Reader -- Fiona Barnett's Book is too Horrifying to Believe
October 19, 2019

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October 19, 2019
JJ said (October 20, 2019):
I've talked to many people about Fiona Barnett, Cathy O.'Brien, Brice Taylor et al. The response, especially from men, is, "They're doing it for money!"
These are women doing it for free, traveling around and warning people, risking their lives with death threats etc, and allowing their information to be freely available on the internet.
Contrast this to the whores who go after the big names in media for millions of dollars for all the repeated enjoyable sexual romps from those years when those men were poor or influential. Women like Stormy Daniels and Christine Blasey Ford cannot compare to these women.
As for the spiritual experiences, I dare ya sceptics to go to a ouija board session and sit calm and still in disbelief when you see objects move and planchettes spell out words. Go to a psychic who knows nothing about you and have her say your name (which you didn't tell her). Go to a Satanic ritual and ask for proof. Most witches (not hard for seekers to find) will cooperate with you.
Contrast these ex-illumunitti women to the MeToo movement and there is no comparison. The latter for the most part are bitter women who didn't get what they wanted for the sex they offered up so they're going to get even. The former for the most part are women who, knowing how evil they themselves can be, seek to warn the world that we all need to be on guard against deception.
Tim N said (October 19, 2019):
My thoughts on Eyes Wide Open are very similar to Matthew. It seems like there may be a lot of truth in it, but is it a set up? After watching some of her videos, more doubts were raised.
A nagging thought is, if true, how are she or her daughters still alive?
Mike M said (October 19, 2019):
The problem with this Henry, people cant believe total EVIL at such a level really exist: as raping children, then consuming their remains, in some kind of Black Mass or sorcery rituals, to some high-level demonic entity???
My sister use to tell me constantly " i couldn't live in a world, you describe, i refuse to accept this."
You, yourself, admitted, you originally wanted to dismiss the Rev Ted Pike's tale of demonic infestation of his wife and his home???? It's just so surreal and horrifying!
But then, the same people that refuse to accept that this depravity exist, and " ohhhh i can't believe in a demonic realm," are the same people in church, every Sunday, where the priest or reverend, reads, of Jesus casting these same entities out, and being tempted by Satan himself, in the desert??
Like WTF why can you believe it then, but not now???
Lindsey said (October 19, 2019):
Yes, I believe Fiona Barnett. The only way you would not is if you have your head in the sand! Incredible story, but that is how the elite roll. Not. Story. But incredible it’s real-life under our nose.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
YT said (October 20, 2019):
You asked people whether they might believe Fionna's account in book form.
Already I'm skeptical.
I'm skeptical of Cathy O'Brien's claims.
As I was skeptical of the claim made against you so many years ago. What was done to you back then was reprehensible? My account of what was done to you back then is this: look at all the effort, expense and ill-will that was directed against you basis the twisted imagination of two real dumbass punk kids. Really disturbing, the whole scenario. How many more of these events are and have been played out before and still to this day? I'm skeptical of Fionna's book.
The ancients knew something about women that today, "we are not allowed to talk about". Uhh, sorry. We are going to talk about this.