Trump's Executive Order banning criticism of Israel or Jews as "hate"
anoints a murderous racist rogue state and its minions as rulers of the world, as mandated in Jewish dogma.
by Kurt Nimmo
(abridged by
It's official. If you find the dispossession, murder, torture, and slow-motion ethnic cleansing of Palestinians disgusting and criminal, you're an 'antisemite'.
If you organize like-minded folks and urge others to boycott Israeli products, you may end up in prison.
It's OK to criticize official enemies--Iran, Syria, Venezuela, North Korea, Russia, China--for imaginary crimes such as chemical weapons attacks in Syria and Russia's meddling in elections rigged and prearranged by a hidden elite, but you are flirting with serious danger when you talk truth about Israel....
In America, the state and its media have done an effective job of disappearing wars and downplaying or straight out ignoring the Pentagon's heavy record of lies and evasion.
"Top Defense Department officials have largely brushed aside questions surrounding reports that U.S. officials lied about progress in the 18-year Afghanistan war, with experts saying it's unlikely the documents will change the administration's approach to the long-running conflict," The Hill reported earlier this week...
Iraq was invaded for the sake of Israel. It was invaded and its civilian infrastructure destroyed and its children poisoned and murdered for a simple reason--Saddam Hussein held up Palestinian fighters as heroes. He wrote checks to the families of the dead....
Ever since its "war of independence" (ethnic cleansing and mass murder in Palestine that made refugees of thousands of Palestinians), Israel has gone to war with its neighbors...
Dare mention any of this and you will be designated an antisemite. It is impermissible and will soon be illegal to criticize Israel. It is hatred of Jews to oppose the billions of dollars doled out to the Israeli state year after year without the consent of the American people.
"Among the world's nations, the United States stands out as the most devoted backer of Israel," writes Mark Weber, a scurrilous antisemite according to the SPLC.

With very few exceptions, even those American politicians and media figures who might sometimes criticize a particular Israeli policy are, nonetheless, vigorous supporters of Israel--and not just as a country, but as an emphatically Jewish ethnic-religious state.
In spite of occasional disputes over specific policies, the US continues, as it has for years, to provide Israel with crucial military, diplomatic and financial backing, including more than $3 billion each year in aid...
Since the 1960s, Jews have come to wield considerable influence in American economic, cultural, intellectual and political life. Jews played a central role in American finance during the 1980s, and they were among the chief beneficiaries of that decade's corporate mergers and reorganizations.
Today, though barely two percent of the nation's population is Jewish, close to half its billionaires are Jews. The chief executive officers of the three major television networks and the four largest film studios are Jews, as are the owners of the nation's largest newspaper chain and the most influential single newspaper, the New York Times... The role and influence of Jews in AmeriÂcan politics is equally marked...
It is disturbing to witness the almost complete lack of interest on the part of the American people to put an end to America's involvement in Israel's wars, fought and paid for by clueless US citizens....
Beyond a small number of principled leftists and libertarians, there is virtually no opposition to Americans fighting and dying in Israel's wars.
But that silence is hardly enough. Now the state is looking to prosecute "antisemites," aka critics of Israel and a hijacked US foreign policy.

Fox News: On Wednesday, President Trump signed the executive order, which broadened the federal government's definition of anti-Semitism to include the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's definition, which can include criticism of Israel, and instructed it to be used in enforcing laws against discrimination on college campuses under Title VI.
The "Working Definition of Antisemitism" put out by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance states "manifestations might include the targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity."
Moreover, discussing and criticizing the victimization of the Palestinian people by the Israeli state is antisemitism. "Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor," is also described as hatred.
There is no paucity of facts on this latter point. Last year Israel passed what can only be regarded as a national race law that designates all non-Jews as second class citizens.
"From now on, two types of blood exist in Israel: Jewish blood and non-Jewish blood, on the law books as well," writes Gideon Levy for Haaretz. (Hitler's racism was also based on blood.)
The price of these two types of blood is also different. Jewish blood is priceless, it must be protected in every possible way. Non-Jewish blood is terrifyingly cheap, it can be shed like water. A situation that existed until now only de facto, with different standards and punishments for Jews and others, is from today by court decree.
Seventy years of nationalism and racism toward the victims is now receiving its appropriate legal backing. The nation-state law, which they said was only declarative, in the correct interpretation of [Jerusalem District Court Judge Moshe Drori], has earned its true meaning: The basic law for the superiority of Jewish blood. From now on, Israel has race law.
This "race law" is apparently OK with touchy-feely establishment liberals, while at the same time they rail against imaginary racism by "toxic white males" against state-sanctioned protected groups based on skin pigmentation and sexual orientation...
Thanks to Ken Adachi for the tip!
