Alabama -- White Men Save the World Again
May 20, 2019

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May 20, 2019
Mary H said (May 20, 2019):
My opinion is that women will just simply go to the next state over in order to get an abortion. I doubt this has slowed it much.
Wade (not the vs Roe one) said (May 20, 2019):
I am ardently opposed to abortion for birth control...Which is the motivation for almost all abortions? However, the pro-abortion folks recently made a huge mistake in showing their hand in Virginia and New York. Where they advocated killing babies up to and at the moment of birth. This outrageous position of the pro abortion crowd cost them a lot of support with the general public.
Just when they were on the run all these states come up with these heartbeat laws...Which can't be enforced without overturning Roe V Wade. And I don't see that happening anytime soon and maybe not ever until we pro-life people smarten up. Just when we finally had the pro-abortion crowd on the run these heartbeat laws make the pro-lifers look like we are just as nuts as is the other side.
Accommodations must be made for Rape, Incest, and life and health of the mother. Otherwise we lose the argument again.
The only possible way to win against abortion for birth control is on the basis of a civil rights case brought before the supreme court. We have tons of legal precedent where a person who kills a pregnant woman is charged and convicted of a double homicide. Now the legal community cannot have it both ways. If an unborn child has civil rights in one instance...that same unborn child has civil rights when it comes to being murdered by the mother and her doctor. And the mother has the right of self-defence which covers Rape, Incest, and her life.
Until and unless we pro-lifers wake up to this fact...which is the only way to overturn Roe V Wade, we are going to continue to lose this fight for the lives of the unborn.
Luis said (May 20, 2019):
You mean christian in general, right?
I know what you are trying to say, but never forget that the world conspiracy is spiritual, not racial.
Yes the jews want to create a mix society to undermine western societies, but if we only talk about their racial programme, we are half deceiving people.
Michael D said (May 20, 2019):
I agree with the Alabama legislation, but for the notion of white supremacy, white or black is not in nature. We still dealing with the dialectics of a manipulative anti-nature mind set.
Anonymous said (May 20, 2019):
Too many people never think about human overpopulation of the world.
This planet is finite and can only comfortably support so many human beings. The planet is now beyond being over populated. Alabama and other
blind legislatures and people ignore reality when they denounce and outlaw abortion.
The Aztecs kept their population within a reasonable number by killing.
They knew that their lands could only beneficially support so many human beings. Then the Spaniards invaded and forced the Aztecs to stop their population control. Now that area is overpopulated and in poverty.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Eric B said (May 20, 2019):
That bill was a bit too drastic IMHO. It's always the extremes and that's why our country is in the mess it is in.