Why Arrest Jeffrey Epstein Now?
July 9, 2019



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July 9, 2019
Steve said (July 10, 2019):
I note that on the Lolita manifest of passengers was also Ivana Trump and Ivanka Trump (which Trump may have trouble explaining), which might also give credibility that Trump is possibly getting blackmailed - but to do what? Look, if Trump gets rid of the Fed and the USA goes onto gold based currency (as some pundits are suggesting), then to me, Trump is just continuing to play the game until he gets close to full control and then even the Jewish elite will also get demolished by him. I put it to you, no matter what females Trump has possibly taken advantage of, the general USA citizen will still support him because any other existing party alternative is far worse.
S said (July 10, 2019):
You know, probably more than anyone, how their system works. To your question, "why now?" I would suggest it's because Trump is not co-operating with them. Specifically on Iran. Or North Korea for that matter. Notice where he went right after those bigwig meetings like Bilderberg and g20. And notice how Epstein is arrested shortly after that. And the the Earthquake. And the Deutschebank.
Epstein has had plenty of time to build himself the finest of prisons. He's already talking about ratting his clients out. Clinton is no longer his client in case you didn't notice but, Trump sure was, according to the MSM. It looks to me like a typically sloppy plan in action on the part of the Deep State and possibly not the work of Trump. In cahoots with the already complicit media.
Trump seems to have made it his duty to attack the Deep State and international pedophile networks. It's possible that he is more evil than them (not likely in my opinion) and taking over the network gangster style. And but them in this case I mean the Epstein group including Clintons and Bush's (Franklin Coverup) as well as the Comet Pizza and Satanic Panic stories members.
Also just read this now and it appears to try to answer this question too:
Snyder: Epstein Case Has The Potential To Be The Biggest Scandal In American History
RF said (July 10, 2019):
Mossad agent Yuval Aviv predicted the impeachment of Trump and it seems Epstein was the Ace up the sleeve after all. After the Russian collusion story didn't stick, they are trying to extend the pressure on Trump in favor of Israel and it's foreign policy towards Iran via the US.
oh btw it's the same Aviv who made Freudian slip and confirmed Mossad involvement in the 7/7 bombings in London
meanwhile the tensions in the Persian Gulf are rising and the US asked several NATO members (eg Netherlands) to send ships to the Gulf.
the whole operation reminds me of the Woodrow Wilson blackmail by Samuel Untermeyer, this lead to the US involvement in WWI
JG said (July 10, 2019):
Unfortunately our military "highers" are largely under the direction of the Mossad Neocons and have been ever since 911.
They plot the course of the US military by demanding that the President accept their intelligence and no other sources that they don't control. So even though some of this Mossad supplied intelligence may be bogus and with a motive they are demanding that the generals and the President accept it.
I do believe that President Trump is wise to all of this but unfortunately Bolton and Pompeo have already been had.
I don't believe President Trump will cave in to their demands.
If they try impeaching him it will only delay their plans for Iran and the Middle East.
Lloyd said (July 9, 2019):
Henry, I think you are too pessimistic about this situation. I have been following and researching this and related subjects for years. I think that Trump is clean with regards to Epstein. Some of the things that he and the people around him do actually turn out to be quite brilliant. He often puts people into position for a specific purpose. Acosta was the US attorney that seemingly signed off on the sweetheart deal for Epstein, but in his pre-appointment interviews, he made it clear that he was instructed to sign off on the deal by higher ups, that it was above his pay-grade and intelligence related.
So the trail is going to lead back to the Justice Department, and Mueller. Let me add that I have it on good authority, with multiple corroborations, that Trump is in office because the highest levels of the US military wanted him there, and he working in conjunction with them to bring down the Deep State, the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, the whole sick crew.
This was planned in secret at the Army War College, and has been spearheaded by Generals Mattis, Kelly, and particularly, Dunford. I also have it on good authority that in Guantanamo, they have been steadily gathering evidence on 9/11. They know who did it. And Trump is not enslaved by Bibi, there is not going to be a major attack on Iran. Like with North Korea, the real objective is to unwind both countries from their twisted relationships with the Deep State. I never liked Donald Trump, but in the last few years I have come to have much greater respect for him. He knew going in that the Cabal would try to kill him and his family. So far, I know of at least sixteen or seventeen attempts. Again, they know who is behind these attempts and they will soon be facing legal consequences. All of them. Love your site and I have learned so much from you. Thank you.
Tony B said (July 9, 2019):
Very interesting that articles on this latest Epstein arrest mention Bill Clinton, even saying he will be sacrificed, but so far I see nothing mentioning Hillary who was an equal in the doings at Epstein's island. Appears that the devil (and his cabal) may still expect to put her in the oval office.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Essel said (July 10, 2019):
You said accurately : "[Discredit Trump] and everything positive he represents."
This aspect of the devastation caused by false oppositions is almost never highlighted by other commentators, and yet it is decisive in the strategy of Illuminati. It can be observed that it is present in all historical cases of false oppositions, such as Nazism, fascism, and now "populism". It consists in having a charismatic figure like Hitler, Mussolini, Trump, or even Salvini proclaim truths of prime importance which will later be discredited by amalgamation during the programmed fall of these characters following real or supposed disasters attributed to them.
Thus, the fight against migratory invasions or the struggle to get out of the European Union's geole will be assimilated without distinction to the policies of Trump or Salvini, who may be held responsible for the ruin of their country.
That is why the so-called "democratic" system, which allows these indivisions and amalgams, is an irreplaceable weapon. By voting "effective" or "practical" for one reason or another that is important to them, they are also voting for things they would not want. And bipartism further accentuates the phenomenon.
That is why the electoral system is a fatal trap.
This is also why, dear reader, you should never say that you are "right" (or even "left"!) because the categories "right" and "left" are those of your mortal enemies. Reject them and don't play a game where you always lose.