Disgrace - Canada's Theft of Iranian Assets
September 15, 2019

"It gets more and more embarrassing to call myself a Canadian..." a reader responds to this tweet.
The recipients of the compensations include the family of Marla Bennett, a US exchange student killed in the bombing of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem back in 2002, as well as Edward Tracy and Joseph Cicippio, who were held hostage in Lebanon from 1986 to 1991. These attacks have been blamed either on Hezbollah or Hamas, two organizations allegedly supported by Iran.
-- Among other things, the law paved the way for last year's Ontario Court of Appeal ruling that upheld the seizure of $1.7 billion US in private Iranian assets by a group of American plaintiffs whose loved ones were killed in terrorist attacks allegedly sponsored by the Iranian regime.
Tony Hall: "Trudeau's half-hearted attempt to resume diplomatic relations with Muslim-majority country ran into the concerted opposition of his handlers in Canada's Israel Lobby."
Justin Trudeau's Subordination to Israel, USA and Saudi in Joining the Attack on Iran and China
By Tony Hall
(Abridged by henrymakow.com)
The US and Israeli governors of occupied Canada have authorized their current puppet, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, to complete an anti-Iranian initiative commenced by former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. The Trudeau government completed the process of selling off about $28 million in property seized from the government from which the Harper government withdrew the Canadian embassy in 2012.
The seizure and redistribution of Iranian assets in Canada has beneath it a ruling by Judge Glenn Hainey of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. Judge Hainey's heavily politicized ruling in this case in 2016 has been deemed "an embarrassment both to Canada and the legal profession."
The enactment that helped set in motion this fiasco is Canada's Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act passed into law in 2012 (JVTA). This legislation of the Harper government together with the ruling by Judge Hainey have imported into Canada the results of a series of US court rulings. These US rulings gave a green light to sue Iran on the basis of the Foreign Sovereign immunities Act.
By following the US lead in the treatment of Iran Canada became the second state in the world to proclaim predatory jurisdictions against states that it lists on the basis of ideological criteria, contrary to the established international-law principles of state sovereignty, state immunity, and equality of states. Canada's list contains solely Iran and Syria, two states opposing the ongoing US geopolitical machination for "regime change" by a covertly supported mercenary war against Syria.
Ottawa's Prof. Denis Rancourt has explained that the 2012 legislation, including amendments to Canada's own Sovereign Immunity Act, has been used as a pretext to enforce the US rulings, while additionally making absurd interpretations of the text of the JVTA in order to enforce rulings that have nothing to do with Canada and that are limitation barred. There was not even a civil cause of action for "terrorism" in Canada at the distant time when the claimed acts occurred. Judge Hainey did not consider and misrepresented valid legal arguments of Iran.
Dr. Rancourt goes further, pointing out the joint Canada-US initiative in mounting economic warfare against Iran violated a UN Convention in a fashion that has become tragically common in the era of the Global War on Terror. Dr. Rancourt indicates, "Canada's new laws are explicit violations of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism (ICSFT)." The UN Convention was ratified by Canada in 2002. The Conventiondelimits the conditions under which domestic-court jurisdiction can be established, defines the types of funds that can be seized, and constrains the state parties to carry out their obligations "in a manner consistent with the principles of sovereign equality and territorial integrity of States and that of non-intervention in the domestic affairs of other States"
Canada is currently in the midst of a federal election campaign with a vote to take place on October 21st. How many will remind Justin Trudeau in this season of vote chasing that in his last election campaign he promised to re-establish normal diplomatic relations with the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
What is the worth of Prime Minister Trudeau's political promises? In September of 2016 Stefan Dion, Canada's first Foreign Affairs Minister under the new Justin Trudeau government, initiated a move to return to normal diplomatic relations with Iran. Trudeau's half-hearted attempt to resume diplomatic relations with Muslim-majority country ran into the concerted opposition of his handlers in Canada's Israel Lobby.
Prof. Rancourt observed. "The Israel lobby has made it clear to Dion and to the Liberal Party that there will be a heavy price to pay for détente with Iran... The Israeli lobby's wishes against Iran are bad for Canada and bad for the world." As often happens with Justin Trudeau, Pierre Trudeau's son chose to serve the war-mongering agenda of the Israel government over a peace agenda for Canada and the world. Trudeau has adopted from the previous Harper government the main outlines of the pro-Israel and anti-Palestinian platforms that have prevailed in Canada especially since the Harper neoconservatives took over in 2006.
When it comes to allowing the Israeli and US governments to prevail in determining Canada's foreign policy, Prime Minister Trudeau is turning out to be a major liability. The failure to sort out a more productive relationship with Iran is not an isolated phenomenon. Trudeau has also carelessly sabotaged the health of Canada-China relations by agreeing to the US request to arrest in Vancouver Meng Wanzhou, Chief Financial Office of Huawei electronics.
Much like the politics underlying the federal government's unilateral seizure of Iranian properties in Canada, the arrest of Meng Wanzhou came about based on an accusation that one of the Huawei family of companies had somehow violated US sanctions by doing business with an Iranian entity. Why did the government of Justin Trudeau order the arrest at the Vancouver airport of the high-profile Chinese businesswoman? Why did Canadian officials apprehend Meng Wanzhou based on US accusations she violated a US sanctions enactment never approved by Canadian parliamentarians as far as I know?
Trudeau's decision to allow himself to become one of President Trump's and John Bolton's main enforcers on Iranian sanctions has had major implications for Canadian farmers and manufacturers. The products that these Canadians produce are gradually being shut out of larger and larger portions of the Chinese market. Trudeau's responsibility for this commercial mess forms a marker of his political ineptitude when it comes to the highest order of international relations. To describe his police action as some sort of requirement of "the rule of Law" is very deceptive to put in kindly.
Lorraine Day said (September 15, 2019):
Indeed, Canada’s theft of Iranian assets is disgraceful, but why do you say that Israel and the U.S. are the ones controlling the puppet, Justin Trudeau. Both Netanyahu and Trump are puppets, just like Justin Trudeau. ALL three are puppets of the Jewish Rothschilds, as you well know.
Why don’t you say that in your article?
You are very forthright with exposing many things about the Jews, and I applaud you for that. But I’m wondering why you hedge on other things.
Also, you talk a lot about how the rank and file Jews are going to be victims of the backlash against the elitist Jews, but many, many of the rank and file Jews are not only sayanim, but they also believe that 1) they are better than Gentiles, and 2) the Jews have the right to rule the world and control all the Gentiles.
Jews control the medical profession in the U.S. Jews control the legal profession in the U.S. and Jews control the banking/finance in the U.S. These Jews are much lower on the totem pole than the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, Kissingers, Soros, Adelson, etc., yet they are a huge part of the conspiracy to control the world.
 ALL three are puppets of the Jewish Rothschilds, as you well know.
Why don’t you say that in your article?
First, Tony Hall wrote this. I do say this often but I can't put words in his mouth.
"Many of the rank and file Jews are not only sayanim, but they also believe that 1) they are better than Gentiles, and 2) the Jews have the right to rule the world and control all the Gentiles.
"Jews control the medical profession in the U.S. Jews control the legal profession in the U.S. and Jews control the banking/finance in the U.S. These Jews are much lower on the totem pole than the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Warburgs, Kissingers, Soros, Adelson, etc., yet they are a huge part of the conspiracy to control the world."
I agree but most Jews are dupes or don't feel this way. I prefer to focus on the puppeteers rather than puppets.Â
Conbflating the evil-doers with the dupes just protects the evil-doers.