Satanist Insider: "By the time you wake up, there'll be nothing left to wake up to."
December 11, 2018

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December 11, 2018
Wave said (December 11, 2018):
I’m starting to think Fozzie the Aussie is an old romantic. The world is now a conglomerate of corporations – nation states have been long defunct – and the political apathy he mocks really describes the apolitical structure of modern technological societies (of which, granted, Australia was the first). We have all become tools of our tools; politics and psychology are mere epiphenomena. A neat little trick pulled by the Master of Deception. The fight now is at the level of techniques and behaviours, not beliefs or ideas (which evidently matter little). Good luck Fozzie with your apotheosis and threesome with Satan and his bride, but don’t feel you need to rationalize the destruction of the sheeple before you go. The Chinamen know, and always knew, that ‘the fish rots from the head down’.
Art said (December 11, 2018):
atan arse creepers like AFoz seem to think that Satan will turn them into gods, who will co-rule in Satan's coming administration. Joke, right?
Human consciousness & form, are God-given gifts, for the purpose of seeking God.
Satan will with contempt, turn AFoz into a demon, a fitting form & consciousness, for rejecting God.
Peter G said (December 11, 2018):
There is a cliff in Sydney which is a popular place for people to top themselves by jumping off in order to manage this attraction the government have posted notices on the fence which guards the way to the cliff Edge warning people climbing over the fence of the fine that they will be made to pay for crossing over and this reminded me of the way in which the Chinese government gives the bill for the bullet that kills the citizen to the family remaining of that person.
It seems pretty Chinese the way that they run Australia now let alone when the Chinese Take Over.
Or how about the way the driver of a vehicle picks up three points on his driver's licence for every passenger not wearing a seat belt.
With a minibus full of friends like that you will lose your driving license.
They are already more Chinese than the Chinese and dont even know it.
In the shopping malls every third or fourth shop is a tax assistance service these frogs are well on the boil.
Ardent 2 said (December 11, 2018):
Hey Aloysius, Perhaps you should stick to predicting Prime Ministers. Who is going to be the next Australian Prime Minister???
Oh, let me do it for you … The short Trade Unionist who is married to the Governor General's daughter.
How hard was that???
VT said (December 11, 2018):
Good article from Jude Duffy. My main criticism of it is its apparent conflation of "conservative Catholic" and moral rectitude, or good old fashioned cojones. While it is indeed desirable (from my point of view - being as I am a conservative Catholic) that a good Catholic is both conservative (i.e. true to the traditional beliefs and dogmas that have always been held by the Church) and possessed of moral spine, it is not necessary for a "conservative Catholic" to be totally morally upright.
So can a "conservative Catholic" support gay "marriage" or abortion, you ask. Is not opposition of such moral depravity the very definition of moral rectitude?
Not quite. One can make a conscious decision to oppose murder and moral degeneracy without actually doing anything outwardly.
It is quite a different thing when you are the publisher of a Catholic newspaper and the Jewish mob starts to make your life hell. To stand up to that sort of pressure takes a particular type of moral rectitude that is different from deciding in your head that abortion is murder.
To put your body on the line takes a Jim Trafficant or a Bill Cooper, and sadly there aren't too many of those left, inside the Church, or out.
Mike said (December 11, 2018):
Hi henry, can you ask Aloysius if he still likes the devil's metal...silver.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Mercie said (December 11, 2018):
The devil will promise whatever you want but once you're deader than a coffin nail, your soul is his and he won't give you what he says. You think he tells you the truth? Why should he? He's the great deceiver of man, and you, Mr. Fosdyke are just a man. You are no more special than Al Crawley to the devil. You have sold your birthright and your soul for temporary things, but hell is permanent. And, since man is made in God's image, you really think the devil is going to like you? Man, you are truly stupid and disillusioned. I pray you will wake up before it's too late. Otherwise, the devil will take your soul use it up and throw it over his shouder like a used pop can. The devil has already been judged, God is allowing him to do what he does to test the saints. Read up on your bible, the real one, not some rip off satanic one.