Climate Change's Hidden Agenda - Communism
September 30, 2019

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September 30, 2019
Imran said (October 2, 2019):
I thought I would give a Canadian update. We have plans to implement climate change by 2030. Same as the UN 2030 timetable. Liberals and Conservatives are all for it. Harper signed onto it years back and the Liberals picked up that date after opposing it at first. Scheer of the Conservatives won't abandon the date from the looks of it so far.
Some additional info on the globalist links with climate change. This is clearly bigger than that Suzuki kid:
It appears then that the globalists are heavily promoting the decade of 2030 for big things to happen for world government. Canada is clearly owned currently. And of course cannabis and homosexual marriage was first legalized in Canada...then both went down to America once the globalists tested it out on the Canucks. Climate Change will be the law in Canada first, then it will come to America after the Canadian sheep accept it like the other two.
However, in addition the globalists seem to be gearing for a world government. Think of the Trudeau blackface scandal. Who released the last pics? TIME magazine...right before the Canadian election. Trudeau was attacked internationally before that anyhow by the globalist media. The coming rightist Conservatives and Trump would certainly mesh together more. War with Russia and Iran? World War 3 by the next decade? Time will tell.
But I think I might be right this time around. Climate Change will come in handy later on to form a world government in two decades' time. Get ready folks this time 'the illumanti are planning war to create the global new order' makes perfect sense. The timing would certainly be optimal by the next decade.
Communism? No. But some kind of "ism". My guess is that it will be fascism or something close to it with respect to the author.
Elaine said (October 2, 2019):
I agree with AR. How can we deny the ongoing extinction of thousands of non human species, with meanwhile the ongoing dramatically increasing of the human species? There is less and less space for the non human species that are being crowded out to extinction.
Resources on a finite planet can not last forever. Plus millions of human beings all over the world are living in poverty and filth and have insufficient food. That goes for the animals also.
Dane Wiggington's documents the geoengineering of our skies with poisonous chemtrails that are killing animals and people. The geoengineering is where the real one-worlders' agenda lies.
MM said (October 1, 2019):
Your article is absolutely correct!! I always ask people how man affected all the climate changes this earth has seen when there were no combustible engines, no factories and fewer people. Gee, I get no answers to that!! The MSM which is promoting all this bs is owned by communist globalists.
Marc said (October 1, 2019):
Henry - excellent recap! Thx for this weapon we can utilize against the lemmings...
Thanks, Marc,
"Frank" deserves all the credit.
Thomas said (October 1, 2019):
A very good article. I see there is a troll in the comment area. It's normal here in Germany. And unfortunately, I can't link your article in German blogs. We are here under draconian censorship measures, which remind of Chinese conditions (The politician Schäuble recently praised China as a model). Together with France, Germany is historically the epicenter of communism and socialism. Just think of the two German Jews Adam Weishaupt and Karl Marx. And of course, the German Jewish bankers who were called the German devils on Wall Street at the beginning of the 20th century.
Russia's youth finds faith. There is hope for the planet:
RK said (October 1, 2019):
It's a pity that AR (below) has not grasped the nature of most 'respectable' information in the world. The fakeness of news is increasingly understood, as well as the fact that MSM reporters will not deviate from certain slants or give a hearing to certain alternative points of view. Although this bias is worse than ever, it is nothing new: I recall being shocked in the 1960s at hearing a prominent Canadian newsman and TV host nonchalantly saying that he probably told his audience about one-quarter of what he knew!
The same self-censorship applies in the academic field. What constitutes safe and grant-attracting research is understood, and no one who aspires to have a prosperous, enduring career will depart far from the "acceptable" path. The result is that Fake Science flourishes much as Fake News does.
As exaggerated as the warning that "the love of money is the root of all evil" may seem to be, when you analyze the corrosive effect it has in prioritizing acquisitiveness in all areas of human activity, it takes on the semblance of a profound revelation.
A said (October 1, 2019):
All the CO2 hysteria and connected global looting (CO2 taxes) can be considered a transition to technocracy as launched in the 1930es.
The technocracy philosophy is turning CO2 into currency as described by Patrick Woods: In a genuinely communist way, everyone is granted a sparse monthly CO2 production license, incl. through exhalation. This CO2 license is also a credit card, the only capital with which to buy! When CO2 production is exceeded, you must starve for the rest of the month!
At the same time, rulers can easily punish disobedient individuals by cutting their CO2 allocations.
Today, technocrats are active in the EU through, among other things, The European Organization for Sustainability (EOS).CO2 coin foot is not fantasy - it is already being more than considered.
RS said (October 1, 2019):
Reply to AR below-
If you're not aware of or don't remember the leaked emails from the 2009 Climategate hack that showed scientists admitting the data was weak and being manipulated for political agendas.
Three themes are emerging from the newly released emails: (1) prominent scientists central to the global warming debate are taking measures to conceal rather than disseminate underlying data and discussions; (2) these scientists view global warming as a political “cause†rather than a balanced scientific inquiry and (3) many of these scientists frankly admit to each other that much of the science is weak and dependent on deliberate manipulation of facts and data"
One from Forbes on how the data for global warming has been manipulated to make it look like the planet is warming.. THAT'S why they stopped calling it Global Warming and started calling it Climate change.. Because they got Busted LYING.
AR said (September 30, 2019):
"While some applauded her courage to stand up and speak for her generation, others rolled their eyes in disbelief that an autistic child would be used as a political pawn to tug at the heartstrings of the world while stifling any real scientific discussion."
What scientific discussion? Thousands of scientists have proven, and provided plenty of evidence that shows, that climate change is happening. Whether you believe it or not has no bearing on science. I used to be skeptical about it, until I realised that climate change deniers come out with the most stupid arguments. They claim, for starters, that the earth has always gone through cycles where the weather changes, which ignores the fact that the increase in global temperatures coincides with the discovery of fossil fuels.
You have someone on Youtube who denies that the ice sheets are melting by claiming that Antarctica (or the Arctic) is gaining more ice, while ignoring the ice sheets in Greenland which are losing ice, leading to a net loss. Honestly, it would be easier to just admit that we're responsible for this than to spin these lies all the time.
Next: "The very same day as Greta's UN speech, a letter written by Professor Guus Berkhout on behalf of 500 scientists and professionals and sent to Secretary-General of the UN, António Guterres, that stated, "There is no climate emergency."
Right, so thousands of scientists have shown that climate change is a thing, and 500 scientists deny it. And? 500 scientists are probably wrong about something. What's the point you're making here?
"The problem is Climate Change is not about the environment. It's a fear-based agenda with the purpose of implementing draconian regulations meant to bring about countless green taxes and restrictions, destroy the industry, eliminate the middle class, redistribute wealth to 3rd world countries...."
How does this change the fact that burning fossil fuels are killing the planet?
I could go on, but the point is, Frank doesn't actually prove that climate change isn't happening; you just refuse to acknowledge it. You don't have to post this on your website. Just answer one question: if climate change is not being caused by the excessive use of fossil fuels, then what is causing it, and what evidence do you have to show this.
Climate has always been changing one way or another.
This is an Illuminati psyop, and I'm sorry you can't see that.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
TK said (October 2, 2019):
Hi Henry, please check out this video from ... I consider this site a reliable source of information on the real origins of climate change... which IMHO is happening, just not for the reasons being alleged by Greta Soros and company... furthermore, the trend is cooling, not warming... I see it as a beneficial thing; the earth is resetting itself, as it has done so for eons.
Here’s an article on the pseudo-science employed by the un: