Are United Way Volunteers Joining a Cult?
December 30, 2018
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December 30, 2018
John F said (December 30, 2018):
Great and informative article Henry,
It reminds me of this same United Way offering
condolences BEFORE the Sandy Hook hoax
ever supposedly happened.
David A said (December 30, 2018):
In 1991 I got my first good paying job in corporate America. Every year when the annual UW campaign kicked off, pressure was put on everyone in the organization to contribute handsomely so the company could boast "100% participation". I gladly complied, since I was making the best money of my career so far. The next year when the Aramony scandal broke in the news, I dropped my UW giving completely. I never gave UW another dime until very recently, when the company I now work for basically subsidizes employee contributions to keep participation high: for a minimum annual pledge they give you a paid day off (which is worth more than the amount I give). The only reason I do this is because I can earmark my contribution to go to a worthy institution, in my case the Salvation Army. Otherwise I wouldn't give a nickel to UW.
Anonymous said (December 30, 2018):
I live in the UK and i can identify with all that Susan said about volunteering to help the homeless
I volunteered at my local church to do the soup run, as its called this is taking a hot soup and some bread to each of the rough sleepers in our area which at that time was about 60 maybe 70 people.
Many were soldiers who went to fight Tony Blaits war on iraq, there were massive demonstrations and marches in very city in the UK telling the soldiers do not go, for those that disobeyed the people, as in Vietnam in the USA, their families disowned them, these men are seen as war criminals.
What got to me was each homeless person and overall i met over 100, all were " our " people, English Scots Irish no foreigners who i was told get extra benefit moneys and help.
A manager of several com pantries used to be one of our team, he told us the government told British industry the C. B.I
to employ foreign first, some people think they work for less money but the first thing they do is join the union to get equal pay.
We found that 2 muslim cafe owners at the end of each day would take out hot food to the homeless, one of these men John Fraser was an ex soldier, he broke down and cried as he told us, in iraq we were killing these people and here they are now feeding us
John Fraser died of hyperthermia over the winter period 2 years ago.
One muslim cafe owner said its in the Koran that they have to feed the hungry, and he said its unsold food which at the end of the day would only be thrown away.
The government needs to address why priority is given to the countries newcomers while our own people starve on the streets like this
Tony B said (December 30, 2018):
In the first place, when charity was just charity, individuals to others, those most in need were generally taken care of in a cheerful manner. When government interfered charity soon became "entitlement," with all the bureaucratic uncaring coldness attached.
Concerning United Way, I have a little personal story:
In the mid 1960s I became a United States Mail Carrier. At a certain time of my first year (don't remember dates), a desk sitter employee whom I had never seen came around, as we carriers were casing our mail for the day, with a clip board and pencil. He asked each of us how much we were contributing to United Way that year. When he approached me I told him "nothing."
Immediately his back was up. "Everybody gives something," was his sarcastic retort.
My reply was: "Not me."
The man tried a little bullying so I told him that how I use my pay is my business, not his. He finally went away. Immediately some of the other carriers excitedly told me I would have to give something or I would lose my job. I told them I'd take that to the highest court in the land if anyone tried it. The desk sitter and several others came to my case every morning with threats of one kind or another and every morning they got the same answers with other carriers repeatedly warning me that my job was in jeopardy.
When the alloted time for the yearly extortion was over the other carriers laughed at me saying that I had given in anyway as the newspaper had reported the usual 100% Post Office contributions of X dollars. Flatly told them that the paper or the Post Office or UW lied because I gave nothing. When it finally dawned on the others that I was the one telling the truth they were all surprised. The union officials who had obviously been working me with the clip boardians were subdued.
The next year there were several others who did not give but I think the paper still called it "100%." The third year around a third of the employees in that large, big city Post Office refused to be extorted and the paper only gave the much reduced total, not claiming any percentage.
Moreover, at some time, for some forgotten reason, I had been in the United Way office in San Bernardino and noticed an open door inside it to an adjoining office, not theirs. As people were passing through it I asked what that was all about and an employee matter-of-factually told me their office adjoined the local ADL office. I bit my tongue on that revelation until I was out of there and had forgotten it until this article reminded me.
JG said (December 30, 2018):
It's sad but very often the qualifications and screening for volunteer positions with "non profit" organizations are more stringent than that in the governmental or private sector.
The good jobs of traveling around the world and staying at 4 star hotels while you are on your humanitarian mission usually go to friends and relatives of the "higher positions" within those organizations.
Usually to get rid of you they offer you a "grunt" position like helping remodel homes in high crime urban areas which you could do on your own without their help. The Peace Corps once offered me a position like that. I graciously declined their offer.
The Salvation Army is still one of the most legitimate charitable organizations out there. More of your dollar actually goes to the needed than most other organizations if not all.
The late Joan Krock left a record 1.2 billion dollars to the Salvation Army years ago.
Don't give up there are still some legitimate charitable organizations out there. You just have to find them.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Mary said (December 30, 2018):
I never have figured out why people want to give to an organization and let them decide which organizations will receive your money while taking a huge chunk out for themselves first,!!
Of course, United Way is one of the greediest of all of those supposedly non-profit organizations.
That simply means that they divvy up all the money amongst their executives and nothing is left at the end of the year.