating this topic, Henry.
As Anthony Migchels makes the points: A bogus 6 million and this would mean that the Sacrifice that is necessary for the Jewish Messiah to come into his Kingdom is still very much on the table.
Currently 6.2 million population in Israel as a potential sacrificial offering with zero doubt that the Upper Brethren, Rothschild et alia
would willingly sacrifice these Lower Brethren folks without blinking.
Yes, I am in agreement with his supposition but question his estimation of the planned "Burnt Offering / Holocaust" numbers.
I venture to say 6 BILLION. From the "Georgia Guide Stones" ...
First Commandment ... "Maintain Humanity Under 500 Millionâ€.
JG said (February 15, 2019):
It's sad but we as a people have allowed these wars to unravel and we also have been a willing accomplice to them.
Yes, it's true that the American public was deceived by an aggressively controlled foreign warmongering MSM that promoted WW1 and WW2 under the guise of nationalism but if we made peace our first priority we could have helped stop them.
How long can we call ourselves a Christian nation and continue to be the sledgehammer for the international bankers and their plan for an atheist world of chaos and disorder?
I actually remember an anti-war movement that once existed in America during the late 1960s. It was engineered by the MSM because the Vietnam War was a fight against communism and was a war for American national interests. If only the MSM could propagate this same movement today maybe we wouldn't have all these wars.
Albert Pike nor any other man really doesn't know the future of the world. They may know the designs of a lot of evil but they still can't control the future or alter what has been written and what will be. God is still in control and always will be.
Brian M said (February 15, 2019):
3 world wars
An excellent piece
There is just now pressure for a large Margaret Thatcher statue to be made and exhibited. against the wishes of the people
she destroyed British industry, everything from coal mines shipbuilding steel cars and motorbikes and put hefty VAT fines on small businesses closing most within a year, as Rothschild promised his banking industry would take up the slack, when she realised the depth of the deceit the iron lady was seen exiting in a car crying her eyes out.
Rothchild primed 2 candidates, Edward Heath and Margaret Thatcher, Heath was a risk due to his need for sex with boys so Thatcher was groomed as a quick replacement. Her constituency was N Finchley a heavy Jewish area, so why would Jews vote for a Christian lady ?
Moshe Solomons said on radio they were told in the synagogues who to vote for and she got in and went to number 10.
Before each world war the Synagogues give the repeated advice often a couple of years in advance " get into war supplies" anything from uniforms weapons food the full monty, and with Churchill's friend and fellow jew Herbert Morrison as Home Office supplies minister, all orders went to fellow Jews and many became very rich, and several MPS in the pocket of the Jewish lobby
pestered government to buy Hillman cars, more guns bullets uniforms etc from the same sources.
The real cause for wars on Middle East countries is two-fold, one to make sure they all allow in a Rothschild banking system or Israel will call in the Americans to bomb those countries until they have to borrow from the world bank or IMF both Rothchild creations, to rebuild, and second Israel wants all that land for the Road Map, or the greater Israel project, all mineral reserves oil etc is coveted by Israel.
In the UK many soldiers wised up after Iraq, and now many are saying they will not fight any more wars for Israel
this has left the MOD with problems, which it has partially solved by hiring foreign mercenaries.
Make no mistake Netanyahu said just yesterday " we must have war with Iran " this means American boys have to go fight it.
Various sources in the UK state that there is very little support for Israel and its third world war.
As David Cohen says, " you go fight it"
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
James C said (January 18, 2020):
If three world wars have been contrived to bring about Masonic Jewish banker world government, how could Israel be destroyed, seeing that the Rothschilds created the state of Israel, and were involved in the takeover of the Bank of England and the creation of the Federal Reserve System? The United Nations, World Bank, and IMF are also deeply involved. Would the United States and England allow the destruction of Israel? I seriously doubt it. If Israel is to be destroyed, the United States and England must first be taken out, which is what I believe is indicated by biblical prophecy. IMO, the United States, England and Israel will all go down together; but not before the rebuilding of the temple and the reinstitution of sacrifices. Trump won't start World War III; the Zionists will because they are the primary force behind the effort to rebuild the temple and reinstitute sacrifices.