The "Hate" Emanates from the Left
October 27, 2018

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October 27, 2018
Marco A said (October 27, 2018):
“But know this, that in the last days a critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power; and from these turn away.â€
2 Timothy 3
The left-right paradigm is false, we know this; however, it is impossible to ignore how openly evil the Left has become. These people hate anything that is good because they are evil, they mock anything that is wholesome because they are broken, they destroy any attempt to stop their onslaught on culture and downward progressive fall, because they are damned and on their way to Hell. They are a cruel hypocritical people who rally against crimes of a political nature that offends them, but justify the abject slaughter of millions of children every year in the wombs of their mothers. The type of people who constantly praise the medical establishment for giving longevity to their depraved lives, but are eager to see that same establishment wipe away old filth through euthanasia because they use up funds that are of course – meant to be allocated mainly for themselves.
But the above accusation would only be met with abject mockery by a true leftist, because a true leftist is also a true nihilist who believes in nothing while the system they have created demands only scientific observations as arguments – moral absolutes need not apply.
The type of creature that over a hundred years of Marxist and Darwinist thought has produced. These moral relativists who are of an artificial unhealthy mind are finishing up an artificial, unhealthy and unnatural system where they can thrive for the next million years while the rest of us will have to grievously suffer before dying off, along with our God.
Satan’s absolute rule will not be realized until the last Christian is corrupted and dies.
These moral relativists are the worst of humanity ever seen. A people who have no God other than themselves are determining the course of our future. To understand what a moral relativist really is, these are the cowards who would debate whether or not the rape of a woman was permissible given the circumstances – maybe she was a bigoted Trump supporter, now receiving her just due by a gang of blacks.
This isn’t an exaggerated example, these people will justify anything that satisfies their hatred and cruelty.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Boris said (October 27, 2018):
Republicans and Democrats have been in bed together for some time and while on the grass-roots, ground level there may be differences between the "republicans" and "democrats," both parties, much like the "secret society organizations" have been subverted.
It occurs to me that while the Republicans publicly denounce open borders at the same time supporting big business and big business is about big profits and big profits means as little costs as possible and labor has always been the biggest cost of doing business, what better way to cut labor costs than by importing "undocumented workers who do not receive the protections under the law?"
This has been going on in this country since the days of the "robber barons" and world wide since, well, commerce was initiated.
What you get before you is a choreographed dance of words and rhetoric; each side condemning their own actions through blame that the other side is engaging in those actions.
So the Democratic party blames the Republicans for racism when the Democrats consistently use race to foment opposition against the Republicans; Democrats blame "big business" for the "wealth gap" thus initiate taxes to compensate, but that only results in higher prices for goods and services by those same Big Businesses to compensate for the losses while both parties hold stock in those same Big Businesses, thus profit no matter the outcome, and creates the notion of the "big, bad monsters" that are the Republicans and the loser in all of this is ALWAYS the people as each party takes turns sucking the life.
Maybe it is high time we adopt something new by appropriating from Richard Pryor and vote "None of the Above" ... In fact, that should be the Third Party in America: None of the Above.