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Kevin Barrett- Zionist Terror Pits Christians Vs Muslims

April 12, 2019


(February and March 2019 witnessed a record 47 attacks on Catholic sites in Europe)

"MSM propagandists, including phoney alt-right outlets run by Zionists, want to confound patriots by hyping the 'Muslim immigrant' or 'Islamic invasion' threat. What they don't want you to know about Islam is that Muslims are the world's biggest potential allies of Christianity. Hindus and Buddhists have no use for Jesus; Jews and atheists detest Jesus, but Muslims love and revere Jesus. Given half a chance, real Muslims, the ones who pray five times a day and attend the local mosque would step forward to defend Christian holy places against pussy rioters and other vandals."

The white nationalists are partly right: The Zionist New World Order and its bought-and-paid-for mainstream media are conspiring to destroy Western culture. But they haven't figured out that this is a religious, not racial issue.

By Kevin Barrett,



Western culture, like every culture, is held together by religion. That source of social cohesion is under attack. A cabal of Satanists, dominated by heretical ethnic Jews, has been waging all-out war on Christianity and Islam for at least the past 500 years.


Don Isaac Abravanel (1437-1508), Netanyahu's family hero and role model, was the first modern Zionist. Abravanel preached a pragmatic plan to create a Jewish state in the Holy Land while taking revenge on Christians and Muslims by tricking them into fighting each other in an apocalyptic war that would destroy both religions and leave Zionist Jews masters of the world. A little over five centuries later, Abravanel's plan' hyped by Bibi's father Benzion Netanyahu' is nearing fruition.

A key Zionist weapon is Satanism. Following in the footsteps of Abravanel, Shabtai Tsvi, and Jacob Frank, the Rothschild dynasty financed satanic secret societies, including the notorious Illuminati, to seduce Western elites away from Christianity and undermine Euro-American culture.

Today, NWO satanism is right out in the open, waging a massive campaign of anti-religious terrorism that would be front page headlines everywhere if it were being done in the name of the phoney "Islamic State" (a satanist group dressed in Islamic garb). But our MSM is pro-satanism but anti-Islam and anti-religion, so it hides openly anti-religious terrorism while hyping false flag "religious terrorism."

Consider the recent arson attacks against black churches. The MSM was in an uproar blaming white nationalists' until it turned out the perpetrator was a satanic terrorist not a racist one

A monstrous wave of horrific attacks on the most sacred monuments of Western Christian civilization is taking place with barely a peep from the MSM. That is because the terrorists are atheists, feminazis, pagans, and members of other denominations of Satanism.

The most heavily publicized terrorist event in history, 9/11, was a classic example of anti-religious terrorism. By disguising their act of satanic ritual sacrifice as a "radical Muslim attack," the perpetrators launched a long-term war against the religion, culture, and people of Islam. And the folks they hoodwinked into fighting their war, the dwindling number of Western Christians, fell for it. Today, the satanic 9/11 perps are flooding Europe with refugees from their Zionist wars'another attack on what is left of Western Christian civilization.

Below is an article that was apparently too hot for one of my regular paid outlets. Enjoy!

-Kevin Barrett

Christianity Is Under Attack -- Muslims Should Help Defend It

The media is in a constant uproar over 'anti-Semitism.' Attacks against Jews and Jewish institutions are always front and center, no matter how many of them are perpetrated by people like Michael Kadar. 


Young Mr. Kader, an Israeli-American Jew, was responsible for the biggest wave of anti-Jewish threats in recent US history. (Kadar's Uncle Mordecai, a rabidly extremist Shin Bet black ops specialist, may have had something to do with his nephew's rampage of false flag terror'an apparent public relations stunt rolling out a new era of pervasive internet censorship whose primary target is critics of Israel.)

Media hysteria over 'anti-Semitism' serves to cement Jewish tribal bonds in general, and support for Israel in particular. It does not weaken Jewish identity or tradition, but strengthens it. As the saying goes, 'I'm only a Jew because the anti-Semite reminds me that I am.' 

