Satanic Black Magic Rules the World
October 20, 2019

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October 20, 2019
Elaine said (October 20, 2019):
As you can tell some of what is told about the church is way off the mark. This obviously can be understood as a hatred of the church by those people involved and whatever was taught to those mind-controlled by their controllers.
As for the info on the Jesuits, we know they're off the reservation, how far we can't know. But when we see the results of the satanic stuff going on- anything is possible and probable.
Gerald N said (October 20, 2019):
Re your article: Satanic Black Magic Rules the World - it appears the point of this article is to sow confusion and lies about the Catholic Church.
Another anti-Catholic tirade from the enemies of Christ.
James Perloff said (July 31, 2018):
I don’t doubt that pedophilia and satanic rituals are going on big-time in the highest places. It appears to be blackmail tool #1. However, I am also leery of accepting every claim. E.g., this statement that “former President Richard Nixon raped me in the back of a US /CIA military plane at Australia's main military airport.â€
Nixon, who became President before Fiona Barnett was even born, had been ousted by the PTB on the pretext that he had erased 18 minutes of tapes sought during the Watergate hearings. After leaving the White House he was in poor health for a while; in any event, as ex-President, he didn’t have much clout and there wouldn’t be any reason to give him “pedophile privileges†since there was no longer anything to be gained by blackmailing him.
Furthermore, while I’m no fan of Nixon, I’m not aware of any other person accusing him of raping children (or women of any age). I’m not saying this incident didn’t happen because I don’t know; however, the burden of proof—at least some sort of proof—still lies with the accuser. I believe that, as with the sudden recent explosion of “Me too,†it is possible that some of the claims about pedophiles are becoming far-flung in order to sow confusion. Let’s not forget the views on Israel that Nixon and Graham shared which might make them convenient targets. Notice that in the PRIVATE conversation between Nixon and Graham, they also condemned the “Synagogue of Satan†as being the ones behind pornographic literature and obscene films—doesn’t sound like a chat between two pedophiles. One comes away from the Barnett article with the impression that pedophilia and sex trafficking are decidedly gentile rackets.
Tina said (July 31, 2018):
I am glad you included the article written by Fiona Barrett because we should not point the finger to only one people, when in fact, evil is a mindset, which knows no bound.
I believe Satanists are anyone who acts contrary to Jesus' way. It is my opinion that many and most present Christians' suffer from the same disease as most Jews. Christians are self-righteous and thus feel they can do just about anything and Jews have the illusion to be the chosen people.
What I am not clear with Fiona is how did she become a victim of CIA child trafficking, Luciferian ritual abuse, and Project MK-ULTRA? Did her parents sell her to these Satanists racketeers?
JG said (July 30, 2018):
In reference to Mary's comment, the Jews who were followers of Jesus Christ in the New Testament established the Church. They recorded the Gospels and wrote the Modern Church Doctrine along with St. Paul the Apostle under the direction of Jesus Christ.
The Ashkenazi Illuminati Jews remain a mystery as to their true identity and origin. They are followers of the Talmud and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.They reject Biblical Judaism and Christianity. They accept only rabbinacal interpretations of the Old Testament. They are Jews by name and not Jews who are "circumcised of the heart".
The Illuminati Gentiles are basically flunkies for the Illuminati Jews. They are not really totally accepted or involved in their decision making. They are there for the hopes of worldly gain and are willing to sell themselves and others down the river to do so.
You can't accept God the Father and reject Jesus Christ the Son and you can't accept Jesus Christ the Son and reject God the Father and be complete in the Faith.
The Church is a "body of believers" where there is no division in those who are believers in Jesus Christ.
Mary said (July 30, 2018):
Nor is the Israel of God exclusively Jewish for Paul tells us that we Gentiles have been grafted into the Commonwealth of God's True Israel by our faith in His Christ, the Promised Messiah of Israel, that God took down the dividing wall of division between Jews and Gentiles and of the twain made one new man! A new creature! We are made new creatures when we are born again by faith in Christ.
This is Paul's definition of a true Jew. "A true Jew is anyone who believes on Jesus Christ and has the faith of Abraham."
What was the faith of Abraham? It was having a personal relationship with God. He KNEW GOD! God called Abraham His friend!
Paul goes on to say that if we are Christ's. then are we the Seed of Abraham and heirs of the Promise. What promise? The promise of the Lamb of God who would come and be the atonement of our sin! This lamb was promised to Adam and Eve after they'd sinned, and thus to all of Adam's race. This Savior/Lamb would bruise satan's head and satan would bruise His heel. That is what happened at the cross.
So, the synagogue of satan has gentile members and so does the Israel of God! One worships satan; the other worships the Most Holy, Loving, Saving Creator God of the Universe.
Those Jews who refused Jesus Christ ["We will not have this man to rule over us"] became the broken-off branches of God's True Israel. or apostate Israel. His true Israel continued on in time and space under a new name, for God had to put His new wine into new wine skins, lest it burst the old forms of worship and belief.
God took His Kingdom away from the Jews and gave it to a new nation that would bring forth the fruits of it. That new nation is the church. These facts can be referenced at Matthew 21:43 and 1 Peter 2:9-10 where God calls the newly found church by the same names He called Israel! That which is sneeringly referred to as Replacement Theology by the Scofieldites and other Judaized believers is actually God's Own Explicit and Documented Truth!
Love, Joy, Peace and Blessing!
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Gary K said (October 21, 2019):
Must watch video from Craig Sawyer of Vets for Child Rescue on Fiona Barnett and others:
Spoiler alert: Fiona is a disinformation agent
Compare Fiona's recollections with that of this woman, who is much more credible: