Putin: Communist or Christian?
July 10, 2019

Vladimir Putin is clearly a snake in the grass.
Communism is Freemasonry (Satanism)
dedicated to the destruction of Christianity.
Communism is a Jewish supremacist
death cult (Cabalism) masquerading as champions of the have-nots.
The author urges Westerners not to be taken in.
The Perestroika Deception: Behind the Mask (Pt. 1) (Footnotes found here)
By 'Child of the Immaculata' Apocalypse 12:17.
(Slightly abridged by henrymakow.com)
"He told Western observers who refused to monitor the forthcoming election, widely seen as a sham, that they should 'rather teach their own wives how to cook cabbage soup.' (2)
'You know that I, like millions of Soviet citizens, over 20 million, was a member of the Communist Party of the USSR and not only was I a member of the party but I worked for almost 20 years for an organization called the Committee for State Security,' Putin said, referring to the KGB 'I was not, as you know, a party member by necessity' he said. "I liked communist and socialist ideas very much and I like them still."(3)

And in 2018, in further affirmation that his apparent 'Christianity' is totally fake (5), he compared the mausoleum of Lenin with a Christian relic: "Putin went further by comparing the Communists' attitude to the Bolshevik leader Lenin to the veneration of saints in Christianity. 'Look, Lenin was put in a mausoleum.How is this different from the relics of saints for Orthodox Christians and just for Christians?"(6)
Putin's words were music to the ears of Communist Party members. 'I think these words of the president very effectively and reasonably smooth out the acute angles around the theme of the mausoleum', Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Ivan Melnikov said on Sunday, as cited by Interfax.
Earlier this year, Gennadiy Zyuganov, the head of the Russian Communist Party, said Putin had promised him that Lenin's body would remain in the mausoleum in Red Square.
"As long as I sit here, there will be no barbarism in Red Square' the Communist chief quoted Putin as saying at a conference with Russian party leaders."
The fundamental identity of communism is hatred of God, externalized in violence, destruction, death and enslavement of men. In his annual Presidential address on 1st March 2018, Putin displayed aggressive flex of Russian (ie. Soviet) 'tempestuous force' and 'fire and action'. He said, 'It is actually surprising that despite all the problems with the economy, finances and the defence industry, Russia has remained a major nuclear power. No, nobody really wanted to talk to us about the core of the problem, and nobody wanted to listen to us. So listen to us now!"
For almost an hour in this speech, we see a peacock show of weaponry (from 1 hr 15 m 15 s). Note also that the delivery aircraft for his new 'dagger' missile system has the Soviet 5 pointed red-star on the tail-fin! (1 hr 38 m 21 s) And of course, his speech was inter-laced with the usual anti-Western propaganda and characterization of the US especially, as aggressor.
The communist show of military might was the mark of the Soviets, before they implemented the 'Perestroika Deception'. And as we see in their 'victory day' celebrations in Red Square this year, the same is true today (note the prominent hammer and sickle emblem in the lead photo of this article). Watch the a 17 minute video in reference (8). The fundamental to the whole parade was simply virulent military power.
What about Russia's ally China? We see here Karl Marx's 200th birthday as celebrated in 2018 by the Chinese regime. In the forefront President Xi, who as with Gorbachev, has been cast in his role in deceit of his 'avuncular' appearance.
Anatoliy Golitysn warned that alliance between Russia and China, is the final step before communist confrontation of the West:
'Before long, the communist strategists might be persuaded that the balance had swung irreversibly in their favour. In that event they might well decide on a Sino-Soviet "reconciliation." The element of apparent duality in Soviet and Chinese policies will disappear. The hitherto concealed coordination between them will become visible and predominant. The scissors strategy would give way to the strategy of one clenched fist to provide the foundation and driving force of a world communist federation. At that point the shift in the political and military balance would be plain for all to see. The argument for accommodation with the overwhelming strength of communism would be virtually unanswerable." (10)
It is clear we have reached this stage!
'Russia has launched what it has called its largest ever military drills, with hundreds of thousands of troops joining Chinese soldiers.
Taking part in the drills are around 300,000 Russian soldiers, 36,000 military vehicles, 80 ships and 1,000 aircraft, helicopters and drones, as well as 3,500 Chinese troops.' (10)
June 2019
'Putin Hails 'Unprecedented Relationship' with China's Xi Jinping. Xi and Russian President Vladimir Putin praised their countries' ties during talks at the Kremlin, as Russia and China seek to shore up cooperation amid shared tensions with the United States.'President Putin is for me a best friend.' Xi told journalists.' (11)
Putin's pretence of apparent 'Christianity' is faked to deceive the West, concomitant with the strategy to denigrate the West as evil and exalt the East in virtue, to justify their pending attack on the West. Note there was no mention of God in his 2018 Presidential address.
The 'East good/West bad' propaganda strategy has been revealed by Putin's close confidante Alexander Dugin (12) of whom we should note, was condemned by the Russian Orthodox Church as a disciple of the satanist Aleister Crowley (12a) It has also been admitted by Margarita Simonyan, who is the the head of the media propaganda organ RT (13).
