Don't Assume Tanker Attacks are False Flags
June 25, 2019

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June 25, 2019
Tony B said (June 25, 2019):
Sadly, almost everyone always puts these "nation against nation" battles as JUST THAT: "nation good against nation evil," when that is NEVER the true case.
It is, in today's world ALWAYS the Rothschild cabal in its City of London manipulating ALL THE OTHER NATIONS. Nations go down, one after the other, depending on the powers allowed to each of them in turn by the cabal, but the cabal world conquest agenda gains no matter which are destroyed.
Unless and until the people of ALL NATIONS COME TOGETHER and destroy this satanic driven monster that cares nothing for ANY NATION, including its most recent creation called modern "Israel," NOTHING WILL EVER CHANGE POLITICALLY NOR ECONOMICALLY FOR THE BETTER.
The cabal can only exist because of this current miserable engineered short-sightedness of people who enjoy joining the cabal agenda, foolishly pitting their national pride against that of others, rather than collectively turning against and stopping this central satanic insanity which is rapidly destroying the world.
FS said (June 25, 2019):
So many of the emerging facts contradict the official story that Iran is the author of the attacks on the oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman. But if Iran really is to blame, then how do we know it isn't the work of a treasonous Iranian fifth column, as also may have been the case with Japan in the Pearl Harbour attacks, to take the bait in an obvious setup to give Israel and the U.S. and their allies the excuse they need to wipe Iran off the map?
It should have been obvious to W.W.-2, out-of-the-loop Japanese intelligence when analysing all the intelligence indicators ("Now, why does all our fine work and warnings keep falling on deaf ears?"), just as it is to present-day researchers and historians, that Japan was being baited into a trap set up to draw the U.S. into an expanded war effort on the side of the allies Japan could never hope to win.
Sanctions or no sanctions, embargoes or no embargoes, provocations or no provocations, Japan never should have attacked Pearl Harbour, just as Iran should never raise a fist in anger at any U.S. or Israeli interests, however great the provocations. Knowing how the Zio-Anglo-American Establishment is just itching for any excuse to turn Iran into another Iraq, commensurate with their scorched earth policy, Iran should be staying away from nuclear energy in any form like the plague -- as any sane government should. The fact that they don't, just suggests to me that they just may be the opposite side of the one Grand Chessboard played by the same hidden hand.
JG said (June 24, 2019):
Sadly, America is not at the mercy of Iran but is at the mercy of the Israeli/American Neocons who now provide their foreign intelligence and choose their military targets.
The Iran Nuclear Treaty was a step in the right direction for America and the world. However, Benjamin Netanyahu and his neocons were not happy with this at all. Like Syria and Iraq they would rather have America bomb Iran into the Dark Ages. National Security Advisor John Bolton recently met with Netanyahu to get his latest marching orders. Sanctions won't be enough to appease Benjamin Netanyahu or his neocons forever. They want war.
President Trump must be commended for his decision against a military strike on Iran. He also must be commended for the announcement of the withdrawal of American troops in Afghanistan.
The world needs peace and not war.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
George said (June 25, 2019):
Brabantian's article is a thoughtful one. Naturally, the false flag interpretation is the most likely one, as he himself would admit. But we should not forget that Khomeini himself was a pawn of Western intelligence, and brought to Iran a dysfunctional version of Islam that suited the program of the so-called Clash of Civilizations, rather than the secularlst program of the Shah which represented a real threat to Western interests. The Masonic shape of the Iranian parliament is itself a warning that the real nature of the Iranian establishment is far more complex than appears at the surface.