Santa Catarina, Brazil - Escape from Cultural Decay and War
March 9, 2019

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March 9, 2019
The author said (March 9, 2019):
Hi, thank you guys, some great comments and I wholeheartedly with most arguments!
The article was about Santa Catarina as a life hedge region, not about my world views (although I gave some hints about this). Some comments:
No, what I do does NOT contribute to corruption of the place - I develop my land with great respect to nature and not directed by greed. if I sell some lots, the minimum size will be 2 hectares, which is enough for feeding the family with organic toxin-free food. Enough and to spare. My idea is actually to attract more people to invest and to do the same - to buy bigger homesteads for rural living and grow organic food.
YES, I do know about „the controllers†and about their capabilities, about 5G, as much as you guys do or perhaps more, about many things, otherwise my article would not be on this site, would it?
I admit, although, that the rabbit hole still has many unexplored depths.
I definitely do not live in luxury (in the sense that most people would define it). I live a very modest life, grow my own clean food etc.. I have redefined luxury for me, living in total privacy in the nature while having amazing infinity views, being able to have clean homegrown food, to have a clean spring water flowing for free constantly, etc. - this Is the ultimate luxury for me.
I am doing my part to protect freedom and I have done quite a lot, actually, you just do not know. And I am not running away in the sense of escaping, however, if it rains heavily it may be good to have an umbrella...I found a place where I can maximize my creative potential and if I have the chance to live in one of the most beautiful places on earth with amazing life-supporting energy, why would I settle for less?
If it comes to that, I will be ready to die free and not to live on my knees.
Henry did put this headline and this does not reflect the truth - we can not really escape cultural decay is in Brazil as well, war, perhaps, if there are some places meant to remain...
but this is not my main goal. I try to avoid using words fear, escape...
Perhaps Santa Catarina - unique Life Hedge Region ?
Tony B said (March 9, 2019):
This all reminds me of a true tale about a man who saw WW2 coming and decided to escape it. He studied for a year or so the whole world and finally decided on a small South Pacific island in the Solomon Island chain which would be both a paradise and an escape from the coming war, to which he and his family moved. Its name was Guadalcanal.
MC said (March 9, 2019):
No one can escape the satellite/cellphone-based, brain-targeted Digital Prison that has been built worldwide. The Neuroweaponry is controlled by the Central Bankensteins and was built with the help of their duped Politicians, Mercenaries, Masons, Mormons, and other Shabez Goyim who are under the delusion that they will be allowed to share the spoils.
If their "GPS" can track your moving vehicle, telling you when and where to turn; if they can update the thousands of GPS "voices" automatically; if they can target your brain with V2K, they can find you wherever you are trying to hide. Even if you throw away your cellphone, they can track you by satellite, using tech to see your body heat or your electrical aura.
If one of them wants your Santa Catarina beachfront property ... or decides (having reviewed your tax forms) that your housing development business is becoming prosperous to warrant a "takeover," they can remove you via 5 G with a "no touch" murder -- such as a heart attack, a cancer, a stroke or a brain tumor.
The only way to fight back is to dismantle their full control of the money system) and their total control of the neuroweapons. Otherwise, the goyim will be inevitably enslaved from birth to death ... and the Overlords themselves will find themselves in a neverending internal war for total control of the Neuroweaponry.
G said (March 9, 2019):
I know all have a right to settle where they will, but I agree with Z. In all this seeking of safe-haven let us not forget the urgency of our situation and the most necessary commitment to fight the cancer of corruption from wherever we are. I mean, wouldn't it be nice to sail off into the sunset with no worries, but everyone with any sense of what's going on in the world right now is desperately needed. To turn one's back on that is to abandon humanity.
This is the people against the Communist control machine, incrementally creeping up on all of us, faster in some areas, slower in others. Don't think it won't penetrate every inch of Brazil. It will, if people of strength and conscience do not stop it.
There's that old saying, "I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees." Please, in any search for the good life, let it, because of the demands of the times, stay diligent and ready to serve freedom. What legacy will we leave generations to come?
I realize the author is not saying "Find your spot and do nothing to help the world," but I saw nothing in his words that suggests he's aware of what we're facing. I keep thinking of that Monty Python line: "Run away, run away." I hope in all this running we do not run into greater ignorance and apathy.
Anonymous said (March 9, 2019):
I know all have a right to settle where they will, but I agree with Z. In all this seeking of safe-haven let us not forget the urgency of our situation and the most necessary commitment to fight the cancer of corruption from wherever we are. I mean, wouldn't it be nice to sail off into the sunset with no worries, but everyone with any sense of what's going on in the world right now is desperately needed. To turn one's back on that is to abandon humanity.
This is the people against the Communist control machine, incrementally creeping up on all of us, faster in some areas, slower in others. Don't think it won't penetrate every inch of Brazil. It will, if people of strength and conscience do not stop it.
There's that old saying, "I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees." Please, in any search for the good life, let it, because of the demands of the times, stay diligent and ready to serve freedom. What legacy will we leave generations to come?
I realize the author is not saying "Find your spot and do nothing to help the world," but I saw nothing in his words that suggests he's aware of what we're facing. I keep thinking of that Monty Python line: "Run away, run away." I hope in all this running we do not run into greater ignorance and apathy.
James C said (March 9, 2019):
If I were financially able, I would definitely leave the United States.
Z said (March 9, 2019):
Santa Catarina does look very nice but articles like this one will only contribute to the corruption of the place. It will attract more property speculators like the author himself, who has already bought a few: " I am developing lands and subdividing now to sell some exclusive properties." Nevertheless, he has the audacity to complain that the country is "anti-entrepreneurial". I wonder how come Santa Catarina has an obviously high standard of living with such a dreadful "anti-entrepreneurial" economic system?
Besides, running away from the NWO is not an option any more. For example, by 2030 the goal to cover every square inch of this planet with 5G deadly radiation. Additionally, the new Brazilian president, like Trump, has declared himself to be a good friend of Israel, which we all know what it means - he's one of the globalists.
Finally, what good is it to live in luxury and comfort when the rest of the world is burning?
No one goes home until we ALL go home!
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Chris G said (March 9, 2019):
a picture says 1000 words. Santa Caterina Brazil skin heads