Most Jews are secularists and would have assimilated long ago if they had not been terrorized into clinging to their tribal identity by anti-Semitic threats. According to French historian Laurent Guy'not, author of From Yahweh to Zion, most those threats are orchestrated or provoked, one way or another, by a cognitive elite, the self-appointed Platonic Guardians of the Tribe, for self-serving purposes.

If the ongoing attacks on Jews have not hurt Judaism and Jewish identity, what about the ongoing attacks on Christians and Christianity? February and March 2019 witnessed a record 47 attacks on Catholic sites in Europe. Newsweek reported that 'vandals have smashed statues, knocked down tabernacles, scattered or destroyed the Eucharist and torn down crosses.' 

A civil rights group spokeswoman, Ellen Fatini, told said the attacks were 'coming from the radical secularists or anti-religion groups as well as feminist activists who tend to target churches as a symbol of the patriarchy that needs to be dismantled.'

Unlike anti-Jewish attacks, anti-Christian attacks have not led to a resurgence of Christianity, a rebirth of Christian identity, or calls for a 'Christian state' to protect Christians from their secularist enemies. The world, hypnotized by the media, yawns as artists submerge Jesus icons in urine, pussy rioters invade churches, and so-called comedians joke 'I hope the Jews did kill Christ, I'd do it again in a second.'


The ideological war on Christianity, whose most fanatical foot soldiers are the terrorists desecrating churches, is succeeding. A growing majority of Europeans do not attend religious services. Churches are being shuttered. In the UK, only 7% of young adults consider themselves Anglican, a statistic that would have shocked their ancestors.

Meanwhile, 6% of young UK adults consider themselves Muslim, and that figure is growing. Though the majority of UK Muslims come from immigrant backgrounds, a substantial minority, including some of the most notable Muslim thinkers and activists, are native white Britons. Ian Dallas, one of the worlds leading Sufi thinkers and activists, and David Pidcock of the Islamic Party of Britain, are two leading examples.

The vibrant presence of Islam in the modern world in general and the West, in particular, frightens many people. They wrongly identify Islam, a religion, with increasing immigration from Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. But those brown-skinned immigrants are as likely to be Hindus from India, Christians from sub-Saharan Africa or Korea or Syria, or Buddhists from Thailand or Vietnam. 

 in the US, the vast majority of immigrants are Latin Americans from Catholic backgrounds. In any case, most immigrants, whatever their ethnic background, are not especially religious. Religion and immigration are two separate, loosely-related issues.

MSM propagandists, including phoney alt-right outlets run by Zionists, want to confound patriots by hyping the 'Muslim immigrant' or 'Islamic invasion' threat. What they don't want you to know about Islam is that Muslims are the world's biggest potential allies of Christianity. Hindus and Buddhists have no use for Jesus, Jews and atheists detest Jesus, but Muslims love and revere Jesus. Given half a chance, real Muslims, the ones who pray five times a day and attend the local mosque would step forward to defend Christian holy places against pussy rioters and other vandals.

So who's behind the Clash of Civilizations' propaganda campaign pitting the Christian West against Islam? 

Nick Griffin, founder of the British National Party, has revealed: "We were offered big money by Zionists in 2007 under two conditions: That we attack Islam, and never criticize the banking system." Once you know that'and have discovered the real identity of the people who launched the Clash of Civilizations with their false flag attack on September 11, 2001, you'll understand how badly Christians are being duped.

Muslims should proactively step up to defend Christianity in this, its hour of need. The world's two great universal monotheisms must hang together, or most assuredly they will hang separately.


First Comment from Andy

Whilst recognising that the Zionists are seeking to pit the Muslims against the Christians, it is precisely that there can be no accommodation between Muslims and Christians that the Zionists are using Islam as a tool to wipe out Christianity.

Qur'an 9:29

"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission and feel themselves subdued."

Qur'an 9:5 (the infamous verse of the sword inciting mass murder):

"Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them captive, and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush."

