Is it Time to Give Up on Humanity?
June 2, 2019
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June 2, 2019
Robert M said (June 3, 2019):
I always get the sense that many moderns consider themselves too educated and sophisticated to possibly believe "conspiracy theories," that is, what really goes on beyond their limited vision. Only the semi-ignorant believe in conspiracy theories. The irony is they're the ones who are ignorant. They've stopped learning and growing after a certain point in their lives (except to keep up with the latest gadgets and technology that a smart modern person simply has to have). After all, they learned everything there is to know in college from their brilliant professors.
It's those of us who keep learning all our lives, who are intellectually curious, as well as concerned and vigilant, who soon surpass them intellectually. I often smoke people out, to see if I get the classic reaction I expect, and they seldom disappoint. I had been commenting about a strange new weather pattern to a cousin who is from the Northeast but now lived in the South: a Northeast cool-down while much of the rest of the U.S. has been roasting in the summer.
I came across an article that claimed it was due to weather manipulation. I, too, am out of my depth when it comes to scientific subjects like the weather, but I know most people have no idea what the military-industrial complex is able and willing to do to us. Here was a REAL conspiracy- nut story. This would have her shaking her head! I emailed it to her; perhaps THIS explains the Great Northeast Cool-Down. Her reply to this conspiracy kook/idiot: "Sorry. I can't believe that."
I also find that many women still don't want any part of politics (and I'm not so sure that's a bad thing). I think most of us hate politics. I despise politics. But when you ignore politics and world events, it always comes back to bite you, because they determine what kind of world your children and grandchildren will live in.
Robert M said (June 3, 2019):
I always get the sense that many moderns consider themselves too educated and sophisticated to possibly believe "conspiracy theories," that is, what really goes on beyond their limited vision. Only the semi-ignorant believe in conspiracy theories. The irony is they're the ones who are ignorant. They've stopped learning and growing after a certain point in their lives (except to keep up with the latest gadgets and technology that a smart modern person simply has to have). After all, they learned everything there is to know in college from their brilliant professors.
It's those of us who keep learning all our lives, who are intellectually curious, as well as concerned and vigilant, who soon surpass them intellectually. I often smoke people out, to see if I get the classic reaction I expect, and they seldom disappoint. I had been commenting about a strange new weather pattern to a cousin who is from the Northeast but now lived in the South: a Northeast cool-down while much of the rest of the U.S. has been roasting in the summer.
I came across an article that claimed it was due to weather manipulation. I, too, am out of my depth when it comes to scientific subjects like the weather, but I know most people have no idea what the military-industrial complex is able and willing to do to us. Here was a REAL conspiracy- nut story. This would have her shaking her head! I emailed it to her; perhaps THIS explains the Great Northeast Cool-Down. Her reply to this conspiracy kook/idiot: "Sorry. I can't believe that."
I also find that many women still don't want any part of politics (and I'm not so sure that's a bad thing). I think most of us hate politics. I despise politics. But when you ignore politics and world events, it always comes back to bite you, because they determine what kind of world your children and grandchildren will live in.
Andrew said (June 2, 2019):
I understand Mike Stone’s frustration. Recently I learned 2 communication concepts which trap people in false beliefs and make it so difficult to change their minds.
(1) I learned the NARRATIVE PARADIGM in 2017. Narrative paradigm is a communication theory conceptualized by 20th-century rhetorics scholar Walter Fisher. The paradigm teaches that all meaningful communication occurs via storytelling or reporting of events. Humans participate as storytellers and observers of narratives in movies and plays.
This theory further claims that stories are more persuasive than arguments. Essentially narrative paradigm explains that humans are able to understand complex information only through storytelling. I thought about this theory and realized that I learned the law by reading legal cases. Cases are simply stories with a conclusion of law. I asked a medical doctor how he learned medicine. He explained he learned through a case study of medical cases which he later applied to sick patients.
(2) The other communication concept is CONFIRMATION BIAS which is the tendency to search for, interpret, favour, and recall information in a way that confirms one’s preexisting beliefs or hypotheses. It is a type of cognitive bias and a systematic error of inductive reasoning.
This is why TV is so persuasive. With TV, mass media is able to buttress stories with images. A picture is worth 1000 words. This is why TV addicts are so hard to talk to.
Asim A said (June 2, 2019):
Mike stone means well but he is not thinking of the bigger picture here. Why is he obsessed with the perceived demise of the white man as the be all sign of the end of civilisation?? This is inherently racist and Eurocentric.
Does Mike not see that of late, a number of Middle Eastern countries have been systematically destroyed and whose inhabitants are not white but brown-skinned people? Who also happen to share the second largest faith in the world and are arguably the most practising lot of people due to their obedience to their faith!!
Why doesn’t Mike liaise with the Muslims who are in no doubt truly aware of what is going on and are feeling the brunt of the powers that be on a daily basis? Talk to them, set up groups of mutual understanding, perhaps meet like-minded sheikhs in order to share ideas, like Sheikh Imran Hosein. But wanting to seclude amongst the white folk, lamenting and bemoaning the once knights of shining armour syndrome, then things are always going to feel as rotten as they are in society. I say to Mike Stone, visit your local mosque, touch base with the local imam there, and rest assured you will soon realise that you are not alone but have a natural ally of a billion strong on your side. They are simply waiting to meet you, Mike.
