Less than 2% of the US population, Jews represent 23% of enrollment at Ivy League universities
"Jewish students were roughly 1,000% more likely
to be enrolled at Harvard and the rest of the Ivy League than white Gentiles of similar ability.
This was an absolutely astonishing result
given that under-representation in the range of 20% or 30% is often treated by courts as powerful prima facie evidence of racial discrimination." - Ron Unz (who is an ethnic Jew)
Jews are overwhelmingly Left-leaning which ensures that US academia becomes a branch of the Communist movement for world government aka "globalism." This movement holds that "Truth" is defined in terms of the "revolutionary" goal, i.e. overturning reality and replacing God with Satan.
by Ron Unz
Based on reported statistics, Jews approximately match or even outnumber non-Jewish Whites at Harvard and most of the other Ivy League schools, which seems wildly disproportionate. Indeed, the official statistics indicate that non-Jewish Whites at Harvard are America's most under-represented population group, enrolled at a much lower fraction of their national population than blacks or Hispanics, despite having far higher academic test scores.

(Lawrence Bacow, latest Jewish President of Harvard)
When examining statistical evidence, the proper aggregation of data is critical. Consider the ratio of the recent 2007-2011 enrollment of Asian students at Harvard relative to their estimated share of America's recent NMS semifinalists, a reasonable proxy for the high-ability college-age population, and compare this result to the corresponding figure for whites. The Asian ratio is 63%, slightly above the white ratio of 61%, with both these figures being considerably below parity due to the substantial presence of under-represented racial minorities such as blacks and Hispanics, foreign students, and students of unreported race. Thus, there appears to be no evidence for racial bias against Asians, even excluding the race-neutral impact of athletic recruitment, legacy admissions, and geographical diversity.
However, if we separate out the Jewish students, their ratio turns out to be 435%, while the residual ratio for non-Jewish Whites drops to just 28%, less than half of even the Asian figure. As a consequence, Asians appear under-represented relative to Jews by a factor of seven, while non-Jewish Whites are by far the most under-represented group of all, despite any benefits they might receive from athletic, legacy, or geographical distribution factors. The rest of the Ivy League tends to follow a similar pattern, with the overall Jewish ratio being 381%, the Asian figure at 62%, and the ratio for non-Jewish Whites a low 35 per cent, all relative to their number of high-ability college-age students.
Just as striking as these wildly disproportionate current numbers have been the longer enrollment trends. In the three decades since I graduated Harvard, the presence of white Gentiles has dropped by as much as 70 per cent, despite no remotely comparable decline in the relative size or academic performance of that population; meanwhile, the percentage of Jewish students has actually increased. This period certainly saw a very rapid rise in the number of Asian, Hispanic, and foreign students, as well as some increase in blacks. But it seems rather odd that all of these other gains would have come at the expense of whites of Christian background, and none at the expense of Jews.
Several graphs from my article effectively illustrated these remarkable findings.
Based on these figures, Jewish students were roughly 1,000% more likely to be enrolled at Harvard and the rest of the Ivy League than white Gentiles of similar ability. This was an absolutely astonishing result given that under-representation in the range of 20% or 30% is often treated by courts as powerful prima facie evidence of racial discrimination.
Furthermore, I noted the possibility that this discrepancy might be related to the overwhelming Jewish dominance of the top administration of those institutions:

It would be unreasonable to ignore the salient fact that this massive apparent bias in favor of far less-qualified Jewish applicants coincides with an equally massive ethnic skew at the topmost administrative ranks of the universities in question, a situation which once again exactly parallels Karabel's account from the 1920s. Indeed, Karabel points out that by 1993 Harvard, Yale, and Princeton all had presidents of Jewish ancestry, and the same is true for the current presidents of Yale, Penn, Cornell, and possibly Columbia, as well as Princeton's president throughout during the 1990s and Yale's new incoming president, while all three of Harvard's most recent presidents have either had Jewish origins or a Jewish spouse.
At most universities, a provost is the second-ranking official, being responsible for day-to-day academic operations. Although Princeton's current president is not Jewish, all seven of the most recent Princeton provosts stretching back to 1977 have had such ancestry, with several of the other Ivies not being far behind. A similar degree of massive overrepresentation is found throughout the other top administrative ranks of the rest of the Ivy League, and across American leading educational institutions in general, and these are the institutions which select our future national elites.
Since the publication of my 2012 article, Harvard and Princeton have both selected new presidents, each of them Jewish, while Yale's Jewish president has remained in office.