Indeed, Putin as chief administrator of the 'Perestroika Deception', stands ready to destroy 5000 years of Western civilization and take billions of lives. He is an anti-christ of the first grade and an acolyte of the communist 'saint' Lenin.
As the Hungarian communist Laszlo Lakatos-Kellner (d. 1944) wrote in a poem; (14) THE NEW CHRIST HAS ARRlVED, LENIN! LENIN! Gorbachev stated in a speech on the 15th November 1989 - SIX DAYS AFTER THE FALL OF THE BERLIN WALL; (15)
"We are for Lenin who is alive!" In order to achieve this, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union returns to the origins and principles of the Bolshevik Revolution, to the Leninist ideas about the construction of a new society.
Well, the new society they intend is technocratic, communist enslavement for the entire world!
As Anatoly Golitsyn said: 'In the new worldwide communist federation the present different brands of communism would disappear, to be replaced by a uniform, rigorous brand of Leninism.'
So help us God!
In part 2, we will examine the East's strategy of conquest for the West. Again, please distribute this information and in personal sacrifice of your reputation to a blinded world, if needs be. God gives much grace for such sacrifice (Mark 3:21).
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----------- - Insider - Is Trump Family Cult Behind Coming Armageddon?
----------- The "Tell" - Putin Murders Polish Elite at Smolensk
------------------ Russia - Defender of Christianity (YouTube)
First Comment from Paul S
I don't necessarily trust Anatoly Golitysn or "New Lies for Old" -- the book is 400+ pages long and only mentions Jewish involvement in the Soviet Union maybe three or four times, and always in the context of how "oppressed" Jews have always been, how badly they suffered in pogroms, how badly they suffered in the Holocaust, etc. This is a spectacular omission to make for someone claiming to be unmasking the tyranny of the Soviet Union!
I don't necessarily trust Putin either, but only b/c I don't necessarily trust anybody who possesses lots of centralized power. Overall I think Putin's rule of Russia has been a great benefit to that nation, and to balancing-out the otherwise "unipolar" world dominated by American insanity that we'd all be living in if he were not running Russia. Putin has ruled for nearly 20 years, and I don't think any American cite a single (sane) example where Putin has overstepped his boundaries or threatened American (or global, or even East European) interests in the slightest -- including, e.g., military actions in Crimea which were done in response to voter referendum and according to international law. Compare that to America's international track record over the least 20 years. Moreover, having been in power for so long, Putin is now likely in the process of grooming potential successors -- all these nonsense "Christian" prophecies about Putin as Gog and Magog and Rev 12:17 will soon have to be quickly re-calibrated to fit the next "evil Russian president", which sort of proves that they were fake prophecies to begin with.
Regarding the Russian-Chinese axis, Golitysn is just re-hashing old Western fears of the MacKinder Principle (i.e., a unified Eurasian continent and economy) which has been the centerpiece of Anglo-American foreign policy since at least WWI, and which is the probably the main driving force behind the current tension with Iran. It doesn't have anything to do w/ Communism per se, much less w/ the Bible.
Finally, it's a bit cringey to watch Western "Christians" constantly using the Bible to justify their political beliefs and actions. Just because Putin maybe slightly mischaracterized Christianity once in a public statement, or is photographed alongside Jewish leaders -- who still have enormous influence in Russia -- doesn't mean he's the Spawn of Satan. What's he supposed to do? Not meet with Jews? Ever? Putin attends Christian Mass regularly, and my guess is that he probably attends Mass (much) more frequently than he meets with Jews. Attendance at Russian Orthodox Church has skyrocketed under Putin, and Poland and Russia are two of the most devoutly Christian countries in the world.
Western "Christians" could learn a lot from this much more holy and reverent attitude that East Europeans have towards Christianity, and save themselves from all the PTSD that comes from constantly "believing" all these fake, nonsense "Bible prophecies" that never come to pass.
Response from Tim Fitzpatrick, where this article originally appeared
L said (July 19, 2019):
I’ve read your article of July 10 about Putin’s quasi-communist statements. Here is my response. Let me just tell you that you North Americans never get it right. One segment of you clings to Putin as a white knight. The other segment devolves back into the “right wingâ€, i.e. neoconservatism, and repeats those hysterical murder accusations like pathetic neocon parrots. Neither are correct, as the Soviet Union certainly isn’t coming back as it is long dead and gone. You foreign chumps, unfamiliar with Russia, think that any nostalgic praise or positive remark about some communist achievement is considered “100% PROOF THAT PUTIN’S COMMUNISTâ€. You forget, that politicians bump their gums about all sorts of things. One day Trump hires illegal Mexicans to build his structures, then he decries them and wants a wall, then he never builds a wall and fucks over the white working class instead. You morons are so pathetic it’s virtually senseless to educate you. Because you are arrogant, think you know more about Russia than us. You know perhaps 5% and the rest is your cheap opinion. Mental invalidity, and obstinacy, are your foremost personality traits. Please, close your mouths about this “communist†bullshit and instead ask to learn from a Russian.