(From left to right, Arron Banks, Donald Trump, Nigel Farage & Andy Wigmore)
The two paths to Masonic Jewish (Illuminati) world government seem to be Communism/globalism (George Soros, Obama etc.) on the Left and
Zionism/nationalism (Netanyahu, Trump) on the Right.
There are no conservative nationalist parties that are anti-Zionist.
While we applaud Brexit, Brabantian reminds us that Brexit leader Nigel Farage is backed by fanatical Zionists. Money makes the world go round and nowhere is that truer than politics.
By Brabantian
We all can sympathise with UK voters feeling insulted & cheated out of the EU Brexit departure for which they voted in 2016, 'set in stone' for 29 March 2019 but shamefully postponed twice already, now till Halloween.
And many of us have enjoyed the UK's witty & eloquent Nigel Farage, lampooning EU bureaucracy and now apparently leading a triumphant counter-charge to see that Brexit takes place.
But taking a deeper look at Farage, We note links to Jewish billionaires & other insiders financial backing, & to ultra-Zionist anti-Palestinian settler lobbies. -We see that oligarchs and their Jewish elite partners, seem to have two rival factions, the internationalist-globalist symbolised by Soros and the co-ordinating nationalist one symbolised by Netanyahu. Do they represent a genuine elite disagreement or merely a dialectical method leading to the same conclusion?
In any case of globalist vs nationalist tension, you always have Jewish-tied, oligarch-serving, controlled opposition ready to tilt for either side ... in this case to help channel the anger of British voters over their Brexit betrayal, in ways elites favour.
Re Farage: "Farage is an Israeli front, a most obvious one if the money trail is followed. Farage has received vast sums from Arron Banks, a British financier closely tied to the Israeli lobby in the US ... other routes for funds flow from the US Israeli lobby to Farage"

(Farage in Masonic grip with UKIP MP)
On a lower level of wealth, Farage & his Brexit parties have been funded with millions from two UK figures, 'insurance tycoon from Basingstoke' Arron Banks, & 'former diplomat & businessman' UK-Belize dual citizen Andy Wigmore.
"Arron Banks has rented a house in Washington DC for Nigel Farage to use when he visits the US to meet with President Donald Trump. Banks, who has donated over £1 million ($1.2 million) to [Farage parties] since 2014, has signed a five-year lease for a three-bedroom house in the Georgetown district of Washington along with fellow Farage ally & Brexiteer Andy Wigmore. Banks & Wigmore have nicknamed the property the 'alternative British embassy' & expect it to host a range of high-profile US politicians as Farage continues to develop his close relationship with the US President.
Farage, Banks, & Wigmore describe themselves as the 'bad boys of Brexit'. All three have met with Trump on a number of occasions, including when they posed for a picture with the businessman-turned-politician in Trump Tower."
Arron Banks once famously tweeted, "I suppose there are good Jews & bad Jews, then George Soros."

(Future PM Borris Johnson in Masonic grip with James Cameron)
Nigel Farage's political vehicle was UKIP until he resigned from it in December 2018. From the Farage days at UKIP:
There is a "strong level of UKIP involvement in a recently formed group dedicated to supporting Israel's war crimes. 'Friends of Judea & Samaria in the European Parliament', has been set up in response to the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment & sanctions against Israel. It seeks to build a direct link between the Brussels institutions & Israeli settlers. The group was founded by Yossi Dagan, chair of Samaria Regional Council, local authority for some of Israel's illegal settlements. Fifteen members of the European Parliament support the new group, three of the 15 belong to UKIP, the only party to have more than one."
There are questions & investigations as to the dubious sources of Arron Banks & Andy Wigmore contributions for Farage's political parties. "The United Kingdom's Electoral Commission has referred Arron Banks, a British businessman who co-founded one of the campaigns to exit the European Union, for criminal investigation for concealing the source of $10.3 million in campaign funds that were allegedly obtained improperly."
It's not that fulfilling the wishes of Britain's Brexit voters is wrong ... but the 'Brexit leaders' we are being given, have their own aspects of controlled opposition and ties to the power elites of the world.
First Comment by R-
Unlike Trump, I don't think that Farage is entirely compromised. He's got political charisma and the powers that be know he could upset their plans. On two separate occasions, I believe that they tried to kill him, like Diana, using supposed "accidents".
Nigel Farage claims someone 'deliberately tampered with his car' in France causing an accident on a motorway
Nigel Farage claims someone 'deliberately tampered with his car'
Nigel Farage claims someone 'deliberately tampered with his car'
The Ukip leader claimed one of his wheels fell off on a motorway near Dunkirk in France, after it had been tampered with...
That was in 2016. The year before a light aircraft he was travelling in while campaigning also crashed, nearly killing him:
Nigel Farage: After the plane crash, I lit a fag. Not a great idea close to aviation fuel
Nigel Farage: After the plane crash, I lit a fag. Not a great idea close...
In the second exclusive extract from the Ukip leader's book, Farage relives the terrifying details of the plan...
As fate would have it Farage escaped serious injury and now after a brief absence, he's back in the political arena. So now I believe that the "Zionist billionaire" are trying a new trick, where the British security establishment failed. Rather than try and kill him, which would be counter-productive now as many would suspect something was amiss, they are trying to win him over with faux friends and allies.
Hence "Zionist billionaires" are now supporting him. It remains to be seen whether he will succumb to their blandishments but the Zionists are trying to win him over, as they did once with May, because they know he could become a force to be reckoned with in British politics.
Paul said (May 26, 2019):
I have spoken with Brits who could absolutely care less, even on a good day when someone might even pay for them to care, who is funding Brexit. They only care that Brexit happens, preferably sooner than later. Why? Because they honestly think that all their social benefits will continue (and come to think of it they might with the same bankers funding it).
Anytime an entity becomes independent (children from parents, wife from husband, subsidiary from parent company, province from nation) there is a cost, a sacrifice. None of this is being mentioned or talked about and the Brits I have spoken with are unaware of the possibility of sacrifice. It's crazy! There is something really wrong with this picture!