As Jesus said;

John 16:2-3

"Yea, the hour cometh, that whosoever killeth you, will think that he doth a service to God. And these things will they do to you; because they have not known the Father, nor me."

Mr Barrett states that Muslims 'love Jesus', which is really a fanciful varnish of the fact that they nominally respect Him because their religion recognises Jesus as a prophet. Yet the whole of the Muslim religion which requires the belief in the prophet Mohammed for redemption is destroyed in one teaching of Christ;

John 14:6

"Jesus saith to him: I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by Me."

The Koran states of the Biblical Scriptures;

Sura 5:48 - To thee we sent the scripture, in truth, confirming the scripture that came before it, and guarding it in safety.

So if the Biblical scripture is free of error as the Koran states, then the teaching of Jesus  'No man cometh to the Father, but by Me", renders Mohammed a liar.

Simply, Islam is a sect of earthly conquest and dominion employing false Scriptures in justification. There can be no truck with Islam for Christians;

St. Juan de Ribera (d.1611), Archbishop of Valencia, missionary to Spanish Muslims, and organizer of the Muslim expulsions of 1609 from Spain.

"As we have seen, Mohammed had neither supernatural miracles nor natural motives of reason to persuade those of his sect. As he lacked in everything, he took to bestial and barbaric means, which is the force of arms. Thus he introduced and promulgated his message with robberies, murders, and bloodshedding, destroying those who did not want to receive it, and with the same means, his ministers conserve this today, until God placates his anger and destroys this pestilence from the earth.

Even if all the things contained in his law were fables in philosophy and errors in theology, even for those who do not possess the light of reason, the very manners Islam teaches are from a school of vicious bestialities. Muhammad did not prove his new sect with any motive, having neither supernatural miracles nor natural reasons, but solely the force of arms, violence, fictions, lies, and carnal license. It remains an impious, blasphemous, vicious cult, an invention of the devil, and the direct way into the fires of hell. It does not even merit the name of being called a religion."

As for Judaism, since the time of Christ it is a sect of the antichrist;

John 5:43

"I am come in the name of my Father, and you receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him you will receive."

Reply from Irshad, a Muslim

Aslaamualikum (Peace be upon you) Dr. Henry,

Like everyone else in the modern Zionist propaganda against Islam, you have also misrepresented the verses of Quran. Second verse(9:5) have a specific context and were directed towards a certain group of pagans in Arabia. The verse relates to a specific event in Islamic history -- namely that Arabian pagans made and broke a covenant with Arabic Muslims. The verses immediately preceding and following 9:5, 9:4 and 9:6, make the context very clear: Only those pagans who broke the covenant were subject to violent repercussions so that any pagans who honoured the covenant or repented their betrayal were to be spared. The Muslims were persecuted and driven away from their homes by the pagans for declaring oneness of God. Initially, Muslims were not allowed to fight back to defend themselves but then after few years the verses of Jihad (struggle) came where Muslims were asked to defend themselves and whosoever fights you, should fight back.

The first verse(9:29) has also a similar context. It is related to those groups of Christians and Jews who conspired and fought against the Muslims. Fight those mentioned when the conditions which necessitate fighting are present, namely, aggression against you or your country, oppression and persecution against you on account of your faith, or threatening your safety and security, as was committed against the Muslims by the Byzantines, which was what lead to Tabuk. Verse means, If they keep fighting and killing you, then fight and kill back untill they possibly accept Islam or they stop fighting and if they stop fighting but do not accept Islam but ask them to pay jizya (paying money when you are a minority in an Islamic state for the protection of your property, life and honour from enemies, note Muslims pay zakat 2.5% of their wealth to the state which is more than jizya).