Sue C said (June 2, 2019):
Ignorance is bliss, that is a sad truth. I started waking up to lots of things in the last 8 or 9 years. I'm 68 in June and wish I would have known then, what I know now. But, I do find the more I know, the less joy I have because, if you know some or lots of truth, getting others to listen is extremely difficult if not impossible, so many are willfully blind, and apparently want to stay that way. That is depressing.
So, sometimes I wonder why Father Yah,(God), had chosen to wake me up. And sometimes I find the more I know, the less I know, because to find truth only makes you realize you have just seen, the tip of the iceberg, and how many there really are, and how deep they go! It really can be scary. God will forgive ignorance so far, but the word says willful ignorance is something he wearies of. People need to open their eyes, but sadly few will!
But, still, I seek all truth from my Heavenly Father! By all truth, I mean spiritual truth, the truth about our true history, world events, medicine and health, etc.. etc.. So many categories!!!
Peter C said (June 2, 2019):
Henry, I disagree with Mike Stone. The attacks on white men & conservatives is actually a ruse to eventually get the 'white man' to rise in anger, an anger which will be predominantly directed towards the Islamic world (as per the dictates of the ruling elites), with many of those other groups who are currently in the forefront of undermining traditional culture also getting decimated as a sort of 'reward' to those will be led to believe that the whole uprising is a grass-roots endeavour and not simply a politically orchestrated move. The whole populist / nationalist movement worldwide (Trump, Brexit, etc) is the desired outcome for the elites (at least for the near future). It is not the elites who are opposing this movement, it is the low-level people who fear a coming retaliation. The whole attack on the white/conservative/middle class/Christian/traditional way of life is being orchestrated by the ruling elites so that they can harness the power of the inevitable backlash to use it towards their own ends.
Earl said (June 2, 2019):
A slap in the face msg. What is so profound about today's newsletter, is the fact, that the cabal, has used Black leadership to undermined, the Black American community. The author is TDC(top dead centre), all conservatives are under attack, and just not White men, but conservatives of all color/race
Nornan W said (June 2, 2019):
Respectfully, you have said that you don’t want to talk theology. Have you considered Isaiah 8:12-13?
Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 8:12-13
12 “Do not say, ‘A conspiracy,’
Concerning all that this people call a conspiracy,
Nor be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled.
13 Yahweh of hosts, Him you shall hallow;
Let Him be your fear,
And let Him be your dread.â€
Respectfully, have you considered that the Almighty is completely in charge of all things? And that just as in the book of Job, the devil has to come to Him first, to get permission to harm the sons of men? And that if we please Him according to his word, He will protect us from harm?
There are certain groups in Scripture who are protected from harm during the end times. But there are specific legal prerequisites to belonging to the protected groups. That’s what we do. The alternative is to try to deliver oneself by one’s own power and strength. Scripture warns against this approach many, many times, and says it can only end in failure because it’s not what the Creator wants. What He wants is complete submission to His word.
Paul said (June 2, 2019):
I might have let this article slide but for ridiculous comment by "Peter". It's impossible to convince such people that there's such a thing as a sacrifice, that people will sacrifice for their country, that they vote Republican because they want a small government so that they can obey God and take care of themselves and their families who often live in poverty - in peace.
They vote Republican based on values, not money. The other day I was talking to another liberal who told me there are millions of fake Republican voters in databases getting Trump elected, that Republicans are simple-minded sheep easily led astray and that they are all about money. There is nothing one can do or say to change their minds - especially when they believe they themselves are like Christ.
George said (June 1, 2019):
Fine article by Mike Stone. But I have another take on the topic. The vast majority of people view life as a spectacle to be observed. They are the gigantic audience in the Stadium of Life. They have neither the ability nor the desire to be down on the field. But there are others who force their way down onto the field to make the spectacle rather than watch it. The future is theirs.
George said (June 1, 2019):
Fine article by Mike Stone. But I have another take on the topic. The vast majority of people view life as a spectacle to be observed. They are the gigantic audience in the Stadium of Life. They have neither the ability nor the desire to be down on the field. But there are others who force their way down onto the field to make the spectacle rather than watch it. The future is theirs.
Peter said (June 1, 2019):
Then there's the type of conservative who still thinks that Trump is the real deal, 'cause money is their God and they think they will do well under him. Tell them otherwise, and you risk a beating, literally. More destructive than conservative. Easily misdirected.
Jesus had to work hard to get crucified. Today it only takes two words to get them to blow you away.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
MICHELLE said (June 3, 2019):
I always correct people when they refer to me as a conspiracy "theorist". I tell them I'm a conspiracy "researcher". :-D
People these days have been led to think that the word conspiracy has to do with fairy tales. But the word has nothing to do with fantasy, but rather reality. Conspiracies happen from the largest organization to retail stores to individuals.
Conspiracy: a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful / the action of plotting or conspiring
Synonyms: plot, scheme, stratagem, plan, machination, cabal, intrigue, deception, ploy, trick, ruse, dodge, subterfuge.
Example: "the company was involved in a conspiracy with bookmakers to manipulate starting prices"
Conspiracies are VERY real. It's just up to "us" to "research" them to find out which ones are Truth.