Is Director of Gillette Toxic Masculinity Ad a Lesbian?
January 16, 2019

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January 16, 2019
Diana said (January 16, 2019):
Did you see the last boy in the screen shot ! Looks like a girl
Tony B said (January 16, 2019):
Ya' know, when all this crap about "Oh. the poor misused women" started after WW2 and men started dropping out after some criminal judge handed a greedy divorcee everything the ditched man had worn himself out to acquire for them as a family, plus pauperizing the man's future by stealing most of his pay and handing it to the selfish ex, who usually already had another man in her bed; more and more men began making statements such as, "Screw women, that's all they're good for anyway."
Now, thanks to miseducation and catered selfishness and greed as a life object of many women, these "feminists" have made such statements literally true. Do they really think men cannot figure out their total self-interest and thus simply use them as they use men?
They really are good for nothing else. Is any normal man really as selfishly calloused as a woman who murders her own unborn child for the sake of mis-considered convenience? What sort of man wants to bed such a self-centred murderess?
Most of today's women, western women anyway, are totally screwed up because they have no clue of what a woman actually is. They keep chasing rainbows that have nothing whatever to do with being a woman and wonder why they are never satisfied. The criminal courts and insane universities are doing no one any favours with this ludicrous, totally insane and obviously satanic garbage mislabeled "feminism," especially not women.
As you consistently note in these articles, "feminism" is an agenda to destroy the family, the rock foundation of civilization the existence of which depends totally on God the Creator's principles. Women deprived of family cannot exist as women as that is what they were created to sustain. Family is the very heart of women; without it they have no true reason for their existence, no focal point for their lives.
Mike B said (January 16, 2019):
Never in all of human history was there a time where mass and mass instant communication existed as it does today - telephones, radio, television, newsprint publications, "academic" writings, e-mail, twitter, f/b, 'social media', online publications of all sorts, etc., and etc.
Has any "identifiable group", other than boys and men, received such mass local and worldwide disdain, derision and utter contempt before and especially during our common era of instant communication? Name one, lurking doubters.
And, at the same time, lurking doubters - how dare you and others collectively treat defenceless boys and little boys in these such heinous of manners as mentioned above and discussed in this online publication? This ain't over yet and countless people have much to answer to.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Al Thompson said (January 16, 2019):
I suspect that shaving has been a tactic against masculinity for thousands of years. There is no benefit to shaving and it distorts God's creation.