So please stop spreading lies against Quran. In fact, I can give you a bunch of verses from the Quran which speaks well of Christianity and the conduct with them. Just one verse which is specific to Christians who read and understand Quran without any prejudice, God says, " And when they (Christians) hear what has been revealed to the Messenger, you see their eyes overflowing with tears because of what they have recognized of the truth. They say, "Our Lord, we have believed, so register us among the witnesses."(5:83)

And there is one whole chapter about Jesus(peace be upon him) in the Quran. And you should ask yourself why more Christians are turning to Islam than from any other religion. You should ask why people are turning to Islam after they learn about it properly. Please see this . In particular, more women are turning to Islam, why? Because the modern satanic dominated society has stripped them away from everything they had(including family, modesty etc). And they find refuge in Islam. These people have also read the verses you have mentioned but they didn't only read but also understood them! The reason is that Islam is not any new religion, it is the religion of Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them) in revised form. We believe (with evidence) that Judaism and Christianity have been changed by some people for their personal gains and Islam re-installed the changed version. Please watch this about Jesus in Quran and his message.( . If you would like to have a personal discussion about all this with me, my email is

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Kevin Barrett- Zionist Terror Pits Christians Vs Muslims"

Ken Adachi said (April 17, 2019):

I don't agree with your tag line.

"Hindus, Buddhists & Jews detest Jesus, but Muslims love and revere Jesus."

Hindu people and Buddhists hold no hatred towards anyone, least of all Jesus. Paramahansa Yogananda was a Hindu who came to America in 1920 and started the Self Realization Fellowship FIRST in California, then India, and then in other countries, both before and after his death. If you go to a Self Realization center or temple, you will always see a painting of Christ PROMINENTLY displayed next to other Hindu deities such as Krishna and other revered holy men who were either mentors to Yogananda, such as Sri Yukteswar and Lahiri Mahasaya, or were advanced spiritual beings who influenced Yogananda's teachers through direct communication or had manifested in material form in front of Yogananda, including Mahavatar Babaji.

Buddhists, while they revere Buddha as a great teacher, don't have quite the same idea of religion as Christianity or Hinduism or Islam might have. It's more of a respect and understanding that ALL things in existence are a product of the Divine Plan of Creation and therefore all things deserve respect and proper care, including inanimate manifestations of Nature, such as rocks or trees.

As far as I know, only Talmudic Jews and Satanists, pretty much the JWO subversives who have infiltrated our government and military, revile the name of Jesus.

You're right Ken

Thanks for pointing out my error. I am familiar with Yoga, so I should have known better!


Chris G said (April 14, 2019):

Satan's strategy is very simple yet most religious people do not catch on; Divide, subvert and rule!; God sends Yeshua and Satan sends Paul, God sends Moses and Satan sends the Talmud, God sends Mohammad
and Satan sends the Hadith which came out around the same time Jewish Satanist, Abdullah Ibn Sabah invented the Shia religion to contradict Mohammad.

Plus those crypto-Jew Saudi Royals have "supposed" Muslims committing Shirk, bowing down to black asteroid in Mecca. Jerusalem the city of pilgrimage, not Mecca.

The word "Allah" simply means "The God" in Aramaic but Christian fundamentalists and religious Jews can't seem to get that through their thick skulls because they have been trained to hate Muslims.

The Arabic language surfaced 200 years AFTER Mohammad, therefore he spoke the common language of that day, Aramaic. The word "Koran" means recite in Aramaic and Mohammad never wrote the Koran because he was Illiterate. King David spoke Syriac(Syro-Aramaic), Yeshua spoke Aramaic and even Alexander the Great Spoke Aramaic Ancient Jews like
King David speaking Hebrew is a lie. Hebrew spawned from Jews in Babylon, plus Yiddish is just bad German.

Satan controls the 4 major religions of today:

1. "supposed" Christianity

2. "supposed" Islam

3. "supposed" Judaism

4. The New Age Atheist Religion; Atheists are so arrogant, most are
unaware they have a religion.

Asim said (April 14, 2019):

We are truly doomed if Christians like Andy continue to spout age-old diatribes and vitriol against Islam-it serves to benefit no Christian but rather aid the work of the satanist. For the record, and this needs to be said-the acrimonious history of the two main faiths is an artificial one. The Muslim and Christian man on the street lived a simple, frugal existence, but as always power corrupts, and so what we had was the ever powerful Church dictating the thoughts and perceptions of the masses of the day. Islam was a threat to the power structure of the Church hierarchy, that’s why it posed a threat.

