The Devil is Money
October 5, 2018

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October 5, 2018
Essel said (October 5, 2018):
The spirit of poverty is the sine qua non-condition of Christianity, but there is even better: poverty (which is not misery). Some do it voluntarily, I know a family like this. They are always happy and caring with everyone.
Without going that far (for my family), I have a living level voluntarily lower than my income. Being retired, I hardly ever mention my degrees (for which I have little respect because they constitute a proof of allegiance "to the system"). We can talk about voluntary "burial".
It is thus easier to live his faith "in truth" and, in "the small people", one discovers a whole intelligent world in the etymological sense of the term (ability to read inside the real). A world that was ignored and almost despised. It is right that "the last ones become the first ones" and vice versa.
AS said (October 5, 2018):
"Seems we are all black magicians worshipping money."
Don Jaun
Carlos Castaneda Tales of Power
LC said (October 5, 2018):
Henry I am proud to be in the same spiritual family as your good self. Your articles are of the very highest quality in content and impact. Oh how I can’t wait, to forward the above article to friends, and discuss at length. How long before the Great Work on the Cross reaches its finale? Thy kingdom come indeed is our earnest prayer. Let us be heartened by Christian resurgence around the world, despite many persecutions.
I always wait patiently for your Truthseeker articles. They are just wonderful.
SB said (October 5, 2018):
Hi Henry,
Great article. I like WF's comment that investing in stocks is not better than a UBI. I have reread Michael Hoffman's "Usury in Christendom" and it does make sense to me now how even interest-bearing is evil.
"Good people ought to be producing and earn lots of money," I thought. Now I see that the world entangles and even most industries have a downside. How much of the economy is more "ilth" (Ruskin) than wealth? Even the real work and productivity the stock market is loosely based on has frivolity and waste and short-sightedness weaved in it.
Dan A said (October 5, 2018):
We are the only species on this planet that need money to survive.
As you know, I use to make a lot of money for over a decade. My life is much different now. And better in many ways. When I made a lot of money, looking back, I feel I did not care for others in any noticeable way. Today I clearly care for many others, even those I do not know. This I feel makes me a better person. Being at the bottom has made my soul more attractive.
WF said (October 5, 2018):
The old religious relation of sin and indebtedness, righteousness and wealth, is singed on everyone’s brain. Most people are creepy little Calvinist’s now, who for some reason think living off dividends is less parasitic than a universal basic income. Meanwhile, the Satanists, who’d rather be evil than a loser, say God-Satan approves the whole system since ‘nature is cruel’ and ‘corruption is only a concept for those not involved.’
Although it was one of their own who said ‘money is like manure, it’s only good if you spread it around.’ Certainly, the parasitic structure of the current system is making everyone, poor and rich alike, increasingly bored and boring. Fatally so. So spread that dirty money around bitches, if you know what’s good for you.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
AC said (October 6, 2018):
Your article on money is right on target, we are all tied to it in our belief that it is absolutely necessary and we never have enough!
The Old Testament begins with Adam and creation and no mention of money, but wages or payment for SIN was death - and so it began.
At first man helped fellow man with favorable conditions trading excess goods and many specialized their trade as work. Barter was simple and effective until various means of exchange were experimented with until gold and silver coins became the most trusted medium for centuries.
As you know, what came next was a "Certificate of Exchange" to hold wealth on a temporary basis during war.
The goldsmiths were the original bankers and the soon learned to swindle the depositor by filing the edges of the coins and then by lending more paper money than they had in their vaults.
Soon lending money to Royalty and Governments led to Usury aka interest.
So we went from barter to coin to paper then plastic (credit cards) to digital ( numbers on a computer.
I currently am working on an investment property for almost 2 years with NO income, my wife makes more than enough for our family as a Realtor. We do pay taxes (theft with no benefit) and love being self employed except we have no health benefits. So we prefer natural nutrition and stay away from drugs and doctors.
I survive by trading with others to the point where I don't use money and it is liberating. At some point I will have accumulated enough resources to allow my wife to retire and we will become our own bank.
Your website has been a daily training ground for many subjects and money is an important topic. I learned early on (and that you repeat) that money is only a means of exchange