African Shithole - Coming Here?
January 28, 2019

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January 28, 2019
Robert M said (January 31, 2019):
Nothing triggers me like a triggered progressive. Chris G. had his sensibilities and overwrought sense of righteousness offended. He's not triggered by the blatant genocidal assault on the West, but by perceived improper attitudes about blacks. He accuses Karin McQuillen of racism, using the new word for racism, white supremacy.
The Left cheapened the word racism until it was meaningless, so now they're going with a new one, white supremacy, you notice that? I appreciate Karin McQuillan's honest and level-headed assessment and warning as a former starry-eyed do-gooder herself who is speaking from experience in the trenches, not from what she's absorbed in the classrooms, lecture halls, and safe spaces of an American university. Chris G. embodies everything that is wrong with the West, and why it is hurtling toward destruction.
KM said (January 29, 2019):
As for the wretched African Muslim countries, Senegal was one of largest providers of black soldiers. About 190,000 Africans, I believe, died to protect France and fight its wars. “Black man’s burden’, I suppose?
Why is Mali one of the poorest countries on Earth, despite being one of the largest gold producing countries? French military has been there since Germany wanted its gold back and was told to wait.
It’s great to be proud of the West, which did countless good things for mankind alongside the bad. But allow others too the same right to feel that way, to be proud of whatever good they have achieved. Blame their FMG, but won’t you, condemn 'labiaplasty’, too? Don't Afirical Christians and Jews too practice this 'African custom?
Muslims are the Jews of Germany in the 1930’s, new victims of a neo-Goebbelian propaganda. The blatant lies about them is promoted even through AI bots. In the 1940’s, King Zog of Albania and Hasan of Morocco protected tens of thousands of Jews. After King Hassan's death, Moroccan Jews announced a 7-day mourning period. I wish more Jews had done more to defend Muslims from your kind of pick and choose hyperbole. But some still do thankfully. The video link above, and ‘Don’t tell my mother I am in Iran/ Pakistan’ etc, was also made by a Jew.
Lastly, as for your favorite sh*h*le countries, ‘French Colonial Tax’ article may also be one you don’t want to know about.
Marcio (Brazil) said (January 29, 2019):
In fact, "thug life" is black culture.
Even blacks in the West still behave somewhat like their African ancestors.
Wherever there is a big black community (with the praiseworthy exception of many black folks), there are higher crime rates (mainly the most violent types such as homicides, rapes, robberies, assault and battery, carjacking, damage to property, etc), drug dealing and abuse (including alcoholism), more broken homes and single parents, more people living on welfare, more unemployment (dysfunctional students and lazy workers as its cause), more dirty streets (and dirtier ones), more STDs, witchcraft (no wonder there are lots of disgraced places and people such as the ones in Africa, Haiti, Cuba, Venezuela, in many metropolitan areas in the USA or Brazil and Jamaica, etc due to such types of satanism).
Corruption, theft, embezzlement, political and family tyranny, underdevelopment, diseases, lack of proper sanitation, civil wars, children that are kidnapped to be used in satanic rites, trashed neighborhoods, slums, shameless capitalist or communist exploitation, violence, sexual promiscuity, sexualism, violence against the week (including women) and the poor (principally exploited workers) are trademarks of places where Indian (Native American) and black (African) cultures are still strong (such as in many places in Central and South America, Caribbean and Africa). Such places are some kind of "New Senegal", where people are mostly concerned about having sex, drinking, partying, lazing, listening to stupid (black) music, exploiting outsiders (i.e. tourists), cheating on spouses (the highest rates of street and domestic violence as well as adultery are there), dancing, playing drums, leading "easy lives" (working less, exploiting others and frauding more, living on welfare), stealing or robbing, solving problems through violence, showing off beautifully sculpted bodies and perverted souls, pissing or crapping in public (some of those places smell like dirty toilets in open spaces), etc - and that includes lots of people from the white minority who gets adapted (and corrupted) by that system (Westerners, be ware of becoming like them!).
Meanwhile, in strongly European-influenced regions, people are much more civilized and virtuous, and places are much nicer to live in, even in such above-mentioned places.
And they hate the so-called "thug lifestyle" and such black culture (though loved by some white trash), not necessarily black people themselves. Civilized black people tend to be even better than the whites! Besides being honest, clean, religious, selfless and hard-working, they are usually friendlier, warmer, more receptive, more generous and more helpful than the white ones. So it is a matter of adopting the right values and principles. Pagan black culture is the problem, not their skin color or racial features.
Well, that is a sign that globalists want the West to become suicidal third world countries whose people depend on government welfare aid and are doomed to be ruled by others (including other nations) without any organized resistance and which discourage any type of free enterprise, independence, autonomy, sovereignty, peace or dignity.
Christine said (January 28, 2019):
Has it ever occurred to those willing to fling open our borders, and let thousands if not hundreds of thousands rush in, that these People whilst deserving of opportunity and betterment are simply just not ready?
They cannot nor will not adapt to a civilized culture that connects to a Divine Power. They do not hold themselves morally accountable and legally responsible and do not champion those who do because of their lack of Spiritual Awareness.
Do not let them in.
Do not open your borders.
They are not ready, they just are NOT Spiritually Ready!
Mike Ston said (January 28, 2019):
Terrific article by Karin McQuillan! The more I read, the more I learn, the more I observe, the more convinced I am that race and religious upbringing are everything. (The exact opposite of what we're taught.)
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
John Galt said (February 2, 2019):
Robert and Henry, if you agree with Karen,I have a suggestion for people who "feel" like Karen -DON'T go there!
Africans "did without you , before they met you and can do without you now" know that melody, I'm sure. In fact without you they WILL thrive.How do I know. I invested with a couple of what you would consider those "Shit Hole' Africans and they were and are very successful
All they needed was capital and experience-BOTH of which they NEVER get from Westerners or their BANKS. All they get are Bibles, Carpet Baggers and Supremacists.
Your type who only TAKES form them and think by participating with one of those FAKE NGO's, that you have done your bit, should be ashamed. You'll never account for the BILLIONS of dollars stolen by Western Governments and Corporations
Oh that's right, you want to continue STEALING THEIR RESOURCES, PAY THEM BELOW Subsistence Wages so they stay poor and ignorant and end up living in a Shit Hole, which in fact, you helped create. The extra benefit for White people is you can continue to "feel" superior.
..............and yes I am white IRISH and am used to your type of Supremacist INVADER/OCCUPIERS, as my Brothers and Sisters had it from British for over 600 years and I can assure you, I'm doing my damndest to wake Africans up to GET RID OF YOU 'Shit Hole" CREATORS, especially Americans and those FAKE Jews, who control America, either by Hook or Crook. I spent much of my time on that continent, helping them to get into a business
In the meantime, try to be good now, while you still can, because if I can help it you will be gone,' tout de suite". I wouldn't' want that "lily white" skin to get any "shite/shit" on it :-)
I'm sure Karen and her supporters do not condone the exploitation of Africa and want to see it prosper, so Africans can remain at home. She also
mentions factors that are cultural and not economic that we want no part of.