First Comment from Linde
This is an excellent lead-in to a subject that must not be allowed to fade from public consciousness. First Amendment free speech is only one can of worms Trump has opened with this Executive Order. The Trump dictate is an important legal foundation for Jewish Privilege on the ZOG West goy plantation. I hope all minions will take note that Trump's executive order merely brings ZOG West into line with ZOG East in terms of world order. Jewish Privilege has been above the law in ZOG East for sometime. This does not just concern Jewish genocides of the twentieth century and the world's largest open air Gulag maintained by the Jewish ethnostate. The subject matter of Trump's dictate concerns anything that offends the Jews or one of their numerous power orgs / enforcement on US college campuses. This is not just the beginning, it is the foundation. The Soviet laws (at present cloaked by the Perestroika Deception ) are still the gold standard for Jewish Privilege. As Master Yoda would say: " A crime is Anti-Semitism if offending the Jews, it does. The path to the Dark Side, this is; forever to dominate your destiny, it will. It is significant to note the target of Trump's dictate is the college campus. Jewish propaganda used to construct the Moral High Ground of outrageous demands from the Jewish power orgs like the ADL "has served the purpose of diverting our attention from the real genocide which has long been taking place - the deliberate murder of millions and millions of our own [ European ] race - by the bolshevized tools of Communism ever since the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917." "It must be remembered that in the matter of racial and national subversion , the basis on which Marxism has depended all along for its spread is the demoralisation , degeneration and eventually the destruction of the natural elite among a people, and the transfer of effective political control to the lowest elements of that people - at least temporarily. In the long run, although the most debased criminal elements of a people may remain as accomplices, the ultimate political control always passes to the same alien, international sect - the originators and purveyors of Marxism everywhere. "The most fundamental Marxist tactic , the very essence of bolshevization, always and everywhere is the destruction of the ruling class [ here the natural aristocracy of any people ] or of any potential leadership group - their natural enemies - among any people." ..."Soviet Communism and political Zionism are two revolutionised movements of the common trunk of one tree springing from the ghettoes of Russia. There has never been and there does not now exist any disagreement on ideology, tactics and objectives between these two world revolutionary forces. Backed to the full by International Finance [monopoly capital of the central bank cartel] they aspire to securing eventual control of political, economic and military power over the entire human race." S.E.D. Brown "Truth Will Eventually Prevail" The South African Observer - a Journal for Realists. Editor: S.E.D. Brown. June 1978. Vol XXII. No. 10. (Note to American readers, The SA Observer was the SA free press against the monopoly of Oppenheimer's Argus Press Group. This essay was also reprinted in the National Socialist periodical: The Liberty Bell as "Yes , Six Million Did Not Die" , Sept. 1979. Brown did not dispute millions of Jewish deaths at the hands of the Nazis / Zionists; he did dispute homicidal gas chambers which he held proven as an invention of Morgenthau's US Treasury Dept. And he argued against the deployment of the six million figure as an example of Cabalism and atrocity propaganda to demoralise Germans and Gentiles and to cloak the Jewish genocides of the twentieth century. To the extent it was possible with a press monopoly, The SA Observer freely debated this position, especially with the SA Board of Jewish Deputies. If you, the reader, have any back issues of The South African Observer, you have a treasure. ) South Africa and Rhodesia totally get these principles expounded by S.E.D. Brown. They have been the mountain and returned with the tablets in their hands.
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Imran said (December 21, 2019):
Zionist world tyranny? This article confuses the NWO with the JWO. If the assertions were true, Israel's borders would be expanded a great deal by now...but what do we see? The exact opposite since the Olso Accords.
Yes there was a strong faction back during the last century in the globalist network that wanted the JWO, but they were voiced down. Why? Well look at Israel's borders compared to 1993. Clearly there is no longer a JWO plan. As for The Donald...he might perhaps backstab Israel like Bush Jr did during his second term. That for me is the litmus test if he is really pro Israel like this article states. Time will tell. I am guessing he will win the election.
Iraq invaded to cut off support for Palestinians? We cant say for certain, but if this assertion is true that is at the bottom of the is mostly about geopolitical considerations including oil and keeping the Saudis happy.
I remember in my college days last decade reading an Op-ed from a newspaper. The writer, a woman, attended a protest by the Palestinians against Israel and its policies. She was put off by the radicalism shown by the protestors and decided to renounce support of them. Don't think she went for Israel either if I remember correctly.
Maybe the Palestinian supporters should try what she did and march in their protests and see if they still support them? It's easy to write behind a screen. Actions are another thing.
My counsel. Wait till Trump's second term and see to what extent he becomes anti-Israel (if at all). He might just be building up support in his first term among the pro-Israel he can make unpopular decisions for Israel after. Just like Bush Jr.