Furthering, the Catholic Church stoke the racist Chosen People canard from the Jews, after slaughtering them en mass. Islam does not carry this chosenness caveat-Islam is the truth, but you have the choice to believe it or not, without being proscribed it by force. Hence, Andy can find it easy to say what he says.

And now the Satanists are the chosen ones and both Christians and Muslims are on the menu. Wake up dear Christians, we are all Gods chosen people if we unite together and fight the satanic status quo together in an alliance, not as enemies.

Leslie said (April 14, 2019):



Riad said (April 13, 2019):

It is truly a Satanic vein that this article has hit. Satan is rubbing his hands and saying mission accomplished. However, God, the Almighty is not unjust and that’s why He will send back His messenger Jesus or Isa, peace be upon him to make just what human beings have made unjust from the creation of Adam whose both parents and creator were God, the Almighty himself but we never refer to him as son of God, the Almighty. Why do we refer to Jesus as the son of God is because human beings cannot go beyond human perception to perceive the world of the unseen just like the robot that we made cannot perceive our world.

One way to get a glimpse of the unseen world is to understand the Quran (the speech of God, the Almighty) in its meaning, sound and colour by its original Arabic text, seek its guidance and implore God, the Almighty to guide us to apply it in our life. You will come to realize that Adam was the first Muslim and Islam was completed at the time of Muhammad and will be preserved until the end of history in the Quran. Whether you are an idolator, atheist, kafir (one who covers and lies to the truth and is the main characteristic of Satan) or any believer or disbeliever in anything, the Quran is sent to guide you and the justice of God, the Almighty will be based on it. This is message that Muhammad was sent to deliver to all God’s creations and he has accomplished it and we are and will be living in this era until the end of history when Jesus will descend from the heaven and will also live in the same era.

Islam and Muslim come from the same Arabic root word that means submission to the will of God, the Almighty and is the natural laws and Muhammad comes from the Arabic root word that means praise and is not the founder but rather the completer of Islam.

Thank you for standing up for the truth. You will surely have a higher rank and your parents will be proud of you Mr. Makow.

George said (April 13, 2019):

Fine article by Kevin. Congratulations.

There really is a lot of truth about bad blood between Christians and Muslims. The occasions on which they have lived together harmoniously are rare, and the atrocities of Muslims against Christians (and vice versa) are very numerous and stretch over the centuries. However, the successful pattern that has evolved over centuries has been to separate the Christian from the Muslim world and thus eliminate the friction. The invasion of the Muslim homeland by Jews has turned the Muslim world against them, and the Jewish invaders are frantically trying to protect themselves by pitting the Christian world against the Muslim world. This is not beneficial to either the Muslims or the Christians. They need to jointly identify and remove the source of this unnecessary antagonism.

Steve said (April 13, 2019):

John MacArthur cautions us not to be misled by the notion that Christians and Muslims have common ground via their belief in Jesus. His talk here outlines why:

I respect your bravery to put it out there as you see it. In the end, I believe at the very top of world events it's the same old battle - Satan vs. God. And we know how that battle ends if we have a true faith and believe The Word.

James C said (April 13, 2019):

Islam is NOT a religion of peace and love; the historical record itself proves that beyond all possible refutation. Jews and Muslims have often been allied against Christians. Islam is the greatest murder machine in history, as the following article demonstrates.

James C said (April 13, 2019):

Islam is NOT a religion of peace and love; the historical record itself proves that beyond all possible refutation. Jews and Muslims have often been allied against Christians. Islam is the greatest murder machine in history, as the following article demonstrates.

