Reader Recalls Vietnam Era College Brawl
October 8, 2018
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October 8, 2018
Al Thompson said (October 8, 2018):
The idea of the United States going all the way over to Vietnam always looked suspect to me.
I was in my 20s and I had a good start about what was really going on. I wondered why did the soldiers have to go all the way to Vietnam to fight communism when there were plenty of communists in Washington D.C. Just think of all the fuel expenses that could have been saved. The government is just a twisted dog and pony show that is built on the principles of Satan and the resulting wars. Henry David Thoreau said it best: "The best government is no government."
JG said (October 8, 2018):
It seems that anti-war movement is only promoted by the MSM when America's military is actively engaged in combat against Communist-controlled countries.
This is why the MSM opposed the Viet Nam War. And, this is why they tried to shame the veterans of that war by labeling them baby killers and other things.
To prove my point notice how the MSM supported and promoted WW2. Notice how they helped make heroes of that war. And, we were on the side of Communism in that war.
One good thing that came out of that war is that it stopped a lot of other wars that could have been thanks to the MSM and Hollywood promoting no more wars.
Too bad that philosophy and strategy of peace that once was don't apply if they are wars for Israel or the Communist/NWO.
Hot One said (October 8, 2018):
U should maybe do an article dissecting (((Edin'$ $cam))). If I spent an hour analyzing it I could reference the various fallacies & mechanics he's using, but I'm no 'fancy doctor' like U, so maybe U get it right away... or maybe not, which is Y U posted it as if it is an ANTI-NWO 'comment'? Absolutely NOT! He is promoting the DESTRUCTION of all white nations & the EXTERMINATION of whites, pretending 'white nationalism' is the cause of Vietnam, etc. & I suppose destroying Libya & Syria was 'white nationalism'? Under O'Ba$tard? Really? LOL!!! =))
Educate yourself on ((($hill$))) & the (((Trick$))) they u$e...
(((Ben $hapiro))) really is like the joke that keeps on giving (just 1 of countless examples of ((($hill-Tard$))) =))
Edit replies:
Blindness, as I said. And when people are blind, they tend not to see what's right in front of them. Think with logic, not emotional programming and then you'll see what I mean. I'm white myself and certainly not a Communist. God will make pay all who don't use their heads, not just blind nationalists who think their country is always right, no matter what it does and to whom. When people - no matter what ideology they follow - stop using their God-given minds, they become like cattle and therefore life will treat them like cattle. America went from being "One nation under God" to "One nation under Satan", all because of people in general support immorality. When either Communists or nationalists support immoral actions, whether it be immorality in one's own society or immoral wars based on lies, God will make them pay for it by allowing evil to befall them. Christian Zionists brought great evil upon America by supporting the moral thrash that is Nazi Israel. Communists and their Satanic progenitors brought evil upon the States by promoting a.o. sexual degeneracy and obsession.
There's a difference between a nationalist/patriot who's using his mind and critically analyzing what his leaders are doing and a blind nationalist who unquestionably agrees with his leaders; the first one is a blessing to his country, the second one is a curse. God sees who is who and rewards or punishes accordingly.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Jim said (October 8, 2018):
A most timely article on polarization.
Unfortunately, neither side has it right. Their beliefs as to what was
Right and true didn’t agree with the evidence. I was there as a naval officer attached to the Marine Corps at Camp Pendleton when in late July 1964 President Johnson announced there was an unprovoked attack
on a US Navy destroyer off the coast of Viet Nam. I believed him and so did
Everyone else on base and in every US military base in America and all over the world.
He told everyone who watched him we the American people and the US military are going to war.
He was our boss. No one questioned his words that day. Yet, he lied. Evidence has shown
No such incident occurred. So, who was the dupe? Me and millions like me or all the anti-war
Protestors and their agitators? We were all conned. We are being conned once again to pick a side.
Be careful which side you pick. They both could be wrong.