Democrats - A Communist Coalition of Disgruntled Minorities
November 12, 2018
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November 12, 2018
RL said (November 12, 2018):
Another detailed article of truth, but nothing new in today’s world of evil ,but let’s not forget that both party’s are controlled by the same evil ,the republicans are just as bad and even worse in many details the enemy’s of Christ control all of the news thru out the world they fuel the fire of hatred against each other and persons views
,they know exactly what there doing in simple terms mind control and your emotions ,but we lost we care about and are attached to the world the flesh and the devil ,not God at all we let these evil things happen and get worse so as society crashes we will suffer for it ,one quite from the mother of God Mary ( Soon the living will envy the dead ,has this not already been felt by some poor souls in this world already Yes it has )
All governments are controlled by Lucifer the prince of this world and will continue because we had no spiritual and moral courage to stop it last note print out how bad the republicans are .
MARCO A said (November 12, 2018):
Democrats in the states appeal to the completely ignorant, insane and those without any morality. Coming to the conclusion that some people hate wholesomeness to the point of endorsing and supporting these criminals is discouraging. I don’t subscribe to the left-right bandwagon; however, the Left are radical destroyers and their agenda is to make the transition into the new world order as injurious to the innocent as possible.
These people are the ones who eagerly brainwash children to accept an unhealthy mindset, desire young girls to end up as whores, remove the age of consent, remove the sanctity of marriage, uproot all racial integrity, destroy all nations and have us become deracinated masses ruled by a intellectually and racially pure Pharaoh class of Masonic elite.
It’s a war against innocence (children), and I hate them for it.
Just last night I was talking to a young teacher in her 20’s who attacked me for my faith in Christ. It was no skin off my shoulder, but the fact that these hostile radicals have children in their hands is very bad. But it was a bizarre attack, as if she expected to me to be attracted to her attitude and worship her like some Jezebel or caricature of Isis. Feminism is more than simply a political movement – I am convinced there is some demonic spirit behind it also.
She received no reply.
As for your question at the end of your article – the solution we have is for young men to deny this world, band together, adopt a Christian zeal and restore things. But unfortunately, ruggedness, courage, moral strength and understanding among young guys these days is in short supply, but I haven’t lost hope.
JG said (November 12, 2018):
I hate to admit it but the "devil is having his day" with organized government in the once free world of the West. England, France, Canada, Germany, and the US have fallen victim to the atheist liberal social agenda from abortion, LGBT demoralization, and secular humanism. And, as planned the results have been disastrous for civilized mankind.
The only thing that is keeping America strong and blessed is the Church. The World Order Satanists know that as long as Christianity is alive and well their plans to defeat the human race as we know it will fail. This is why the Democrats in Washington radically oppose any Supreme Court candidate that is Christian.
America still has a large number of believers in Jesus Christ that the MSM will never recognize.
Once the 'Church Age' on Earth has been completed and all that can be saved have been saved, beware, the judgements that will follow will be like the world has never experienced before.The end of the 'Church Age' will spell disaster .
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Wade said (November 12, 2018):
As distasteful and ridiculous as it sounds (even to those who are NOT politically correct...) The answer (no matter how improbable, or actually impossible, to implement)...As proven by the graphs you to go back to the beginning...To the rules and system the founding fathers set up.
Only white males who were property owner were allowed the privilege to vote. Imagine if you could wave a magic wand and instantly go back to that system. Obama would never even have been on the ballot. Most of the political corruption would disappear. Law and order and common sense would be restored. Our borders would be secured and the immigration system would be changed to a merit system. There would very soon be no gang activity in the USA. Illegal drugs would all but vanish. The federal Reserve would be abolished, the debt we supposedly owe to the International bankers would be repudiated. The money we print would be debt free. We would make peace with Russia and China and the threat of nuclear holocaust would greatly diminish. etc. etc... To name only some positive effects.
The entire fabric of the USA could be slowly reverted back to 1956.
Even though know in your heart Henry that the system set up by our founders would still solve virtually all of our problems today...even incredibly brave Henry is not able to recommend such a totally comprehensive and common sense solution. I understand!!