RICARDO said (April 13, 2019):

We are seeing the final phase of the Pike plan being unfolded and executed as we speak. The final destination (goal) of this plan we can read in a letter send to Karl Marx by Baruch Levy in 1879, it reads as follows:

"The Jewish people as a whole will be its own messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy, and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this new world order, the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which it is said that when the Messianic time has come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands. " (Printed in La Revue de Paris)

It reads like a self-fulfilling prophecy..

Essel said (April 13, 2019):

It is a complete mistake to fight a pragmatic battle about some consequences. This struggle is absolutely lost in advance, because, as Bossuet said, "God laughs at men who deplore the effects whose causes they cherish. ».
And why? Because the supporters of this type of warfare want to remain in spiritual disorder by not converting, or not really and continuing to do as they please while deploring certain particular effects of the general disorder they defend. A little like the bourgeois is against the theft of which he is a victim while not being against theft in general in order to be able to acquire, thanks to an unfair social organization, what they do not yet have.
No, Islam is not an ally of Christianity (which offends the principle of identity), but it is "Israel's broom" as dixit rav Touitou : )

There cannot be two distinct true religions. This is a view of the minds of people who mistakenly place politics before religion, such as Charles Maurras, who was a false master. Basically, they are Marxists because they see religion only as a "superstructure" (an improvement) of purely materialistic civilization!

Thanks Essel

Surely Truth precedes all religions, and Truth is One.
True religion is an approach to Truth and there
may be more than one.


JG said (April 13, 2019):

The MSM spin doctors are playing the game of semantics once again.
What is a White Nationalist? Is this suppose to be your average White American who believes in his nation and constitution?
Does this also mean that there is no such thing as a Black, Arab, or Jewish American that believes in America as a nation?
The phrase, White Nationalist, is obviously referring to White Americans who support President Donald Trump only.
If the MSM is vilifying President Trump they also must vilify his supporters. They are doing this on a daily basis hoping to isolate Trump supporters by making them outcasts in the MSM fantasy world.
President Trump is an "American firster", as he should be, and that still worries them much.
The NWO plan is to outlaw patriotism and nationalism and replace it with a world multicultural slave state controlled by the international bankers and not by a constitutional government that is by and for the people.

JG said (April 13, 2019):

The MSM spin doctors are playing the game of semantics once again.

What is a White Nationalist? Is this suppose to be your average White American who believes in his nation and constitution?
oes this also mean that there is no such thing as a Black, Arab, or Jewish American that believes in America as a nation?
The phrase, White Nationalist, is obviously referring to White Americans who support President Donald Trump only.
If the MSM is villifying President Trump they also must villify his supporters. They are doing this on a daily basis hoping to isolate Trump supporters by making them outcasts in the MSM fantasy world.

President Trump is an "American Firster", as he should be, and that still worries them much.

The NWO plan is to outlaw patriotism and nationalism and replace it with a world multicultural slave state controlled by the international bankers and not by a constitutional government that is by and for the people.

MH said (April 13, 2019):

Islam is an Abrahamic religion and it clearly states so in the Koran.It does not come from prophet Muhammad but again Abraham.
God has honoured Abraham and proclaimed him a friend. God spoke to Moses from the burning bush, the only one God spoke directly to.
And God created Jesus the son of Marry very similar to Adam.
In the Koran, God addresses the children of Israel and directs them to observe the ten commandments.

Islam,Christianity and Judaism,at its source, are one and the same religion but today are all corrupt.

The Muslim have abounded the Koran and go by man made books called Hadith and Sunna. That are Satanic nonsense and as a result Islam today is just that a Satanic religion.And most Muslims are not even aware.

Islam is a great religion but unfortunately the very people who have adopted it, and who are supposed to set a good example for the rest of the world are doing just the opposite and destroying Islam from with in.

But go ahead and do read the Koran for it is a great book and a Scripture. is a good site to get a copy to read.
And, God never advocates injustice. Are you saying about God what you do not know... this is from the Koran and one of my favourite quotes if you will.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at