The exact mechanism by which this seemingly enormous bias in favor of Jewish applicants to our most elite colleges manifests itself is not entirely clear, and I very doubt that it takes the crude form of top administrators directing admissions officers to enroll under-qualified Jewish applicants. Instead, I strongly suggested that a leading factor was the "negative pressure" of America's overwhelmingly Jewish media and Jewish activist groups, which might respond harshly to any significant decline in Jewish numbers:
Meanwhile, any hint of "anti-Semitism" in admissions is regarded as an absolutely mortal sin, and any significant reduction in Jewish enrollment may often be denounced as such by the hair-trigger media. For example, in 1999 Princeton discovered that its Jewish enrollment had declined to just 500% of parity, down from more than 700% in the mid-1980s, and far below the comparable figures for Harvard or Yale. This quickly resulted in four front-page stories in the Daily Princetonian, a major article in the New York Observer, and extensive national coverage in both the New York Times and the Chronicle of Higher Education. These articles included denunciations of Princeton's long historical legacy of anti-Semitism and quickly led to official apologies, followed by an immediate 30% rebound in Jewish numbers. During these same years, non-Jewish White enrollment across the entire Ivy League had dropped by roughly 50%, reducing those numbers to far below parity, but this was met with media silence or even occasional congratulations on the further "multicultural" progress of America's elite education system.
I suspect that the combined effect of these separate pressures, rather than any planned or intentional bias, is the primary cause of the striking enrollment statistics that we have examined above. In effect, somewhat dim and over-worked admissions officers, generally possessing weak quantitative skills, have been tasked by their academic superiors and media monitors with the twin ideological goals of enrolling Jews and enrolling non-whites, with any major failures risking harsh charges of either "anti-Semitism" or "racism." But by inescapable logic maximizing the number of Jews and non-whites implies minimizing the number of non-Jewish Whites.
I further noted that this 1999 firestorm of media controversy attacking Princeton for its alleged "anti-Semitism" took place at a time when university's president and provost were both Jewish, and the campus had recently opened a $4.5 million Center for Jewish Life. [...]
[MAKOW COMMENT- Unz doesn't address professors where the overrepresentation may be even greater]
The following are the top 60 schools with the largest percentage ofm Jewish students to the total undergraduate student population
Yeshiva University: 2,714 Jewish students, 100%
Jewish Theological Seminary of America: 158 Jewish students, 100%
American Jewish University: 150 Jewish students, 100%
Brandeis University: 1,600 Jewish students, 44%
Tulane University: 2,815 Jewish students, 41%
Barnard College: 850 Jewish students, 33%
Goucher College: 450 Jewish students, 31%
University of Hartford: 1,500 Jewish students, 29%
Boston University: 5,000 Jewish students, 28%
Sarah Lawrence College: 400 Jewish students, 28%
CUNY, Brooklyn College: 4,000 Jewish students, 28%
Binghamton University: 3,700 Jewish students, 27%
University at Albany: 3,500 Jewish students, 27%
George Washington University: 3,000 Jewish students, 26%
Oberlin College: 750 Jewish students, 26%
Muhlenberg College: 613 Jewish students, 25%
Queens College: 4,000 Jewish students, 25%
Columbia University: 1,500 Jewish students, 24%
Haverford College: 300 Jewish students, 24%
Washington University: 1,750 Jewish students, 23%
Hampshire College: 325 Jewish students, 23%
Tufts University: 1,200 Jewish students, 22%
Vassar College: 500 Jewish students, 21%
Cornell University: 3,000 Jewish students, 21%
University of Maryland: 5,800 Jewish students, 20%
American University: 1,600 Jewish students, 20%
Emory University: 1,300 Jewish students, 19%
University of Florida: 6,500 Jewish students, 19%
Skidmore College: 500 Jewish students, 19%
University of Miami: 2,000 Jewish students, 18%
University of Vermont: 2,000 Jewish students, 18%
Mitchell College: 120 Jewish students, 18%
Rutgers University: 6,400 Jewish students, 18%
Clark University: 400 Jewish students, 17%
University of Pennsylvania: 1,750 Jewish students, 17%
Syracuse University: 2,500 Jewish students, 16%
Kenyon College: 275 Jewish students, 16%
Lehigh University: 800 Jewish students, 16%
Northwestern University: 1,300 Jewish students, 16%
University of Michigan: 4,500 Jewish students, 16%
Vanderbilt University: 1,050 Jewish students, 15%
SUNY College at Oswego: 1,050 Jewish students, 15%
Yale University: 800 Jewish students, 15%
Queen's University: 1,500 Jewish students, 14%
Bryn Mawr College: 200 Jewish students, 14%
Brown University: 1,000 Jewish students, 14%
University of Rochester: 900 Jewish students, 14%
University of Chicago: 825 Jewish students, 14%
Union College: 300 Jewish students, 14%
New York University: 3,500 Jewish students, 13%
Nova Southeastern University: 574 Jewish students, 13%
Western University: 300 Jewish students, 13%
Franklin & Marshall College: 300 Jewish students, 13%
University of Wisconsin: 4,200 Jewish students, 13%
University of California, Santa Barbara: 2,850 Jewish students, 13%
Queensborough Community College: 2,000 Jewish students, 13%
Hofstra University: 850 Jewish students, 12%
University of Delaware: 2,250 Jewish students, 12%
Case Western Reserve University: 630 Jewish students, 12%
Harvard University: 803 Jewish students, 12%
Thanks to Peter Myers
George said (November 28, 2018):
This speaks well of Caltech