The Conspiracy Against Women
July 27, 2019
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July 27, 2019
JJ said (July 28, 2019):
It's endlessly amazing to observe the stupidity of women and Perez is a great example.
For hundreds of years men have chosen a woman as their soulmate and given that woman more than they have ever given a best friend. They have given that woman their bodies, their energies, their money, their time, their bank accounts, their lives. Apparently it's just not enough.
Back to roads - four things:
1) how many women of equality can actually shovel all the snow around just one house like a man can?
2) if a woman can shovel the snow around her house, will she also shovel the snow around the houses of the single women in her community without harshly judging them?
3) when will women acknowledge all of the good husbands and fathers who FREELY take care of their own homes (wives) and many times most of their neighbors?
4) WHAT ABOUT CITY BUDGETS? Sorry for the shouting but do women ever look at the numbers (or even care to look)?
Perez had lousy men in her life (thanks for telling us). Why do we all pay the price?
Wade said (July 28, 2019):
Your article today opens up a pet peeve for me. The obvious and God given differences between men and women should be celebrated. Society should be using those differences to the advantage of our entire culture.
Henry it is amazing to me how even conservative men have been so brainwashed. The sad state of affairs we find ourselves in today can be laid at the feet of white men who were and are Marxist Communists, and the world is infested with them. The so called conservative males we have today have been bullied and shamed into a state of fear where they will no longer embrace facts or common sense where women's issues are discussed.
Our founding fathers got it right the first time. The vast majority of women are not wired in a manner that equips them to be intelligent voters, or judges. Most women are also ill equipped to hold public office. There are exceptions of course, but when approximately 70% of women in general and 90% of young women should not be voting or holding public office or being a judge the only rational option is to not allow any woman to be involved in any of these critically important societal roles.
I believe these are empirical truths that should be faced up to. Our society is so far gone that most conservative men will not agree with this. Giving women the right to vote was one of the most tragic mistakes this Country ever made.
We have taken women...wives and mothers off the pedestal and sent them off to work.
This is, of course, just one area of subversion society has succumbed to, and it is just one piece of the cloth that was knit in order to destroy western borders, culture, and language. If we continue in the same cowardly fashion...refusing to stand up to those that would intimidate us...we stand to lose everything including our personal freedoms.
Actually I believe that conservative males are the canary in the coal mine, and that it is already to late to save this Nation. Thanks for letting me sound off.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Paula said (August 6, 2019):
I am not a feminist, but I have to say that there are a lot of men who should not hold a public office or vote, either!