For many centuries, Evil has waged a covert war against Good.
Evil denies this and calls it a "conspiracy theory."
They slander and smear people who sound the alarm.
Resistance to Evil is classified as "Hate."
They deny with their lips what they do with their hands. "Believe what we say, not what you see." What you see is "fake news."
The hunter is most effective if the prey is unaware of mortal danger.
"The goyim are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock?"
Protocols of Zion 11
by Henry Makow PhD
People are more vulnerable if they don't know they're under attack. They are complacent. They are grazing... an easy target.
This must end now. We're in a battle for our lives and for that of our children.

It hasn't hit home yet because we suffer from cognitive dissonance. The media deceives us constantly.
This is not a dress rehearsal. It is happening.
This war is taking place both internally and externally.
Internally - Every minute of every day we must choose, between Good and Evil, between right and wrong, between good and better. Every day we are beset by the temptation to do wrong or just slack off.
How do you treat your fellow human beings? What kind of person do you want to be? Do you have the will to change? (I am asking myself these questions.)
Money and Sex. I have dealt with them elsewhere (see links below.)
By making money our preoccupation, we have been inducted into a satanic cult, Jewish Cabalism.
I'm talking about people who have more than enough to meet their needs yet measure their days in dollars, and still worry about keeping the wolf from the door. We live in constant anxiety. "Enough" is always a little more than we have.
Millions of "investors" are glued to the stock market. The world is a giant casino. Everyone can play from their phones. We prefer to forget that the "House" always wins.
Make an assessment of your needs, build a rainy day fund. Then destroy this dehumanizing programming by renouncing material pursuits.
Many people spend their lives accumulating a nest egg only to leave it to ungrateful children.
The real gold is not found in the ground. Louis B. Mayer offered an actress a million dollars to marry him. She turned him down.
"Money" is just an abstraction unless converted into a commodity or service. Think, what does a billion dollars look like? It is just an entry in a bank account. Digits. There are billions of transactions every day. All that changes are the digits. We are playing a game of make-believe that only works as long as everyone plays by the rules\.
"Money" is "credit" that the Rothschilds allow our servile governments. That's why it's called a "credit card." The Rothschilds finagled the government's credit card. They create the medium of exchange ("money" i.e. credit) out of thin air as a debt to themselves and charge interest. Our government could do this debt-and-interest-free. Our "leaders" are chosen from corrupt third-rate people who will betray our trust and perpetuate the Rothschild's scam.

(left, Jacob Rothschild. Any resemblance to Mr. Burns on The Simpsons is coincidental.)
The Rothschilds (the "House") keep track of this abstraction called "money" on a Big Ledger. They need to re-engineer and enslave us to protect this racket. They destroy our national, racial, religious and family identity by promoting globalism, satanism, and gender dysphoria. Jewish Supremacism provides additional incentive.
Why would we trust people who hate us with our "money"?
"Money" is already a form of social credit. Eventually, they won't allow dissidents use of it.
Stop being naive about our "leaders." They are Judas Goats leading the sheep to the abattoir.
Whether we like it or not, we are part of a cosmic battle between Good and Evil. We can deny it but we cannot escape it.
It's time to man up. We are at war.
William B said (October 5, 2019):
Eph 6:11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
Eph 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.