"David Goldberg" Admitted he was Jewish Agent
September 5, 2019

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September 5, 2019
Bruce said (September 6, 2019):
JG hit the proverbial nail on the head: people just don't care even when the evidence is so overwhelming, even the dead get it. The American public is the most illiterate when it comes to politics. I have dealt with this on many occasion with friends, relatives, and even total strangers. It was a psyop to the disenfranchise us, goyim, even more. I'll explain: first it comes across as someone legit, then it is pointed out he does not exist. I really think this was a ruse to give the truth movement and us so-called conspiracy theorists to look silly. Then maybe again it may have awoken a few as to the evil of Zionist Jews and their goy lackeys.
I will say this: it is getting harder to separate fact from fiction; especially at the breakneck speed of events that are happening in society. It will take much more discernment in the days ahead.
JG said (September 6, 2019):
This whole psyop was really unnecessary. For example, even if the whole truth was revealed about 911 to the public there would be no outrage because they just don't care.
The American public has been so "dumbed down" by the MSM on all the issues that they no longer can distinguish fiction from non fiction anyway.
The "powers that be" need not worry, these people have become complicit in their owm demise. And, they'll even give you a standing ovation for it all just for stopping by. Ungrateful fools they are not.
You really can't be dupes like these.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Gabriel said (September 7, 2019):
John C (below) is talking about triumph against the Illuminati through consciousness and interdimensional crap. It's better to be cautionary pessimistic than naively optimistic. What are you gonna do against them? There is a reason why nobody does anything against them, the field is way too tilted in their favor. Y you get control of the money machines and the world's armies then come talk to me. Otherwise, go get your gun, get out of the cities and prepare. I don't think good angels or aliens are gonna save us. Enjoy it while you have it.