The jury was out but our correspondent has rendered
a verdict. Both Assange and Snowden are Deep State.
If their acceptance of 9-11 wasn't enough, Brabantian
faults them for keeping Robert Mueller's dirty secrets.
by Brabantian
It is quite easy to establish that both Julian Assange and Edward Snowden are CIA fakes created during the arrogant Obama years.
For one thing, Assange was admitted to be an intel fake by no less than Benjamin Netanyahu himself, and also by Zbigniew Brzezinski.
Netanyahu admitted this when responding off the cuff as to why he was not worried about 'Wikileaks' damaging Israel. Zbig made clear the leaks were 'selected' and highly limited. Some of them are done to make Assange look 'legit'.
From Ian Greenhalgh: « If Wikileaks were a real organisation carrying out real leaks that do real damage to real people and even nations, then those charged with protecting those people and nations, such as the FBI, would surely be kicking down doors and making arrests and extradition requests in order to reign them in and prevent further damage in future. The FBI is not looking for any Wikileaks people. No-one is hunting them, or cutting off their money, or even restricting their travel, or accusing them of anything ... Without the protection of the FBI and other Israeli assets in the US, then Wikileaks could not operate nor could it survive very long. »
At least two people who contacted Assange have turned up dead - Seth Rich & Peter W Smith. Assange pretends to be 'concerned' about the former; he denies receiving the latter's files. Others are jailed. Assange and Snowden are 'rat traps', vehicles to destroy real whistle-blowers who are duped into contacting their CIA-goon media pumpers, NY Times, UK Guardian, Rothschild's Greenwald, etc. We don't know how many may have been quietly killed after contacting them.
European officials understand that Assange is not really 'living' at the Ecuador embassy in London. The UK police 'watch' the place so MI5-MI6 can move him in and out for his meetings and photo opportunities.
Regarding Snowden, the report to SVR - FSB on why Snowden is a fake, is very thorough ... Putin plays along on a 'deal' as he plays along on 9-11, Snowden is perhaps not even in Russia ... Excerpts of the SVR report can be found here at Veterans Today.
For example, Snowden first 'leaked' to Bart Gellman, Dick Cheney's friend and biographer at the CIA's Washington Post, ha!
Glenn Greenwald is not only a gay ex-pornographer (same previous profession as his friend Jimmy Wales of the CIA-Mossad Wikipedia), Greenwald has worked in turn for 3 billionaire families - Bill Gates, the Rothschilds, and now CIA-project-funder Pierre Omidyar.
The biggest "tell" is that both men support the 9-11 official story. Here is Assange. Here is Snowden. They give credibility to the 9-11 false flag. Another "tell" is they never criticize Israel, the real perp.
Another proof that Assange are Snowden are fakes, is how neither says a word regarding the devastating files on USA Virginia federal judge bribery - the very same judges who would allegedly put Assange & Snowden on trial if they were real. Covering up for USA judge bribery & corruption is a key CIA agenda item ... Any real US dissident overseas would be glad to speak about it.
Those files are already blocking a series of USA extradition requests for other people ... yet Assange & Snowden say nothing. If Assange or Snowden were real and 'concerned about being extradited to the USA', this is the first thing they would be talking about, as it would make their extraditions impossible.

(left, corrupt cop?)
The story of the bribery of USA federal judges in Virginia was just recounted in a USA government document, the explosive filing with US Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz, made a few days ago on 25 October 2018, describing the role of Robert Mueller in bribing those judges when he was FBI Director.
The DOJ report speaks of how Mueller had received funds from a foreign criminal group seeking to damage the US presidency, in a scheme involving defrauding millions from a Hillary friend and donor via Mueller's law firm, from which Mueller richly profited, whilst two federal judges were bribed.
And that key media agitating against US President Trump - NY Times, UK Guardian, CNN etc - are doing so, in part because these media outlets fear felony indictment in the schemes with Mueller, due to having taken bribes to create 'fake news' for criminal purposes as they worked with Mueller's law firm. - Same media who pumped Assange & Snowden, of course. - You perhaps noticed the US President's increased confidence re the 'Mueller threat'. Here's the report of the bombshell DOJ report online -
Bribu said (November 15, 2018):
Regarding Seth Rich, why would Assange do anything other than make his somewhat oblique statements about the man, when Wikileaks’ policy is to protect sources. On the other hand, he outright "denies receiving [Peter w. Smith's] files" . . . . which also does not violate this policy.
Additionally, Wikileaks has offered a $20,000 reward for any "information leading to a conviction for the murder of DNC staffer Seth". (See: Seth Rich WikiLeaks Claim: Julian Assange Comments on Rich ).
This does not sound like “pretend[ing] to be concerned about†Rich Seth.
Then you have the testimony of Craig Murray, a former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan and “a close associate of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange†(see: Former UK Ambassador Says Source Of Clinton Emails Was "Disgusted" Democratic Whistleblower --- He has averred that he flew to DC to receive a handoff of the leaked emails from an intermediary who had received them from a DNC insider having ‘legal’ access to the emails . . . . . and further, that the emails were NOT hacked by the Russians or anyone else. And the emails were not only highly damaging to Hillary but to the DNC and Podesta, in particular.
Murray’s testimony seems to be largely ignored by any discussion of the ‘purloined’ DNC emails.
And it’s rather a stretch for the writer to seemingly consider Benjamin Netanyahu and Zbigniew Brzezinski as unbiased, untainted sources.
Snowden/Assange opinions about 9/11?? Why should they be expected to have valid opinions in this arena, when they probably haven’t made a real study of the issues, including the science for the use of ‘explosives’ in the demolition of the 3 WTC buildings, etc.? Besides, they have to preserve their own focus w/out being sidetracked or lumped into, or being marginalized by, identifying w/the 9/11 ‘truth’ efforts.
And to accuse Assange and Snowden as “vehicles to destroy real whistle-blowers†is a real stretch. Who on earth would regard the NY Times or the UK Guardian, etc., as safe places to out this kind of information? Whistleblowing is a risky business, regardless of where it is revealed.
But I can’t fault much of the rest of Brabantian’s assertions, especially regarding Mueller and the alleged criminality of Federal judges in Virginia.