John Seeley: Canada's Pied Piper of Pedophilia
August 8, 2019

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August 8, 2019
Robert K said (June 29, 2015):
Because the MSM concentrate the public's attention on elected politicians as the architects of policy, few people have a sense of how overriding policy is in fact determined and the influence persons like Seeley and Chisholm exert.
The primary controller is of course the banking system, which from a monopoly position creates and loans monetary "licenses to act". The financiers work both ends of the policy development system by supporting favoured advisers to government, who usually can be found either in high bureaucratic positions or in academia, socializing with each other and often moving back and forth between the two fields and into commercial life.
The system is described in Phillip Knightley and Colin Simpson's book The Secret Lives of Lawrence of Arabia (1969): "[These men] understood historical trends and could interpret intelligence, and from all this form an opinion and, if need be, push that policy through the right channels. ... Although outwardly most of them were scholars, archeologists, consuls or in commerce, they could continue to serve their country [this clearly is a euphemism for a narrower interest--RK] --secretly, in a way that the ordinary citizen would never know and could never understand, by gathering information, observing trends, interpreting intelligence, arranging, fixing, manipulating persons and events, formulating policy...." (p. 21)
This description is of 'how things actually worked' early in the 20th century. It appears as if in the UK the group of insiders, once thought to be the essence of respectability, now includes people like the mob- and serial-killer-connected disc jockey Sir Jimmy Savile, whom the police, after his death, have tagged as the most prolific pedophile in British history, but who was untouchable during his lifetime.
Wade said (June 28, 2015):
As the USA sinks deeper and deeper into the sewer, we must understand that the recent ruling by 5 of the "supremes" has absolutely nothing to do with compassion for gays or any interest in law or fairness.
This ruling is 100% about attacking traditional marriage...The Holy Bible...Christians...
and spitting in the face of the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. And that is the sum total
of all this is about.
Innocent blood has been shed all over the world, we have murdered some 60 million babies
in their mother's wombs. Our political leaders, our spiritual leaders, our government officials,
our prestitutes and media whores, along with a great many of our citizens, are corrupt and
evil beyond belief.
I could care less what the deranged consenting adults do behind closed doors. That is between
them and God. This homosexual debauchery has been used to slap God in the face. The recent ruling of the
supremes could be the last straw for a long suffering and patient God.
ATTENTION people of the USA...Do not be shocked by what may happen over the next 12 months. I am here to tell you that God's judgement is upon this nation. He will not strive with any people forever. The only thing that surprises me is how long God has tolerated the insults heaped upon Him by this once Christian Nation. I sense that His patience has run out. We need to repent and turn from our evil ways, and then pray that He will heal our land, but I do not believe the people will do this.
Dan said (June 28, 2015):
Pedophiles want same rights as homosexuals
The point of getting 'gay marriage' on par with real marriage is that now hard core queers can't be fired from private schools for being hard core queers. They'll flaunt their mockery of the heterosexual institution. Administrators won't dare interfere with them, for fear of being sued. Within a few years hard core queers will be openly running the entire school system - including the private schools. We'll see a wave of well established religious schools shut down.
There will of course be pandemic of pedophilia and statutory rape in the schools, so now all the energy and money that went toward slam dunking 'gay marriage' will be turned to "children's rights".
Planned Pedophilia, UN Style
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Catherine said (June 30, 2015):
Beyond Excellent Ann and Henry.